jews for Jesus

JEWISH NEWS (UK) – London Rabbis have said the opening of a new Jews For Jesus shop in the middle of Hendon is “disturbing and upsetting,” as the group plugged the launch of the store, writes Tamara Ezekiel.

Trumpeting yesterday’s opening, Jews for Jesus’ UK director Julia Pascoe said the shop, in Central Circus, was in “the ideal location” and that it would sell “less conventional Jewish wares such as a Hebrew art illustrated Gospel of Matthew coffee table book, and nutrition bars called Chews For Jesus”.

Rabbi Yossi David of Od Yosef Hai, in Finchley Lane, said: “It’s disturbing, but what can we do about it? Most people will be very upset, that Jews should be for Jesus, after all we’ve suffered.”

He added: “I don’t think my people will go there, but the worry is for some of the Israelis who come to London, they’re lost, they don’t have the background.”
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft of Nishmas Yisroel, in Brent Green, was worried about another constituency.

“The shop opening is of great concern,” he said. “Every community has its vulnerable people and they could fall prey to Jews For Jesus, who offer them warmth and friendship. We should redouble our efforts to make sure we’re doing our utmost to help them.”

He added: “I’ve debated them many times. Their so-called proof is ridiculous. Most thinking people know it’s false and will ignore them.”

Jonathan Arkush, president of the Board of Deputies, last year said the organisation was “totally rejected by the Jewish community”.

0 thoughts on “‘Disturbing and upsetting’ Jews For Jesus shop opens in Hendon (London)”
  1. “Chews of Jesus”… brilliant Jewish idea. I think the shop is a fine idea provided it is balanced with a next-door shop called “Goyudim for Yehudim.”
    I know, I know, John Hagee is in business already but he has no imagination.
    This shop would sell all kinds of trinkets that might appeal to a Shabbat goy, like a “Be Your Own Mohel” kit (Please don’t ask me for details), a noisemaker that teaches you to identify the sound of anti-semitism called “Boos for Jews,” plastic chickens to practice swinging over your head, sheets with a hole in the middle, and so much more, but I don’t wish to slip into what might be mistaken for a vulgar reductionism of Judaism.

  2. but, but, but….I thought we were all BFF now…I thought that ‘Jesus was a jew’, as we are CONSTANTLY told by those trying to draw some imaginary (i.i, non-existent) connection between Christianity and Judaism…I thought this was a ‘judeo-Christian’ civilization…If so, then why all the kvetching and upset? What’s wrong with a Jew having favorable feelings about Jesus, that is, unless there is something about being a Jew that is organically anti-Jesus and anti-Christ?
    You mean all these love-fests where these idiotic Christians are shitting their pants over their love for Israel and love for the Jews is only a one-way street?

  3. No, no, no, MG. Of course Jesus was a Jew and there is no light between Judaism and Christianity, which is why it is hyphenated faith.
    The problem is that without Jews the Christians can’t fathom their own faith. It is a bit like the “Pro-Palestinian Movement” — you need Jewish leadership to clarify it and make it work.

  4. So for Jews to be amongst Christian Gentiles in England must also be disturbing and upsetting too, so the Jews should all bugger off out of England then, the nasty hypocrites.

  5. Another edition / rendition of religion. Religions mutate over time. So many branches and everyone is ‘right’ and their flocks follow. They all want to place signs that tell you the directions to a heaven, but not a one can tell you exactly where it is and what it is. Ignorant, superstitious peoples.

  6. To some, JC was a revolutionary leader wanting to drive out the Roman occupation. To others, he was one that had travelled and learned from India..or Egypt even. To others, he was the was a product of a miraculous birth between creator and human woman. To others, he was a gifted man that knew and understood the energies of the human body and had the understanding of mind over matter. To others he was a prophet sent to Earth by a “God” (whatever that is exactly) and could foretell the future. To others he was a blasphemer and a threat. To others, he is a metaphor.

