“China’s military modernization has the potential to reduce core US military technological advantages… China is investing in capabilities designed to defeat adversary power projection and counter third-party, including US, intervention during a crisis or conflict,” the Pentagon report stated.
0 thoughts on “Crouching Tiger: US Suspects China of Global Military Ambitions”
China has a one child policy which means that these men are growing up to spend and invest their money. They have advanced quickly in much.
Hidden Dragon-only for those on a Jew dope trip. China suspects that the US wants to rule the world and that they are led by a madman named Nutteryahu . They are being forced to build up their forces due to US aggression against the World and particularly Russia and China -we cannot let those dam commie reds build up their forces only Israel and the US can do that -England is too poor so the people there must starve to death to buy our 100 billion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ replacement for Trident nuke subs -though like before Cameron will have to ask our permission to fire them . Why shouldnt we rule the World ( voice from behind ) sorry I meant Israel rule the World the 99 % should be slaves because we are exceptional we can kill millions of world citizens every year with our DU missiles cluster bombs made to kill civilians we dont care if they are banned because WE ! are exceptional and are servants of the Great god Nutteryahu who told us to make a nuke war with Russia and China so that the Jews can rule us all . A shout from the Pressi-where,s my fix ! I am running out of words -a doctor runs up with a syringe of dope and injects him . -Ah ! thats better let us all Americans die for our beloved country of Israel -word in ear -I mean of course the US .
See how the Jews get the ball running for conflict between people? Than when millions die ,or get maimed,they play “victim”,of what they wrought! The Jews make people fight one another,and give them no peace”. Adolf Hitler. See Hitler speaks of Jews,and Masons,You Tube.
Well, I’m here in Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam and the people here know their history pretty well when it comes to China.
There is a lot of trade between the two countries. There is a Chinese garment factory just about 3 blocks from our house. It employs mostly Vietnamese workers of course but there is a small population of Chinese in our neighborhood.
I read a piece about a week ago where China still has ambitions for many islands in the South China Sea and there reasoning was Natural Disaster Preparations. They are building up islands to accommodate airstrips and the likes. Ha Noi (where the Vietnamese government is headquartered) has been striking deals with both China and the United States regarding military equipment. Other island nations are relying only on the US for military equipment and training.
But, I wonder sometimes if all this US / China posturing is a script to bring great turmoil to Asia as has been done in the Middle East & Balkans.
The Chinese I know tell me their is no such thing as a
Vietnamese race.
They tell me that these are “Chinese” people in Vietnam.
“Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”.
Or something of this sort they tell me.
Heck of a game being played eh 4?
There are 3 main races. Negroid, Caucaziod, and Mongoloid. Indians of the Americas & Canada and ‘Asian’s’ are of the Mongoloid race.
So following that line of genetics, all ‘Asians’ are from a root. But whoever it was that said there was a Vietnamese race must be mentally retarded. There is no such thing and simply speaking about it is a waste of time. It’s like saying there is a Mexican race or a British race….or a jewish race.
America has been gutted. In fact, it is practically a gutted out pile of ashes. Thanks to the elite jew pig.
China was built up on purpose and for a purpose, in my opinion. Those jews that were ‘secreting away’ military high tech United States information and other materials into China was intentional, and not just for the short term benefit of receiving cash.
American ( aka jew owned ) corporation chose to move to China. China didn’t “steal” jobs from America. China was given jobs when jew owned international / America companies went there. Did they or do they care that America is now in ruins? Of course not. And it’s their same game plan going way back into history; the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Medes, the Assyrians, the Greeks, the Romans, Spain, Morocco, Germany, etc, etc. And when they are finished with China, they too will be tossed to the curb. But first, China will be like the old Soviet Union, or better yet..like the Japanese Empire that swallowed up most of Asia. and so it will be that the US & China will be standing eye to eye with the filthy jew sitting back securely in comfort.
Question is: Does China know this?
I think they do but right now they are going to milk it for all it’s worth, and if the jew tries to one day stab them in the back, me thinks China is not going to lie down the way America has.
They never said that there was a ‘Vietnamese’ race. They said there was no Vietnamese race.
There are at least 55 “races” in China alone.
I also believe your last point is perfectly accurate.
Their alliance and need for resources and defense with Russia and Central Asia is
a must.
China by herself is nothing more than a target.
Russia without China is still a formidable enemy.
Hopefully China, the Judaic American Wall Street creation
can see this.
They do.
Either way,
Kiss your wife and pet your dog before the next war starts.
You won’t have to worry about what you will get either them for
Rejoice Rapturist.
You will all be watching this from outer space.
Or, as you crazy fools call it, heaven.
Genetically speaking (chromosomes) there are 3 main races. Everything else is a mixture. Saying there in or is not a Vietnamese race is ludicrous and should not be debated by anybody that is even a little knowledgeable about genetics and the Y chromosome, and it’s passage from generation to generation.
I’m not as pessimistic as you. You are not alone as many are fearful of the future because of nuclear wars. If Israel launched nuclear missiles, it will be wiped off the map quickly. That little shit hole would flat out disappear.
China, Russia, and the United States won’t start a nuclear war.
