STRATEGIC CULTURE – Two very different faces of world leadership were on display this week. In Beijing, President Xi Jinping delivered a bold, outward-looking vision of Chinese global leadership. Meanwhile, in Washington President Donald Trump was embroiled in yet more egotistical infighting and tawdry claims of media lies. CONTINUE READING

2 thoughts on “Enter the Dragon, Exit the Turkey (Formerly American Eagle)”
  1. “Turkey” is the right terminology. My Grandmother said that “Suckers and Gullible Fools” also fits. The peeps need to realize their “personal enemy”. The sooner, the better. The jews and Judea, Inc. are the enemy. FYI, Trump knows.

  2. All I can say to Mr. Finian Cunningham is YOU try dealing with Netanyahu, the Deep State and the Fed Reserve and see how well you do. Cunningham’s piece cheerleads for Xi, saying Xi was ‘re-elected’ for a second five year term, if you can believe that. Then he quotes the gushing praises from the BBC, the CFR, and Reuters (aka Routers), all globalist owned and run, as if that is supposed to impress anybody with a functioning brain. He goes on to quote John Songbird McCain and Bob (I’ve resigned because of FBI investigations into “undeclared assets”) Corker as though they are paragons of virtue and decorum compared to Pres. Trump. He wraps it up by stating that Trump is a symptom of American decadence without ONCE mentioning the Jorilla on our back.

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