  7. @imhotep,
    I like your post.
    I have the DVD’s of Jesus in India “or Egypt even”.
    I have just always been troubled by the thought of
    lack of creation.
    It would just mean our arbitrary existence came from
    nothing before us.
    Our something came from nothing before us.
    We are just an accident of nature.
    But, what made nature exist?
    “Today a young man on acid realized that all
    matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration.
    That we are all one consciencness experiencing itself
    subjectively. There is no such thing as death. Life is
    only a dream. And, we are the imagination of ourselves.
    Here’s Tom with the weather.”—Bill Hicks
    What do you believe in Imhotep?
    My question is only an interest because I have enjoyed
    reading your post.
    “Whatever God is”, if there is a God. Are we just accidental
    matter with an unfortunate conscience and an unreasonable
    will? Did God create us? Or did we form God with our own delusions?
    Without judgement, I was just wondering.

  8. Well, when I look beyond the sacred geometry, the very strangeness of deep inside an atom or deep inside the DNA, the physics of everything, the mysteries around the World in different locations that we can only guess as to how they were made and for what reason(s) the conscious, the subconscious, the chi energy, and even into what is called the esoterc (forbidden) knowledge..there did exist Life outside of the Middle East. All this phenomenon and knowledge was on a global scale. Saying that it originated in the Mid East is setting up a partition.
    But, as you say / ask; where did it come from? What is an origin? Electricity? Vibration? Magnetism? Light? And what would have created a “God”?
    I was thinking today about how conscious thought can effect our emotions, and our health. Worry and stress for long periods of time, and one will usually become sick or even dis-eased. But, can thought change / alter (mutate) the deeper working of genetics? I don’t believe that a ‘jew’ is a separate race but, if a group of people have this mindset of needing to kill, control, even exterminate others, and this these conscious thoughts were the same generation after generation after generation…..can these thoughts actually alter the coding within their genetics?
    For example; in the plant & animal kingdoms, certain species develop / evolve by using certain methods to exist and survive. One spider has learned how to approach the spider web of another species, tap on the spider web, and the owner of the spider web comes to investigate. However, it is tricked and the other spider pounces on it. They learn these things and it gets passed on to the following generations and can even be finer tuned in next generations. Or how do certain vine plants know where a pole is or a tree? They always find it. They have no eyes or hands to feel around, yet they know exactly where the pole or tree is. Even when the pole is moved, the vine will switch directions and find the pole.
    Your question is very deep, very broad and to me, consists of so many topics that are inter-related…and a very good question(s).

  9. I think it was at the time of the turn of the 20th century when leading scientists / physicist came together to talk about certain phenomenon. It was brought up at that time the observer is effecting that which is being observed. It would be a case of mind over matter to some extent.
    If conscious thought (for example sadness / stress) effects the cellular level and all the inner working of the cell, to the point of causing sickness and disease, does it effect DNA traits that are then passed on to following generations?
    Sadness is just one emotion, There of course are joy, anger, fear, surprise, etc. So, if peoples were brought up in an atmosphere of joy all around them and put into their thoughts ‘joy’, basically 24/7, how would that effect their outlook, their perceptions, their way that they socialize or view the World around them? If others are placed in an environment of constant fear or an environment of superiority, what would that do ? Does it effect them within their DNA and if it is, is that gene type passed on to next generations?

  10. @imohotep,
    I do have fruit trees and vegetables. My garden is constantly infected by the weeds
    that come from my neighbors yard from their lack of care for their own yard.
    These weeds wrap themselves most prominently around the tomatoes and eggplants
    to the point that they choke the branches they are holding tight to.
    This is a weed that has in itself the genetic desire to steal the nutrition from the soil of
    the food producing seed I have put into my soil, and to wrap itself around its extensions
    to only choke my producing plants growth and production.
    Same as a pole bean or growth of ivy.
    They genetically find their way to maximum sunlight, without any regard to the life of
    their ladder and host that lifts them there.
    Mankind did not teach these weeds this desire to choke its ladder to the sun and host
    for its own life.
    It does this from its own nature.
    It forces me to be very diligent in my own garden.
    Now I must accept that I live in a part of this world where the soil is very nutritious for
    these tares.
    But I do not consider these tares genetically mutated from their stress of fear for survival
    from all of the generations of farmers trying to eliminate this invader from destroying the
    fruits of their labor.
    This is only the seed of the infective weed’s natural ability to survive. And every season
    they produce an attractive flower and allow the lazy farmers to forget the danger of this
    natural invader to their crops.
    My own thought is that jews only pedigreed their own unnatural seed
    and the farmers got stupid and/or lazy and forgot and maybe now don’t
    realize or remember that these weeds need to be pulled from their garden.
    Please continue,
    I like your view.