I don’t believe in any “Gods” either. Don’t celebrate Christmas nor burn incense to Buddha. Don’t own dogs anymore either. To me, dogs and such critters belong outdoors. But I will say that I don’t mind kissing my Vietnamese wife.
China has a one child policy which means that these men are growing up to spend and invest their money. They have advanced quickly in much.
Hidden Dragon-only for those on a Jew dope trip. China suspects that the US wants to rule the world and that they are led by a madman named Nutteryahu . They are being forced to build up their forces due to US aggression against the World and particularly Russia and China -we cannot let those dam commie reds build up their forces only Israel and the US can do that -England is too poor so the people there must starve to death to buy our 100 billion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ replacement for Trident nuke subs -though like before Cameron will have to ask our permission to fire them . Why shouldnt we rule the World ( voice from behind ) sorry I meant Israel rule the World the 99 % should be slaves because we are exceptional we can kill millions of world citizens every year with our DU missiles cluster bombs made to kill civilians we dont care if they are banned because WE ! are exceptional and are servants of the Great god Nutteryahu who told us to make a nuke war with Russia and China so that the Jews can rule us all . A shout from the Pressi-where,s my fix ! I am running out of words -a doctor runs up with a syringe of dope and injects him . -Ah ! thats better let us all Americans die for our beloved country of Israel -word in ear -I mean of course the US .
See how the Jews get the ball running for conflict between people? Than when millions die ,or get maimed,they play “victim”,of what they wrought! The Jews make people fight one another,and give them no peace”. Adolf Hitler. See Hitler speaks of Jews,and Masons,You Tube.
Well, I’m here in Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam and the people here know their history pretty well when it comes to China.
There is a lot of trade between the two countries. There is a Chinese garment factory just about 3 blocks from our house. It employs mostly Vietnamese workers of course but there is a small population of Chinese in our neighborhood.
I read a piece about a week ago where China still has ambitions for many islands in the South China Sea and there reasoning was Natural Disaster Preparations. They are building up islands to accommodate airstrips and the likes. Ha Noi (where the Vietnamese government is headquartered) has been striking deals with both China and the United States regarding military equipment. Other island nations are relying only on the US for military equipment and training.
But, I wonder sometimes if all this US / China posturing is a script to bring great turmoil to Asia as has been done in the Middle East & Balkans.
The Chinese I know tell me their is no such thing as a
Vietnamese race.
They tell me that these are “Chinese” people in Vietnam.
“Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”.
Or something of this sort they tell me.
Heck of a game being played eh 4?
There are 3 main races. Negroid, Caucaziod, and Mongoloid. Indians of the Americas & Canada and ‘Asian’s’ are of the Mongoloid race.
So following that line of genetics, all ‘Asians’ are from a root. But whoever it was that said there was a Vietnamese race must be mentally retarded. There is no such thing and simply speaking about it is a waste of time. It’s like saying there is a Mexican race or a British race….or a jewish race.
America has been gutted. In fact, it is practically a gutted out pile of ashes. Thanks to the elite jew pig.
China was built up on purpose and for a purpose, in my opinion. Those jews that were ‘secreting away’ military high tech United States information and other materials into China was intentional, and not just for the short term benefit of receiving cash.
American ( aka jew owned ) corporation chose to move to China. China didn’t “steal” jobs from America. China was given jobs when jew owned international / America companies went there. Did they or do they care that America is now in ruins? Of course not. And it’s their same game plan going way back into history; the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Medes, the Assyrians, the Greeks, the Romans, Spain, Morocco, Germany, etc, etc. And when they are finished with China, they too will be tossed to the curb. But first, China will be like the old Soviet Union, or better yet..like the Japanese Empire that swallowed up most of Asia. and so it will be that the US & China will be standing eye to eye with the filthy jew sitting back securely in comfort.
Question is: Does China know this?
I think they do but right now they are going to milk it for all it’s worth, and if the jew tries to one day stab them in the back, me thinks China is not going to lie down the way America has.
They never said that there was a ‘Vietnamese’ race. They said there was no Vietnamese race.
There are at least 55 “races” in China alone.
I also believe your last point is perfectly accurate.
Their alliance and need for resources and defense with Russia and Central Asia is
a must.
China by herself is nothing more than a target.
Russia without China is still a formidable enemy.
Hopefully China, the Judaic American Wall Street creation
can see this.
They do.
Either way,
Kiss your wife and pet your dog before the next war starts.
You won’t have to worry about what you will get either them for
Rejoice Rapturist.
You will all be watching this from outer space.
Or, as you crazy fools call it, heaven.
Genetically speaking (chromosomes) there are 3 main races. Everything else is a mixture. Saying there in or is not a Vietnamese race is ludicrous and should not be debated by anybody that is even a little knowledgeable about genetics and the Y chromosome, and it’s passage from generation to generation.
I’m not as pessimistic as you. You are not alone as many are fearful of the future because of nuclear wars. If Israel launched nuclear missiles, it will be wiped off the map quickly. That little shit hole would flat out disappear.
China, Russia, and the United States won’t start a nuclear war.
I don’t believe in any “Gods” either. Don’t celebrate Christmas nor burn incense to Buddha. Don’t own dogs anymore either. To me, dogs and such critters belong outdoors. But I will say that I don’t mind kissing my Vietnamese wife.