
Damas Pakada says officers threatened to shoot him in the head without provocation; assailants suspended

Times of Israel

Two Israeli policemen have been suspended after video footage emerged on Monday showing them pummeling an Ethiopian-born IDF soldier, Damas Pakada, who alleged he was the target of a racist attack.

The incident took place in Holon, south of Tel Aviv, on Sunday evening, where police were cordoning off a street due to a suspicious object.

“I feel terrible, and humiliated. This is a disgrace to the State of Israel,” Pakada told Channel 2 Monday. “It’s because of [my] skin color,” he said.

After the footage was obtained by Pakada’s family, he was released from custody, with police promising to investigate the matter.

Pakada told Channel 10 that he was riding his bicycle when he noticed the two officers.

He said that he asked them what they were up to and one of them confronted him and pushed him off his bike, saying, “I can do whatever I want.”

He said that the officer threatened to shoot him in the head, and that they only let up only after he backed away and lifted a rock.

“The cop told me, ‘I’m doing my job and if I need to put a bullet in your head, I would do it. I am proud of my job,’” he told Ynet.

Several police then detained the soldier for alleged assault, although the footage showed that Pakada did not attack them with the rock in his hand.

Pakada is a 21-year-old orphan who emigrated from Ethiopia with his four siblings seven years ago.

He said he couldn’t remove the blood stains from his army uniform.

“It doesn’t matter if this is a soldier in uniform or a normal citizen, this is not how an officer is expected to behave,” a police source told Channel 2.

“Policemen work hard to serve the public and a rare event like this will not pass in silence,” the source said.

Another officer termed the incident “shameful.”

“When I saw the clip, I couldn’t believe I was in Israel,” Pakada’s brother told Channel 2. “I was sure it was a prank, that this is a clip from the US of white cops beating black citizens for no reason. Only by the army uniform, could I see that it was my brother.”

0 thoughts on “Cops beat Ethiopian IDF soldier in alleged racist attack”
  1. Big riots / demonstration in Baltimore, Maryland, USA…with fires.

    I say,let the riots and the fires begin. The rage against the machine HAS TO begin somewhere and somehow. Nothing is going to change for the better thru the voting process or pinning hopes on whatever process is the latest fad.

    Unfortunately, people do not want to go without the comforts of life such as running water, electricity, having their food pantry with food to eat.

    It IS going to take a type of warfare and to get it done, it aint going to be pretty. Blood may be involved as well..of course. People want change but are not willing to endure the hardships associated with that. have what you have today; a lot of complaining and whining but the beat goes on.

  2. This is exactly what I and others have been saying on another anti-jew website which has a American majority on it . The time comes when the talking is over and action has to take place but as many Americans have told me the 99 % are completely brainwashed by the jews they would rather eat their mac burger watch cable and never talk politics unless it was to vote in the 2 jewish owned parties . The jews are sly talk about anything else and you are a commie/socialist/left winger /a red so you cant even join a union or they will say __anti-free enterprise -only about 20 % of Americans are in a union -jews again -Dont let the cattle get together and form a union with one mind no say its anti-American -say you are disloyal to the USA so at work you dont fight against the boss if he pays lousy you fight against yopur OWN fellow workers this US jewish policy has now been installed by the UK jews many years ago this stops you revolting against them your own inbuilt loyalty to the flag but the stars and stripes now has stars of David in it. They KNOW it the Jews mountains of hollowpoints are waiting for you the Jews always think ahead – US citizens -corralled -fenced -in and fed GMO just like the jews comment about us being cattle.

  3. There are definitely kosher professional agitators in Baltimore.
    If they can export/import them to Libya, Egypt, USSR, and so on and on and on, then they can certainly truck them into Maryland for a prime time competition.
    Locals are already saying that these agitators are not from Baltimore.
    We do not need more bloodshed.
    We need to counter their subversion and treachery with our own education and organization.
    Wherever blood is lawlessly shed, it is also there that many more enemies of peace will be made to replace the one that is dead.
    Jews feed on raw blood.
    Stop the Talmudic bloodletting and sacrifice.
    This is their game.
    You cannot beat them until you change that.
    You cannot beat the jews by killing your own brothers and sisters that are also considered an enemy by the jews themselves.
    Don’t you not yet get that they can import these same Talmudic agitators into any city in this nation and others?

  4. Organize ‘riots’ to attack the seats of power in every State of the Union. Not foolishly burn stores and such. And yes that includes the Jewish seats of power as well. Do not allow them to sit back in the shadows and control everything.

    Hitler did it right. He went after them and routed them out…physically when necessary. Sitting back and holding educational seminars ain’t gonna cut it.