  11. Imhotep: I like your views too ^__^
    And I would like to join Todd here: please do continue….

  12. Imhotep, you provide interesting food for thought. And for counter-arguments.
    I have to catch a plane now but would like to have a point-counterpoint debate with you (one in which I would title mine “In Defense of Religion”) not as comments but as full articles, with Mark’s acquiescence. In the meantime, consider on this, if you will:
    The observer modifies the phenomenon observed is an example of mind over matter, you say.
    Actually that is the popularized short-hand “quip” of the quantum physics discovery that, among other things, a photon is a particle when we try to pinpoint its position and, presto! miraculously, a wave when we try to measure its spin and velocity. In reality the observer modifies his own perception of the phenomenon observed, not the phenomenon.
    We are implacably limited, unable to chew gum and walk at the same time. “Reality” argued the Hindus thousands of years ago is Maya — fundamentally unknowable, despite our excitement every time we come up with a new description of it. See Roberto Calasso’s “Ardor.”
    At the quantifiable and grossly analyzable level we may be mostly made of C and amino acids but we are the only smudge of amino acids that evolved not only self perception (albeit limited, through a glass, darkly) but, most importantly a fierce need of spirituality, a thirst for transcendence, for reaching to a sensed, ardently desired, and deeply needed “beyond” (“au delá”). An eyeless worm that raises its head to the stars in an inexplicable yearning for something bigger than itself, bigger than its species, bigger that its comprehension.
    To dismiss all that as “superstition” is — pardon my directness and don’t take it personally– an adolescentine revolt that wishes to throw away all received idea without evaluating them.
    Ask yourself if you can even imagine human civilization without religion (forget organized religion, I am talking FAITH). Why, it would be a kibbutz culture…
    Thinks of the Middle Ages — which cultural marxism taught us to consider the “dark ages”:
    — The soaring Gothic cathedrals whose beauty take your breath away
    — The mind-stopping Islamic culture — whose vestiges are still seen in Spain, once a flourishing Muslim country: would Alhambra have been possible without the Islamic faith?
    Think of all the incomparable treasures of Western European art: Michelangelo, Rafael, Fra Angelico (I could go on here for many pages). Thinks of music: Bach, Mozart….
    Erase all that, none of which would have happened in your kibbutz world endowed with labs?
    Finally, ask yourself: is there any religion that denies man’s NEED for spirituality? Not Christianity, not Islam, not any of the Far East religions.
    Only one: Judaism.
    This are just free associations. Gotta catch my plane.

