More than 20 Democrats sign letter, say Boehner is using ‘a foreign leader as a political tool.’


A group of almost two dozen liberal Democrats have signed a letter to the leader of the U.S. House of Representatives asking him to postpone Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint meeting of Congress next month.

Netanyahu’s speech is controversial because it comes as the Obama administration is negotiating with Iran over that country’s nuclear program and just two weeks before Netanyahu faces voters for re-election.

The address is slated for March 3. Netanyahu is expected to extend his warning of the dangers inherent in allowing Iran to acquire nuclear-weapons capability. House Speaker John Boehner did not consult with the White House before inviting Israel’s prime minister.

The Democrats say that Boehner “appears to be using a foreign leader as a political tool.”

The letter was written by Democratic Reps. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, Steve Cohen of Tennessee and Maxine Waters of California and was signed by 20 other Democrats.

Also on Thursday, the National Iranian American Council took out a full-page advertisement in The New York Times slamming the planned speech to Congress by Israel’s prime minister.

“Will Congress side with our president or a foreign leader?” reads the ad in Thursday’s edition. “President Obama is on the verge of a diplomatic victory that will prevent war and prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. But Congressional hawks are bringing Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to Capitol Hill to push for new sanctions that could kill the talks and start a war.”

In the ad, a figure identified as House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner fills out a mock multiple-choice quiz, choosing Benjamin Netanyahu over Obama on the question “Who is our Commander in Chief?”

On Wednesday, a poll said almost two-thirds of Americans think Congress should have coordinated its invitation to Netanyahu with the White House, terming the invitation a “bad move.”

The invitation was arranged by the speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, the Ohio Republican, and by Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer.

But President Barack Obama was not alerted to the plan until after the invitation was extended.

Responses from the political and media spheres called the move anything from a breach of protocol to a violation of Obama’s foreign-policy responsibilities under the U.S. Constitution.

0 thoughts on “Democrats in letter to House leader: Postpone Netanyahu’s speech”
  1. I don’t understand what is the point with postponing speech of this foreign parasite? What difference does it make if he makes a speech tomorrow or next week? It is none of this foreign leader to come here, make a speech in our congress and and tell our politicians what to do or which direction to go…

    I am completely disappointed and hopeless about Republicans but I am surprised of our weak Democrats who have no guts to say that, it is none of Netanyahu’s business to come here and teach our weak & stupid politicians any new lessons… I hope American people would wake up and understand that this is an insulting…

  2. I love cats,and the photo reminds me of their hysterical antics,with there fellow felines. But I assure you,cats are much more honest,than most politicians ,under Jewish rule. In this I have learned;”Never say never”. as a young Republican;before the party was a Fundamentalist /Neoconservative insane asylum, I never dreamed that I would be ,out of alarm,need,and tactical reasons,be a Democrat, but today I must be,and no,have no illusions. But the Republicans are TOTALLY JEW Stooges today. This role ,was reserved soley for the Democrat Party from Wilson,(JFK an interlude-see JEWS KILLED JFK You Tube) until the ex Trotzkyites called Neoconservatives subverted the GOP ,in total,and all with Jew money of course. To be a ‘conservative’,today means pro jew ! This protest,is only 20 Democrats. Most will go along ,out of stupidity,cowardice,and pure terror. “The US Congress is Israeli Occupied Territory “,old time Republican Pat Buchanan famously said. The Republicans are paying their debts to the Jews ,who put them in. They wantmore money from them. They are all in Jude Suss’s blackmail book. See JUDE SUSS 1940 -You Tube)

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