
Ed-note (Sabba) – The violence that is now shaking Macedonia is closely related to the announced ‘colored revolution’ which was to kick off on 17 May 2016.

On May 09, Macedonian police has arrested an armed group which had infiltrated the country 8 months before, armed and financed by the usual suspects in order to spread terror attacks and chaos in this Christian Orthodox country

This in turn is very closely linked to Ukraine, Russia and her pipeline….

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  1. OF coarse it is .It all started by the US when Putin said his Turkish Stream would go through Macedonia to reach Serbia a friend of Russia,s . Enter Obommer and the CIA -Obommer to CIA stir up the Muslims in northern Macedonia who constitute 25 % of the population this will stop Putin as the Macedonian President will “get the message ” and block Putin to save his country. Simple !

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