0 thoughts on “Did We Vote for War?”
  1. I am pleased with this article…..:)
    However, I do not think this is how it will play out since they have to protect the land of the Israeli demon Forces.
    Would that resistance to tyranny became the meme of patriots then perhaps The US/NATO will stop killing our innocents, occupying our nations and messing with our freedom and well being.
    The demon forces would then have our undivided attention after imperial overstretch.

  2. That’s a good article, lasilencia. Pat Buchanan is one of my favorite writers. Obviously he can’t discuss the Jewish plague, because that would be the end of him, but he knows it exists.
    Buchanan mentions a propaganda mill in Washington DC that calls itself the “Foundation for Defense of Democracies.” (Their web site: http://www.defenddemocracy.org/ )
    The FDD is a handful of Jews who are focused on one thing: more wars for Israel.

  3. You got hand it to the Jews. They know us betters than we do. Having been discomfited when they first tried to drag the USA into a war on Syria, they knew: just wait until next election cycle, deluge the GOP with money–they wanted absolute certainty–and get a GOP majority–the absolutely most slavish Israel whores–in both houses. Now, it doesnt matter who’s president (not like every really does, but now they have uber ultra arch Zio support). If Obama has ANY love for humanity and this planet, he will finalize a nuke deal with Iran by Nov. 24. I’m not holding my breath.

  4. Thank you LASILENENCIA for adding Pat Buchanan. Thank you Mark Glenn,for allowing so many sources,within the Anti-Zionist Movement to be heard. It is brilliant,and the Jew way:They allow many divergant ideologies to flourish within the Judiac World view. It is comprehensive,and offers an iron umbrella,or battleship with every type of weapon,bearing on the enemy. We cannot liberate the planet without coalition,and unity. And as Konrad knows,thay is the true NS way. On Patrick J. Buchanan. He knows,all about the Jews-100%. He is a pre Vatican 2 Catholic,and man of ‘the old Right’. At one time ‘Conseratives’,in the USA were pro-industrial,anti -Wall Street,anti-war,and anti-Zionist. But they had funding from old American Patriots-long gone. Senator Robert Taft was their champion (see DIRKSEN DEFENDS TAFT- You Tube. Taft 52 GOP convention,Taft against,Lend Lease-You Tube. PROFILES IN COURAFE- JFK) and PJB,father was into radio Prist;Anti WW2,Father Couglin(pulled from air by machinations of FDR) ,and admired AMERICA FIRSTS Lindburgh. Buchanan served in three White Houses,and has the scares of battle against the Jews. They pulled his columns ,,and character assinated him,many times. His contract with MSN was terminated,despite high rating. He is a secret friend to great historian David Irving,and PJBs book- THE UNNECESSARY WAR- is MUST reading,on the crimes,and machinations of Rothschilds stooge Churchill. He pulls some punches on the Jews;but must. he writes in code:”War party”.”Neoconservatives”,”Amen Corner”. I loves his term:US Congress is Israeli Occupied Territory. Although Pat is stick in the LEFT/RIGHT Matrix,he is the best we can get ‘mainstream’. God Bless him. SEE THE LOST LEGACY OF THE RIGHT- Raimondo. DREAMER OF THE DAY. Coogan.

  5. The Republican Party today,is wholly a Jewish owned political cult. The “conservative’ movement was only built in the modern age because Jews needed a Right Gate,to their Left,one in their power structure. the Zionist Matrix. As a former CONNECTED Republican;beware of them,and be VERY AFRAID ! They are crass,cruel,divisive,and greedy. Was not the vile ‘Churchillian’,Gingrich,and Bush the younger bad enough?

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