TIMES OF ISRAEL – GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump offered partial praise for Saddam Hussein, the deposed Iraqi dictator executed in 2006, as an effective terrorist-killer on Tuesday in a campaign speech in North Carolina.
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Yeh, well, Obama said he would be all for nuclear disarmament, and now he spends more on nuclear weapons than ever before.
The Jew agents are all lying scum, Trump works for Israel, no one else, do not expect anything else.
The Mossad have him in their pocket, as he has been a flier on Jeffrey Epstein’s paedophile jet flights, where underage children have sex with heads of state, presidential candidates, VIP’s etc.
So Trump has been testified by Epstein’s brother as having flown on his brother Jeffrey Epstein’s paedophile party jet flights with girl children for illegal sex on at least one occasion. He is Israel’s man, and the bloodshed will continue as usual if or when Trump gets elected.
They are just trying to make the ‘establishment’ look popular agains, in line with more balanced views, like they did with Jeremy Corbyn in England, and now he is a little sissy poodle for Israel after all, just as Trump will be.
They just want to give you hope that SOMEONE is on the side of goodness, representing the people. It won’t ever happen in America or England under the present political systems. It is all just a con, watch it happen, again and again and again.
Trump is right on this, which makes him a threat to Israel as they engineered the Iraq war.
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This article written by “Times of Israel” “calls Saddam Hussein a brutal dictator who killed thousands of his own people and used chemical and biological weapons against Iran”
What a high HYPOCRISY. The Zionists call “Murder his own people” Those accusations have been told against every one who is against their arrogant hegemony. Maomar Qaddafi, Bashar Al Assad etc,, and it turns out to be the other way around.
Saddam declared war on Iran to please his cohorts in crime the Zionists and it was the USA and Israel who gave him the chemical and biological weapons. See. you don’t deal with the snakes, sooner or later they byte you and kill you.