7 thoughts on “Crazed, whack-job Judaic acolytes play concern-troll over ‘Them Mooooz-Lums’…”
  1. We are living under Zionism. The Zionist own the media, the banks, the entertainment field and our government. I am pro-life. Not one Jewish Rep. ion Congress ever votes for our pro-life bills. Jewish people do not join the military and fight in our crafted wars. Combined, the Zionist are the richest group in the world, but not spreading it world wide to raise the level of education, health, business to it. Christians are the builders. We start with a church, a community center, a school, a hospital, teach business and health procedures to communities, we challenge undemocratic leadership and encourage the communities to participate in their government That is why the Zionist seek our demise. We challenge them, we thwart their goals, ambitions to steal all the countries resources.
    To their credit they are very intelligent and aggressive and 50 years ahead of us in implementing their agenda. Thanks to the Internet , we are catching up.

  2. Donald Trump says he “wants to find out why they (Muslims) hate us.” Everyone in the know thinks the treatment of Palestine is known by the general American populace. It isn’t! And someone needs to patiently need to explain this to the Republican front runner or he will proceed in ignorance, I wish someone could take him on a tour of Hebron or the Israeli concentration camps. Netanyahu has defined the terms for too long.

  3. I left a reply, you didn’t print it or amI doing something wrong in trying to locate it.js

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