To be honest, the election process has been on my back burner these past few weeks. More attention going to other problems south of the border. However, my interest was piqued when I heard this as I was driving to the dentist’s earlier today. The reporters were putting it out there tentatively but here it is, a few minutes ago, from the Wall Street Journal.
I admit I have never heard of this Pence fellow before ~ he is a complete blank slate to me. I can only pray he is not another Zionist ~ so this is simply posted to let TUT readers be among the first to know the answer to that big Q, “Who will Trump take as a running mate?”
The Indiana Star Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is Donald Trump’s VP pick
OK, here we go. The commie Marxists are already relating this choice to their lewdly liberal sex lives. A headline from VOX on line: Mike Pence for Donald Trump’s vice president? It’s an extra awful choice for LGBTQ rights. Because, after all, that is an incredibly personal, important issue for Donald Trump, the Republican runner for the Presidency of the United States, to put first and foremost on his campaign. A staunch heterosexual in the White House?
“By reportedly picking, according to unconfirmed rumors, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate, Trump’s Republican ticket will absolutely be seen as the anti-LGBTQ ticket.”
Hillary will be on THAT like a duck on a Junebug. Oh it is going to be a long hot summer of politics….. and the cultural Marxists in all their manifestations are already proving to be the biggest problems of all.
UPDATE: At one Commie site I found this quote: “F##k Mike Pence. And also congratulations to Mike Pence, if he is Donald Trump’s running mate! That is the highest achievement he will ever have in life, after which point he will just have to go back to his normal life, of being a dumpster fire of dumbf##k.”
Although a political mag, the Marxism on this issue ~ because all this hatred was about the gay/transgender issues ~ astonished me with its vitriol. Definitely written to agitate.
One observation comes to mind here: I draw from hindsight; those who embrace these mad sexual ideologies today, are being as blind-sided by social manipulators as badly as the boomers were by feminism, free love and the hippie movement and the rest of the Tavistock war raged against us. Only we did not attack so viciously, or insist the presidency kowtow to our desires.
OK, last update for this post! Honest! From Zero Hedge with an image of where Pence stands on some issues as well.: Trump Picks Mike Pence As Vice President
ed note {Tony}…Imagine this scenario; Trump wins election. Trump ‘slips on a banana peel’. Netanyahu crony Pence (L-Likud) becomes President. An ‘LBJ’ scenario all over again. I digress……
I believe all members of Congress are Zionists. Ron Paul was the exception Amash–maybejs
From: The Ugly Truth To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 3:26 PM Subject: [New post] Donald Trump Signals Mike Pence Is Choice for Running Mate, GOP Official Says #yiv6755533446 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv6755533446 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv6755533446 a.yiv6755533446primaryactionlink:link, #yiv6755533446 a.yiv6755533446primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv6755533446 a.yiv6755533446primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv6755533446 a.yiv6755533446primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv6755533446 | nooralhaqiqa posted: “To be honest, the election process has been on my back burner these past few weeks. More attention going to other problems south of the border. However, my interest was piqued when I heard this as I was driving to the dentist’s earlier today. The reporter” | |
Anyone that wants to destroy Iran is a Zionist puppet.
Like I say, I had never heard of this guy before. You are right, he is. No matter what though, he will be put through the wringer soon. He looks good. He won’t outshine the Big D. They are alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Zionists.
Big time Milekowsky supporter and Israeli Supporter.
The Jews have a total control of the US government. And the ones who want to raise their voice to alert the public are eliminated immediately.