ed note–a very important article and theme discussed here.
As we say often on this website, no one ever accused the Jews of being stupid. They are clever, crafty, and cunning…They know what sells and what doesn’t and how to re-market an old product in such a way where the consumer doesn’t know he or she is buying the same old crap that he or she recently said they would not buy anymore.
This is precisely what is taking place within various neighborhoods making up Mundus Judaica right now, where ‘compassionate’ Jews and ‘Jews with a heart and a conscience’ from the left side of the spectrum are blowing their trumpets like their Judaic warrior forefathers depicted in the book of Joshua, the only difference being that in this particular operation, the horn blowing is meant to diffuse rising anti-Judaic sentiments amongst an increasingly aware Gentiledom and to confuse the goyim into thinking that the problem with Israel these days is all due to the ‘right-wingers’.
The author of this piece points out that not only are these ‘rabbis of conscience’ settlers and land thieves in their own right, but as well that what they are really out to do is to act as gatekeepers and to put a pretty face on Judaism.