  13. Todd Raine and Sabba.
    These points I bring up are not originated from me. Some are form others that lived a very long time ago when such phenomenon & subject matters were in the atmosphere of societies and cultures. Other subjects that I touched on are more recent, such as the inner details of an atom, or the inner workings of a chromosome strand. But I haven’t hear of anybody speak on how and if conscious thought can mutate genetics, or if a human’s environment can play a role in genetic mutations.
    When a player striking the keys on a piano of picking a few tones on a guitar, the sound can ‘set the tone’ so to speak. It sets the mood. With even 2, 3, or 4 plucks on the guitar, we know instantly if the song is going to be mysterious, melancholy, or joyful. It impacts out conscious thought and from this thought, it effects us…our bodies. Remember, happy thoughts are positive and healthy. Downer thoughts are unhealthy and negative. we all have periods of certain emotions but do not let the emotions Control.
    It has been studied that the Sun does create changes in chromosomes. There are quite a few chromosomal changes that can take place for other reasons, but to me, the chromosome changes cause by solar radiation (different from nuclear radiation form nuclear radiation poisoning) is fact.
    If one looks back over the millions of years that dinosaurs existed (imagine a species living for even one million years is really quite amazing in itself). But before the dinosaur’s empire in the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods, there was the Precambrian Period which was about 540 million years ago. After that was the Paleozoic Era, then the Cambrian, the Ordovician, then the Silurian, then the Devonian, the Carboniferous, and the Permian Periods. Later came the Mesozoic Era which the Triassic, the Jurassic, and the Cretaceous Periods fell within.
    The beginning of the Triassic Period that was about 250 million years ago, there had been a mass extinction event. It was massive on land and in the seas. But to cut to the chase, some amphibians, reptiles, insects, and mammals made it thru. And also with these millions of years of Period and Eras, one type gave way to a newer type that was even larger, more formidable, and with more biological weaponry such as longer teeth, longer claws, more armor, more cunning stealth, and so on. In many cases it was not a matter of a species going extinct. It was simply they changed / mutated into something bigger and meaner. There were others before T-Rex for example, and others came along after T-Rex. T – Rex had its predecessors and it also had its bloodline after it went bye bye.
    There was no Fukushima Nuclear plant leaking into the oceans at that time. The changes were being caused by something else. In order for such changes as these to take place, it is obviously genetics; the instructions inside living things. A 3 week old human inside the mother is being developed by in a certain way because if the genetics. It’s the coding.
    I want to say this while I’m thinking of it. When the leaves turn color in the Autumn; is it because of the cooler temperatures or is it because the Sun is hitting the Earth in a certain way? Less daylight / less sunlight. Why were what we refer to as the North Pole and South Pole tropical? Interesiting…just as is Cro Magnum & Neanderthal, and the small hobbit bones found in Indonesia.
    I believe it is related to mutations ( for better or worse ) that stems from the Sun and this Sun is itself connected to other sources for its power. This was all written about in Ancient KMT (Kemet / Egypt).

  14. I do believe that the ancient original people (race) of KMT, came from the Upper Nile River; south of Ethiopia, and in and around what is called Kenya & Congo today. It was also known as the Kushite Kingdom. It was once very powerful and quite the trading hub. Timbuktu in West Central Africa was also a very powerful, very wealthy, and extremely large cosmopolitan area. It also was a trading / shipping hub. People don’t hear too much of Black African history and to me, it is both interesting as to why that is, as well as a shame.
    I firmly believe that this human race, in this Age, is and has been devolving. That is not to say that humanity in very ancient days were not savage and conniving. They were definitely cunning, conniving. jealous, greedy and barbaric just as we are today. But I think we as a species began to lose ‘something’…some quality. Maybe the Earth a long time ago had a different set of rules of physics that no longer exist today. Maybe gravity or the electro magnetic properties behave differently from what exists today. Maybe certain crystals, gold, or granite behaved differently. Who knows?
    But it is certain that many a famous people did travel to KMT to learn. Many came out of what is Greece. Later, the Greeks worked along side the ‘israelites’ and today many ‘jews’ still use Greek names as middle names when naming their children. Alex is a popular one. Alexandria was a hot bed of ‘jews’, but this came much later after the people of the Congo to Ethiopia headed North and down the Nile River.
    The ‘jews’ took from KMT. Even the ‘religion’ and those concepts of KMT were taken and then edited to suit the ‘jews’ All for political purposes of course when it comes down to it. And isn’t that what all religious leaders usually do? But KMT was special. They were highly intelligent in all areas of study. I think that much of this knowledge ( what has been labeled forbidden, occult, esoteric, satanic, luciferian, etc, etc) was not actually destroyed, but carted off. There’s nothing “evil” about magnetism, physics, frequency, color, sound, the square, the compass, Phi, the Golden Means, Fibonacci, etc, etc. It is what people choose to do with such things with intent. KMT knew all of these things, and more. But all this knowledge was once in the hands of enlightened peoples. Such things are neutral. It is neither good or evil. It is what others choose to do with it. We the people have been given tidbits & crumbs while ‘they’ most definitely know some things and it probably has to do with this Earth’s future.
    There are so many things to look into. For example, how there are 33 vertebrae in the human body (33) and it begins at the base. And this entire system from the pelvic region to the cranium is parallel with Freemasonry…and the chakras of the knowledge of India; base chakra up to the head (enlightenment..ascension..and even what is written about a Christ.
    Where is the bliss..this desire of ascension…..this higher consciousness. Is it within? Is it given to us from another? If we don’t get it, then what? Is there reincarnation? Are there others around us that we can not always see or touch…but feel around us at certain times? What are they if they do exist? Were they once here..just like us now. and they simply moved on because of ascension or a higher consciousness? Do certain people have ‘gifts’? Why do savants have their amazing capabilities?
    Is it genetic or is it something else? What the hell is a deja vu experience al about?
    Why is there a hexagram at Saturn’s pole? What is special about the black cube. Muslims walk around and around it in Mecca and certain ‘jews’ strap it on their foreheads.