  5. @6
    Hitler did it after he had organized an overwhelming infrastructure that could squash any Jewish or Jewish sympathizing dogs resistance.
    Which means he had to educate the people and then route out the cancer piece by piece before he took off the Kippah wearing heads.
    We are not there yet.
    Our first graders in the west are not yet dreaming about college and career.
    I personally don’t mind at all rounding ALL of these offensive chosen fools and banishing them all from the rest of humanity.
    I would even include payback by trashing, or destroying, or converting every synagogue into fruitful dirt and/or children’s recreation centers in their places.
    But we do not have that kind of infrastructure yet.
    We do not even have Hamas or Hezbollah numbers for that kind of resistance in the west.
    So I suggest education for now.
    Then hopefully soon we can open up a united can of Whoop-Ass on this Jewish cancer and cure our own disease.
    I got no problem with kicking the shit out of these people.
    I just have a problem with doing it now.
    It would not work now.

  6. If these monsters provoke people by killing them every where, people are going to react and do what they did, riots, burning, stealing, etc… they have to demonstrate their anger by the way the 1% treats the 99%.

  7. The Ethiopian soldier obviously has not checked how white Jews have been sterilizing many Ethiopians in Israel with Depo Provera, as black Jews will never be real Jews as far as they are concerned, just cannon fodder for use on the front lines, like the mug in this story.

    He should read ‘100,000 Radiations’ by Barry Chamish to see how white Jews treat Jews with coloured skin.

    6,000 out of 100,000 young coloured Jewish children died very soon after being irradiated with 35,000 times the maximum safe dose of radiation very soon after the state of Israel was formed, for alleged fungal ringworm of the scalp, which, very curiously, only the coloured Jews supposedly had, and none of the white Jews, who obviously had complete natural immunity to fungal ringworm of the scalp.

    The other coloured Jewish children who did not die at first were all severely injured by the massive overdose by X-Rays, many dying later from cancer, others suffering terrible brain damage, or epilepsy and other severe conditions.

    Even white Jews are not white people, as the Jews call white Caucasians ‘crackers’, regarding themselves as an entirely distinct race both in terms of their DNA and also in terms of the source of their souls, with Jews claiming that only Jewish souls come from God, whereas even white people who are not Jews have eternally and irredeemably non-living souls who come from Satan, from 3 lower hellish planets, as far as they are concerned.

  8. Yes. mothman. The Rev. Louis Farrakhan say so in one of his books “The Jews and the Black people” you can see that in the Internet, You Tube. Very interesting.
    How Israel in complicity with the US government also created the HIV and Ebola virus and injected it on people in Africa specially in Sierra Leon etc…. In Uganda in 2006 twelve Israeli doctors were sentence to death by hanging for injecting young kids with the deadly virus of HIV.

  9. It is a just verdict that they were hung for murder. In the initial trials for the AIDS bioweapon, they recruited homosexual men in San Francisco, and told them they wanted to ‘help’ them by vaccinating them against Hepatitis B, and after they received the poisoned vaccines, fatal AIDS was introduced.

    That is the main way it is transmitted, as all promiscuous people go to STD clinics, and all are invited to get ‘help’ like that, by having a Hepatitis B vaccine, and then they execute them as required like that, giving poisoned versions of that vaccine to specific people.

    That is why Jews make sure they control medicine wherever they can, and that is the ultimate nature of all Jewish medicine.

    Please pass the following link round;

  10. How and whom will identify the guilty Jews? this thread sounds like it condemns all Jews ~ what about the dozen or so who are Not guilty of being Jews, escapees you might call them Atzmon, Pappe, Shlomo (?) and a few others.
    i sense there’s two kinds of us anti-Israeli’s on here: i want an end to Israhell /send them all back where they came from, or anywhere; the only way a Jew could stay on Palestinian land would be thru some petition and grant. IE when Palestine is from the Euphrates R to the Sea and there’s no longer is a Star of David, Apartheid, colony of Jews. Jews can live there by permission of a new Palestine gov’t. (could happen)
    For some the eradication of all Jewry is the goal. For me the goal is to vaporize Israhell. (i don’t care if Jews get permission to return once the land is Free of Judaic rule)

  11. Darwin26 You have hit the nail on the head of the problem we have. Nutteryahu and his team of mass murderers must be eliminated there can be no second choices ,second opinions ,or any sort of balance precisely because there is no balance in the Judaismic take-over of this world and its resources .They dont say =well we will think about it -THEY DO IT !! People must make a decision either they are for us or against us no half measures ! I see things in black and white- beige doesnt exist for me there is no turning back or second thoughts .We are either a force of Power to be reckoned with or we give in and thats something I have never done .I would rather die for a cause putting my whole heart and soul into it than be a nondescript doubter . I dont want just talkers I want ACTION ! BY action the jews are winning fire must be fought with fire and I still have fire in me .

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