ed note–as we cautioned here, to both the ‘pro’ and ‘anti’ Trumpers, Mueller’s report having concluded that no ‘collusion’ took place between the Trump campaign and the Russians means nothing other than that the ball will wind up being chased and carried on another playing field.
All of Judea, Inc’s hirelings in Congress, especially but not limited to Nadler, Engel, Schiff, and all the others of the non-Gentile persuasion, are not going to let up in their drive to unseat DJT until either they find themselves in some kind of serious legal jeopardy or else they get ‘the call’ from Tel Aviv telling them to cease and desist, and the fact that they haven’t gotten ‘the call’ should be a wake-up call all its own to that gaggle of ‘industry experts’ out there trying to operate within a multi-dimensional political paradigm with only one-dimensional analytical skills whose daily mantra is that since Trump’s daughter ‘converted’ to Judaism that this means he is just another rubber stamp for all the wars and mayhem which the Jewish state demands.