0 thoughts on “Co-conspirator of 9/11 attacks says Saudi prince financed operation”
  1. I have a signed statement from “Tony Sami”. An Egyptian who owned STT Travel. Based in New York with 12 more outlets, he claimed he brought in the first WTC bombers. Then he brought in Mahummed Atta and his crew.
    He attended two meetings with Atta where large amounts of money were thrown around in plastic shopping bags. Tony said Atta appeared a nice man.
    I met Tony in Hakea Remand Center and then again at Acacia prison. I have a signed statement by him detailing what was done to him by the Australian Federal Police and Australian Tax Office.
    He refused to be an “informer” on the African and Muslim community of Perth as he had a successful accounting business. He also went directly to US authorities while an Australian citizen and exposed the 2004 plots against US targets and Australian targets. AFP Agents were furious he had not gone to them first.
    Tony received $18 million dollars from the US State Department for his information.
    Its funny who you meet in jail isn’t it 🙂

  2. This article is interesting, perhaps important, but not essential. It seems to have no bearing on the fundamental finding that 9/11 was a very evident false flag and that just about all watchdogs that should have denounced it, starting with anti-war and Islamic organizations around the world, have turned a blind eye to it.

  3. The article is lame-Left Conspiracy jew matrix. The Jews did 911. As Dr .Sabrosky of the US War College said:”Only they had the resources,and political cover to do 911″ . Funny how in New York City,a place where their are more Jews than Israel,NO JEWS were fatalities that day ! Larry Silverstein owner of the WTC,just had to meet his dermatologist that day:he was infamous for never missing work! But most of all,after making just TWO PAYMENTS on an insurance policy for the building ,he collected 4 BILLION in compensation. BB said:”This is good for us”. The dancing Israelis were released at Federal Judge Mukaseys orders-later Bush 2 AG- he is an Orthodox Jew Republican.(Right Jew Matrix)..well as William Krystels PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY said:”We need another Pearl Harbor event”. That was a false flag too ! SEE:INFAMY -John Toland. THE NEW DEALERS WAR- Fleming .HUMAN SMOKE- Baker.

  4. Nice try to deflect the truth . They’re aware people are catching on about the truth, they need some way to take the heat off them and trick the stupid goyim.

  5. Right after that travesty against Islam called 9/11 shaykh Awlaki recorded this lectures regarding the infringements of the rights of Muslims in America……little did he know that they would reach the level of killing him without due process. Refer to Jeremy Scahill’s videos on this on YT.

  6. The Jews did 9/11 and many people in other countries knew it before we did. Just a few days after the Israel attack to the twin towers there were documentaries in Mexico and Latin America of the 2000 Jews that did not go to work on September 11 2001 and the “Dancing Israelis”, The Plane that hit the Pentagon that there were no parts, no fuselage, no bodies, no nothing just a hole in the wall. My brother in law who is an architect told me in December 2001, that he and a group of people asserted that those buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, and there were reports that more than 200Israelis tested positive for explosives but the State Department “deported them” for “visa violation” and were never investigated. etc………….

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