Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan February 3, 2014. (photo credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Under the new job description, Ben Dahan, who served as the deputy religious affairs minister in the previous government, will also be responsible for the IDF’s Civil Administration running government affairs in the West Bank.
Ben Dahan has made controversial remarks about Palestinians. While discussing the resumption of peace talks in a radio interview in 2013, Ben Dahan said that “To me, they are like animals, they aren’t human.”
“The Palestinians aren’t educated towards peace, nor to they want it,” he said.
The Civil Administration is an IDF unit subordinate to the Defense Ministry responsible for governing West Bank planning, building and infrastructure in Israeli-controlled Area C. In addition, it is responsible for authorizing Palestinian travel and entry permits into Israel from Gaza and the West Bank.
Later that year, while discussing his opposition to Knesset legislation that would offer same-sex parents the same tax breaks as their heterosexual counterparts, Ben Dahan told Maariv that homosexual Jews were superior than gentiles — gay or straight.
“A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual,” he said.
Ben Dahan said that his opposition to the bill was not based on discrimination, but stemmed from his commitment to uphold the Jewish character of Israel.
“I have to keep the state Jewish. Things that contradict the values, culture or tradition will not receive a stamp of approval,” he said.
0 thoughts on “Deputy defense minister compares Palestinians to animals”
It does not surprise me that the good Rabbi thinks that Palestinians are animals. It clearly states in their Talmud that all non Jews, known by the Jews as beasts with two legs, the goyem, are simply on this earth to serve the Jews. Their role on earth is no different than any other animal and they should be treated by the Jews accordingly whenever the can get away with such treatment.
i’m away from my reg computer ~ sitting with the G-kdz ~ Sophie wants to know who this bloody little girl is on the shoulder of the blog? How or should i say why does this exist? How do you tell a 9 yo about the brutality she likely will only hear about in her life? i’m so thankful that i can log in without dealing with Word Press… i hate word press
What a scumbag. Mind you, he is of the same ilk as El Nitten.
“One strategy is for a single hyena to cause confusion
in the herd, while the others in the pack pick off an
older or weaker member and chase the rest away.”
“Packs work together effectively to isolate a herd animal,
sometimes one that is ill or infirm, and pursue it to the
The victors often squabble over the spoils, either among
themselves or with other powerful animals like lions.”
You see, I also consider the jew an animal.
They are by this accurate definition, hyenas.
It does not surprise me that the good Rabbi thinks that Palestinians are animals. It clearly states in their Talmud that all non Jews, known by the Jews as beasts with two legs, the goyem, are simply on this earth to serve the Jews. Their role on earth is no different than any other animal and they should be treated by the Jews accordingly whenever the can get away with such treatment.
i’m away from my reg computer ~ sitting with the G-kdz ~ Sophie wants to know who this bloody little girl is on the shoulder of the blog? How or should i say why does this exist? How do you tell a 9 yo about the brutality she likely will only hear about in her life? i’m so thankful that i can log in without dealing with Word Press… i hate word press
What a scumbag. Mind you, he is of the same ilk as El Nitten.
“One strategy is for a single hyena to cause confusion
in the herd, while the others in the pack pick off an
older or weaker member and chase the rest away.”
“Packs work together effectively to isolate a herd animal,
sometimes one that is ill or infirm, and pursue it to the
The victors often squabble over the spoils, either among
themselves or with other powerful animals like lions.”
You see, I also consider the jew an animal.
They are by this accurate definition, hyenas.
Horrid new government.
Nothing to see here. Move along, chattel.