ed note–we post this not so much to underscore the intrigues currently taking place within the Trump campaign, nor to offer any theories vis a vis recent news stories discussing Trump and those of the non-Gentile persuasion with whom he surrounds himself.

Rather, it is to point out and reinforce something which we have said here often concerning ‘responsible’ speculation vs the kind of nuttery that passes for ‘investigative journalism’ within this ‘movement’.

The only reason that Kushner is willing to even mention under his breath 9/11 and Israel’s involvement in it is because the well was poisoned on this topic long ago. As we warned in the aftermath of all the ‘Sandy Hook never happened’ nuttery, our enemies use all sorts of methods in discrediting us, some of which includes floating crazy ideas that the less-discriminating types within this movement then latch on to and propagate, the result being that we all wind up looking like a bunch of braincases, at which point, it then becomes safe to publicly discuss Israel and 9/11, because those listening to it then associate the various conspiracy theories involving this event with those who say ‘No one died’ at Sandy Hook or the Boston Marathon bombing.

Note as well Kushner’s mentioning of ‘Illuminati’ and ‘space aliens’–Another reason why we shy away from discussing such items, as they only add more confusion to an already confusion-laden discussion and why responsible commentary really should–in the interests of creating a saleable product to the masses–avoid delving into such areas.


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7 thoughts on “Donald Trump’s Son-In-Law Publishes Newspaper Story About 9/11 Truthers: “toxic silliness, bizarre Internet theorizing by fools & charlatans about how the Twin Towers were “really” destroyed by Jews, Illuminati, or space aliens””
  1. Excellent synopsis by our Mark Glenn here …please heed this !

    Remember Kushner is not Trump,and Trump is not Kushner .

    However, please think of this …..Jews never allow ANY speculation ,or debate out on issues involving them in terms of influence ,or ” conspiracy “.

    They do not want anyone thinking ,wondering ,questioning .

    They allow no daylight at all ,even in debunking ,or ” conspiracy theory “.

    For him to add ” Israel ” to the mix of possibilities is a very strange ,and ideed BIG breakthrough !
    Does he realize this faux paux ?

    When reports of UFOs by credible witnesses came in during the 40 s and 50s ( reporting earlier too ) the government CIA got seriously into it with ” Majestic 5 ” which is the highest level of security clearance .

    A disinfo campaign to discredit the genre was created to find the wackiest witnesses,and ideas mostly about this subject before the public to allow the subject to wither from lack of credibility .

    This is done to any criticism of the Jews power ….the ” Judis Goats ” as MCP referred to them.

    Terrible examples of ” Nazis ” ” Skinheads ” Christain ID , violent Muslim Fundamentalist KKK pushed to discredit real criticism or debate .
    Nationalism discredited or decent people in ME not seen.

    Example on WW 2 history …I remember as a boy what a HUGE breakthrough it was when the outstanding Themes Series World At War interviewed high ranking German commanders ,and Hitler’s personal staff to the Jews consternation !

    This lended credibility to their cause ,and actions plus humanized Hitler for the first time since before WW2 .
    Despite its acclaim ,production values ,and deigning to the ” Holocaust ” plus Sir Laurence Olivier narration the series is forgotten .

    You see the formula here ?

    Kushner even putting Israel on the table relating to 911 is very intriguing indeed !

  2. When my parents were alive and we sat at the dinner table or any time we discussed politics, the war or history, despite the fireworks that often occurred, it stayed within the family. My parents were always behind us 100% and I think they knew I felt the same about them.

    When you consider the Jews malevolent behavior towards whatever people they live among and country they live in, historical Jewish figures like Esther and when I recall a book written by a female German Jew who recalled her husband and father of her children as being a “NAZI” and “anti-Semite” and other examples of Jews being very close to people and using them or doing great harm to them in order to advance Jewish interests, I would warn Trump to be very careful about what he says at the dinner table when Ivanka and Jared come over. It might end up in the newspapers or on the Israeli Prime Minister’s desk.

  3. AJ did a Israel/jewocon + 9/11 show today. They’re trying to put out the fire with gas. We are at the Liar, Liar Pants on Fire stage. Pass the onion.

  4. Very, very old and common ‘practice’ of the Jews, marrying into the Gentile power-elite. Trump’s daughter, the Clinton daughter, etc…….

  5. Kushner sounds like another eastern seaboard hedge fund kid without a lot of brains. And of course he owns this paper to promote the zionist agenda however he can.

    However, he is not Trump, nor does he speak for him. He is, in my humble opinion, a bad investment.

  6. For me all this very scary… I get that Trump knows he is a Goy, but also knows the reality of having to work with these Zionist. Even more so now, having his daughter marry into one of this nations long standing, influential Zionist families. Who with-out a doubt will push their agenda onto their new in-law family member.
    Based on what I’ve come to learn as an average middle-class American citizen, is that there has been for some time now a plan by those who I’ll refer to as the Global Elitist, to establish their idea of a NWO. Where they will depopulate this nation by as much as 80% in the near future, so as to be able to better control those left living.
    These Globalist aren’t just Zionist Jews, but others who we’ve known of in the past to be Jesuits, and those who haven’t any religious, or political ideologies, Only that of having the desire for personal fortune and power.
    What I also get, is this has been the path of humanity before. Which will again result in total failure at some point and time, because we haven’t been able to learn from our past !
    Those who haven’t sold their souls (per se’) will hopefully pass on to a better place. Where as those who have, I’d like to believe, will continue to experience this madness, until they learn to behave otherwise ?
    If only we all were able to do unto others, as we would want done unto ourselves… I believe this reality we call our lives, would be so much better !?

  7. Mr Rogers ” not all Globalists might not be Used” but the Jews ideology / theology and MONEY rules the process ….period .
    Anything ,or anyone else are distraction .

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