2 thoughts on “Cop Harasses Woman For Wearing Hijab At Public Library”
  1. I am amazed at how much the hijab upsets people. Just the simple scarf, not even full niqab which, I admit, I have a few issues with at times. The other day a “lovely old woman” I have known for some time turned into a raving maniac over women wearing the scarf, submissive, beaten, no spines, etc. From a quiet woman paddling around in a warm pool she became rabid within an instant.

    When I mentioned that I had worn the scarf for several years, her response was that they should burn the damn things all around the world. I tried the usual rebuttals about the truth of hijab in basic Islam and how many women chose to not wear it. I mentioned Hasidic women wearing wigs to cover their real hair. I mentioned a few things. She of course did not listen. Because by then she was off on how all the Syrian immigrants to Canada contained a lot of terrorists and were costing our medical system…. etc etc.

    At that point I said to her, “You are being offensive and I cannot listen. Your rudeness and hatred pollute the pool.”, plugged in my headset and took off to the lanes to work off my frustration with her.

    I found when I wore it, people who had seen me around for 15 years suddenly asked questions about “your people”…. Perceptions changed but I also found more men opened doors for me and spoke with respect. That was just over a decade past and things have changed considerably even over that short time span.

    Remember that these private firms who police libraries, museums, etc etc, are often working for Israeli firms and carry strong pro-Israel sentiments. Many are straight out Israeli assets. Just last summer, because I was carrying a large Palestinian flag on my motorbike in front of the Victoria Museum, a strongly-accented Israeli guard came over and identified himself to me and let me know how much he loved Palestine and appreciated my gesture. This fellow could be one such only a tad more zealous in his approach. Remember, Purim. Also… this woman below, was the Mother of Jesus and she wore the head covering…


  2. 100 years ago, most women in Europe wore head covering, anyone in Europe can ask their grandmother if she remembers her grand mother and how she was dressed.
    Just because Europe decided to get rid of it, does not mean the rest of women should. Today if there are women who follow the blessed mother of Jesus (pbuh), they are muslim women.

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