JERUSALEM POST – The true existential threat to Israel is not a belligerent enemy such as Iran, but rather domestic policies that have dragged the Jewish state toward an untenable future, former prime minister Ehud Barak said on CNN.
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I broke into uncontrollable laughter at “cheapens the Holocaust”. ‘Nuff said.
Oh, forgot this. Remember Netanyahu bragging how he killed the Oslo Accord?
…. And the second group of the people are those who believe this nonsense….
Interesting use of the word “cheapens.” Does he mean that that the highly organized jewish world power apparatus will not be able to extort and manipulate as much if people get closer to the truth or learn how to gain better perspective?
I only get more and more sick of these rotten people the more I learn about them and the more they complain about “antisemitism.” I hope billions of people are starting to share my sentiments.
The world’s problems are easily solved simply be removing jews from positions of power and influence.
Their OWN writings and words prove that they are a demented, supremacist anti-gentile hate cult. Every sentiment that comes from them proves that they have the worst imaginable intentions for the world. They believe that the world is broken and it is their job as jews to “fix it.” What they really mean by that is that, even though they make up only a small fraction of a percent of the world population, that their ancient savage religion should reign supreme over the other 99.8% percent of the world. It is just total madness and it is only a matter of time until the world recognizes Judaism as the premiere disease afflicting the planet. It is a big, top-down organization of power with the international banks at the top. Usury is the method by which they enslave the world and turn everything in it upside-down. But if wise gentiles oppose usury, what they are really opposing is Judaism, the only relgion that advocates usury…It means that jews should not be allowed to practice Judaism. Judaism is death, destruction, deceit, dishonesty, evil, suppression, oppression, starvation, it is everything that is terrible, all rolled into one insane ideology of “chosen-ness.”
My search for truth took me all over the internet and I still think The Ugly Truth is the best thing out there.