
UNZ REVIEW – After September 11, 2001, the tragedy of Robert’s assassination was installed into the Neocon mythology of the Clash of Civilizations and the War on Terror the story. Sirhan became a precursor of Islamic terrorism on American soil. 

In 2008, on the 40th anniversary of Robert’s death, Sasha Issenberg of the Boston Globe recalled that the death of Robert Kennedy was “a first taste of Mideast terror.” He quotes Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz (best known as Jonathan Pollard’s lawyer), as saying:

“I thought of it as an act of violence motivated by hatred of Israel and of anybody who supported Israel. […] It was in some ways the beginning of Islamic terrorism in America. It was the first shot. A lot of us didn’t recognize it at the time.”

The fact that Sirhan was from a Christian family was lost on Dershowitz. The Jewish Forward took care to mention it on the same occasion, only to add that Islamic fanaticism ran in his veins anyway. CONTINUE READING

7 thoughts on “Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?”
  1. Once I knew the basics of how the coup against Kennedy, and the cover up, transpired, I struggled to figure out how competing backstabbing and tyrannical agencies, and pols and crats of the US Tyranny could have managed to work so close together. There just had to be a coordinating body, one that all the agencies, pols, and crats were beholden to.
    My search for this coordinating body bore no fruit until I became Khazarian-wise and learned that Kennedy was blocking the Israelis’ desire to build a bomb, and that he had also become aware of the Zionist fifth-column controlling the US Tyranny. He even began to spoil the base of their plunder and destruction, their grift-machine, the Federal Reserve. he also stood in the way of several other Khazarian projects–Vietnam, Laos, the great civil right plundering, etc.
    The Khazarian fifth-column, with an Israeli , Mossad, and gaggle of US Tyranny traitors to the American country, assassinated Kennedy that day, and gave formal birth to the US Tyranny.
    One is not a true American until resident in the ADL’s database.

  2. “President Kennedy’s assassination was the work of magicians. It was a stage trick, complete with accessories and fake mirrors, and when the curtain fell, the actors, and even the scenery disappeared. […] the plotters were correct when they guessed that their crime would be concealed by shadows and silences, that it would be blamed on a ‘madman’ and negligence.” The first sentence is the answer. All one need do is replace the first three words with any other strange event that has happened. The serpent is everywhere. Moses, the murderer, was a soothsayer and magician. Moses was learned in all the ways of the Egyptians. Moses controlled the serpent long ago. Who controls the serpent now? Hmmm… Hollywood magic perhaps.

  3. “Just hours after Robert’s assassination, the press was able to inform the American people, not only of the identity of the assassin, but also of his motive, and even of his detailed biography.” Imagine that. Sounds as if a few people had extrasensory perception at the time. Hmmm… The part about hating Israel just doesn’t make sense. What would hatred of Israel have to do with killing Kennedy? Everything in reverse. They, who control the serpent, control the world. The olive branch and laurel wreath control the serpent. The body of the serpent is government (mind-control). The blood of the serpent is fiat-money. Usury, the theft of time and energy, is the transfusion keeping the serpent young and prosperous. The tail of the serpent, freemasonry, write, produce and build upon Jehovah’s cornerstone. Jehovah (YHWH) is the beast of war, famine, death, hate, chaos, lies, theft, mind-control, fiat-money, usury, rape, murder, Hollywood magic, hive-mind, all-as-one mind-control, etc… After 9/11 the press was able to inform the American people, not only the identity of the, so-called, hijackers, but also of their motives, and even of their detailed biographies. Hmmm…

  4. “There are strong suspicions that the second shooter was Thane Eugene Cesar, a security guard hired for the evening, who was stuck behind Kennedy at the moment of the shooting, and seen with his pistol drawn by several witnesses.” Hired for the evening? Oh, how they scatter the pieces. Their puzzles are easily pieced together yet, when complete, must have the serpent’s final approval and confirmation before being allowed to present it to the masses. The serpent controls the narrative. The serpent rules the world. The serpent is everywhere.

  5. If you want to throw Israel into the mix, go right ahead – the more the merrier. A lot of various parties hated JFK and his agenda – so he had to go, and that includes the Israelis. I would say Israel more likely involved in RFK murder rather than JFK, mainly because 67 war already occurred etc etc. There are a lot of folks who don’t know that Sirhan was from Christian family. Don’t forget, pre-48, at least a 1/3 of Palestinian population was Christian. Israelis didn’t treat then any better than Muslims. They emigrated at a faster rate than Muslims because they had more western family connections. At the time Palestinians were part of the pan-Arabist mindset. Old PLO was part of that mindset, as well the Ba’athists, Nasserists in Egypt, other Arab groups and many Christians. The religious Muslim element didn’t come into play until you had the tinkering of Western powers & Mossad along with lots of Saudi $ and Wahhabi clergy infiltrating the mosques of these countries (and in the West as well). True that the Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1920, but by this time the rulers of Egypt kept a tight lid on them. This is part of the reason why Hamas was born.

  6. There is no such place as “Israel,” or “Israelis” for that matter.
    Just a hideout for the Khazarian carriers of the Judaic virus. A place, stolen, for the “Synagogue of Satan” to dwell.
    One is not a true American until resident in the ADL’s database.

  7. of course JEW killed the kennedys, ALL the numerous assassinated kennedys, decimated america’s grandest family, depopulated the decent catholic dynastic potential, ted stayed alive by pointedly wearing duct tape labeled “jew rules” across his mouth.
    i notice that the jew calendar says it is year 5778 since devil’s covenant, i.e., devil got into the act in the year 3760 Before Christ.
    it stands to reason to ask what the huan world would have looked like had people been able to pursue civilizational development without the diabolical interference of the evil parasite known as jew.
    how many fewer murders, plagues, grand larcenies, cases of bribery, how much less slavery, usury, social inequality, widespread rage and cruelty, prostitution, polluting the minds of young and old would have taken place without the open conduit of this evil parasite?
    i’d say at least 98%, in inverse proportion to the parasite’s presence in the gentile, i.e., human population.

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