  15. Touching on one subject that ariadnatheo commented on; “soaring Gothc cathedrals”; many were designed by Freemasons and follow the Tracing Board. Many Freemasons were involved in the design / layout, and architecture. Many are positioned to the movements of the Sun.
    This to me does not mean the architecture and designers are evil or ‘satanic’. I’m not a Freemason nor do I believe that an actual satan or devil exists as religions describe it, but the Tracing Board of Freemasonry has the 2 pillars of Jachin & Boaz. These 2 pillars are what has been described in the Temple of Solomon. Once again, I do not believe a Temple of Solomon as described in religious texts, ever existed. I see no evidence of any of the biblical characters actually had ever existed. ( I see where a King from Southern KMT did drive out some marauders that came in from the north because of what they were doing to KMT. ).

  16. I live on the other side of the World from you. Yesterday was somewhat of a busy day for me and most of the day I was sleepy / tired. I was also thinking that you had to run it by Mark so I did not respond so much to you. I believe your comment has something in it along those lines.
    These subjects are very deep and very broad. Most overlap. It is basically talking about Earth’s history. If you have anything in particular to discuss, that would probably be a good starting point.

  17. @ Todd,
    About your garden and those pesky weeds.
    This particular subject reminds me a bit of evolution and how virus and bacteria mutate. No spinal column, cerebral fluid, or brain yet they carry on, progress, and move forward. They have an awareness in them.
    Research has been done on stem cells which are basically a cellular template ready to get its instructions on what cell it is to then become. This alone is intriguing but it as been discovered that applying a certain vibrational / frequency to the empty template, it can be induced to produce a particular functioning cell based on which frequency it receives.
    In religious texts it says that in the beginning was the word. Well, word is sound, vibration, frequency. But, it would seem that before a word / phrase can be directed, it first needs to be formed by conscious thought….THEN comes the ‘word’.
    Along with this, the neurological pathways in the brain (cerebrum for example),and on both hemispheres (Right – Masculine / Left Feminine) (esoterically the Sun & Moon / God & Goddess) .or logic & reason vs arts and intuitiveness….that these pathways can be developed. One language as compared to another takes certain pathways as compared to another speech. Or problem solving very difficult math equations or even learning advanced musical techniques can train the neurological pathways to access those parts of the brain. Like a computer accessing data in RAM, the first time may be a bit slow, but afterwards, the route is known and accessing it is quicker the next time.
    Speaking of plants. Magnesium strangely enough has the same elementary arrangement as does iron. Plants, chlorophyll & magnesium as compered to humans, blood & iron. Plants need carbon dioxide while we need oxygen. There is quite a bit of ancient writings pertaining to this as it relates to the hue of man.

  18. correction ~ Right is Feminine. Left is Masculine. The two ‘jew’ masonic pillars many times have Jachin & Boaz with a Sun & Moon atop them. Ancient Egypt gave the Female equality with the Male. Patriarchal systems do not.

  19. I should add that the fact that ‘judaica’ is purely Patriarchal (females are considered lesser individuals) shows that the Hyksos TOOK from KMT and edited what was learned form KMT / Egypt. KMT & Ma’at is very different than what the ‘jews’ developed.

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