An intelligence document distributed by the IDF described in detail the raid plan for the border area, including the exact number of hostages. The information was passed to the Gaza Division – and completely ignored.


ed note–as always, LOTS of important protocols that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to know about this one.


Firsto, it needs to be understood that this–Israeli foreknowledge of Oct. 7th–is not ‘news’.


From the very moment this event took place, various media outlets, many of them even HQ’d within that most savage of nations, the Jewish state, have published first-hand, eye-witness accounts of various individuals attached to the IDF and Unit 8200 who stated that the events of that day were well-known but that the warnings were ‘ignored’.


Now, with this as an established fact, the only question left to answer is whether these warnings were ignored as a result of ‘incompetance’ (as Israel alleges) or whether they were ignored because Netanyahu and his Armageddonist government needed the attacks to take place in order to set into motion what it is that these Torah Terrorists have been planning for the last 3,000 years, which is nothing short of WWIII.


Should not be a difficult puzzle to put together, but for the sake of those who still to this day (including a depressingly-high percentage of those holding proud membership in the ‘pro-Palestinian resistance movement) choose to accept the ‘excuse’ which that most savage of nations has given in the aftermath of Oct 7th, i.e. that she was ‘taken by surprise’, we’ll spell it out for you in 2 simple words–




Now, at this point, the question that needs to be asked and explored is the following–Why run a story such as this NOW, at THIS TIME, in the run-up to what is very likely going to be a MASSIVE attack on Lebanon wherein the US is likely to get involved?


In answering this, it is important to note a few historical facts related to all of this, ladies and Gentile-men, which is that everything taking place today has taken place previously, and we are talking about all the way back to the ‘good ol’ days’ when the Jews were involved in a suicidal war against Rome.


At the time, there were those nutcases such as the Zealots and the Sicarri who believed that they were on ‘God’s Mission’ to defeat the Romans and drive them out of Judea as the necessary precursor to the arrival of ‘Moschiac’, the ‘Messiah’ (warlord) predicted to arrive and who would ensconce the Jews as rulers of the world.


And on the other side of the Judaic divide was everyone else who thought that the Zealots and Sicarri were–borrowing a yiddish word which the Jews like to throw around a lot–‘meshugganah’, i.e. ‘insane’, and that the entire revolt against Rome was a recipe for disaster and that it needed to end immediately.


And there are many who see it this way today, not because they are ‘true’ Jews who are compassionate, humanitarian and who adhere devoutly to the precept of ‘love thy neighbor’, but rather because they see the present war/approaching Apocalypse and the manner in which all the heavy losses associated with this will affect them in a very personal and dramatic way.


Which means that somewhere (possibly) there is a plan, a plot, a conspiracy, if you will, to do away with Netanyahu and his Armageddonist government before their actions lead to a repeat of what took place in 70 AD, and that therefore, in order (for Netanyahu & co) to circumvent these plans/plots/conspiracies, Netanyahu’s people (which includes the editors and publishers of the website where this news piece originated that are cut from the same cloth as his Armageddonist government) are running stories blaming the IDF for the events of Oct. 7th as a pre-emptive counter-measure for whatever may be forthcoming.


Whatever the case may be, ladies and Gentile-men, what it all indicates is how dangerous and how dire the times are right now in which we all find ourselves, and that any moment, without the slightest warning, we could all find ourselves neck-deep in nuclear war as a result of the world not taking seriously the warnings of Jesus Christ Himself concerning the diabolically-insane nature of these people whom He personally referred to as ‘children of their father, the devil’.



Israel National News


Kan reports that intelligence documents in the possession of the Gaza Division of the IDF and the Intelligence Corps showed the plans for the October 7th massacre in minute detail, and were distributed less than three weeks before the invasion.


Security officials added that the document was known to the top intelligence echelon, and at the very least to the Gaza Division.


The document, under the title ‘End-to-end detailed raid training’, describes in detail a series of exercises carried out by Hamas elite units in which they practiced raiding military posts and kibbutzim, kidnapping soldiers and civilians, and even instructions on how to hold and guard the hostages once they were already in Gaza.


According to the document, the first step in the exercise is to create breaches in a dummy IDF post built in Gaza that simulates the posts in the Gaza border area. The exercise was carried out by four companies and each company received a different post.


According to the report, Southern Command and Gaza Division intelligence were not only aware of Hamas’ kidnapping plan but also the conditions for holding the hostages, including instructions in the document to the kidnappers on how to handle extreme cases, how to hold the hostages, and under what conditions they could be executed.


The assessment that Hamas’ plan was to kidnap between 200 and 250 soldiers and civilians, including women and children, was completely ignored.

2 thoughts on “Completely Ignored: IDF was warned of Oct. 7 massacre plan weeks in advance”
  1. A most likely scenario is that IDF knew of the plans, passed them on to Netanyahu & co, all were in cahoots with the understanding the war would only be Gaza, but now that Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, etc are next, IDF is getting cold feet and therefore a mutiny is about to take place that Netanyahu and co must kneecap.

    ed note– agreed on all points, excellent analysis on your part.

  2. I might add this……
    A team of Gaza-embedded Mista’arvim (Israeli spies pretending to be Arab) were a part of the whole operation. They would be the ones who were the “leaders” and “planners” that would then report back to their superiors of when and where events were to take place. The Oct 7th attack was allowed to “happen”, in order to have an excuse for the IDF to strike back and do what they have been doing for months now. Israel also knew that western media and western politicians would run cover for them and give sanction for anything they did. The current religious-extremist Israeli government are modern-day Sicarii and Zealots.

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