ed note–someone out there (and especially one of the experts from that particular ‘neighborhood’ referenced here often who does not/will not acknowledge what is now the coup in process taking place against DJT) please remind all of us the last time that a former FBI director got ‘political’ and attempted to undermine the popular support of a sitting president with statements such as this?
And consider the logical extension of what Comey is asking for here in rousing support for Trump’s ‘opponent’ in 2020, without even knowing who it is–
What this means is that IT DOES NOT MATTER who it is, as long as it isn’t Trump, which means it could be anyone, as long as said ‘opponent’ can be kept on a leash and controlled by Judea, Inc and its ‘Deep State’ in America.
Mueller and Comey are as dirty as two hogs at a trough. Their track records speak for themselves. But the JMSM papers them over. And if, in future, either of them become expendable, they’re just goy anyway, so no problem at all.