
‘Cold-blooded killing of Palestinian toddler highlights urgent need for political solution’

ed note–every time the Jews engage in this type of religious-inspired barbarity, the EU, US and others come out and sing the same song–‘We are ‘deeply concerned’, deeply worried, deeply distressed,’ etc. Nothing gets done. The money continues flowing into Israel’s coffers, arms that will be used to murder infants, women, and children in Gaza continue to arrive daily, and for the simple reason that the leaders of the West understand that Israel and her people hold the various economies of their countries in their hands and anytime they want, can reduce these nations to places teeming with chaos, to say nothing of Israel’s nukes, which are–in the words of Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld–‘aimed at every capital’. 

Times of Israel

The EU urged Israel Friday to show “zero tolerance” for settler violence after an arson attack blamed on settlers in the West Bank left a Palestinian toddler dead.

“The Israeli authorities should … take resolute measures to protect the local population. We call for full accountability, effective law enforcement and zero tolerance for settler violence,” a spokesperson for EU foreign affairs head Federica Mogherini said in a statement.

“The cold-blooded killing of Palestinian toddler Ali Dawabsha, presumably by extremist settlers … highlights the urgent need for a political solution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” it added.

Netanyahu called the firebombing in the village of Duma near the northern city of Nablus “an act of terrorism in every respect” and ordered security forces to hunt down those responsible.

Two homes in the Palestinian village were set alight in the early hours of Friday, and the Hebrew words “Revenge” and “Long live the king messiah” were spray-painted on their walls, alongside a Star of David.

Eighteen-month-old Ali Saad Dawabsha was killed in the blaze at his home. The infant’s parents, as well as his 4-year-old brother, were all injured and evacuated to the hospital. They were said to be in moderate-to-serious condition, with burns on large parts of their bodies.

The EU said it too wanted a full and prompt investigation to bring the perpetrators of this terrible crime to justice.

“Acts like this terrible attack can easily lead to a spiral of violence and bring both sides further away from a negotiated solution, the statement said. “The EU reiterates its strong opposition to Israel’s settlement policy that seriously threatens the two-state solution.”

Mogherini recently announced she was working on an idea for an “international support group” which would include Arab states so as to get Israeli-Palestinian peace talks back on track after they stalled completely last year.

Mogherini has repeatedly urged Israel and the Palestinians to resume peace negotiations, saying the situation on the ground cannot continue and it is a delusion to believe otherwise.

0 thoughts on “EU urges Israel to show ‘zero tolerance’ for settler violence”
  1. MG: you hit the nail on the head: “the leaders of the West understand that Israel and her people hold the various economies of their countries in their hands and anytime they want, can reduce these nations to places teeming with chaos”.
    The wind in the sails of the Jewish war machine is MONEY. They control the money racket, and the whole of humankind has been rendered dependent on money for survival.
    No other tyrant in all of history has had such extreme power.
    They are the masters of the UNREAL ECONOMY and they have bought control over the REAL ECONOMY in exchange for money which is INHERENTLY WORTHLESS. Aristotle – PBUH – explained the basis of the racket in the 4th century BC!
    Better to wake up 24 centuries late, than never!

  2. Yep. U.N., World Bank. W.T.O., W.H.O., I.M.F., Bank of International Settlements, Gold, Paper Currencies, Central Banks, etc.
    The United Nations flag is divided into 33 sectors. At the U.N. Security Council chambers, there is a very telling mural painted on the walls.
    …and these ‘jew’ shit stains got the stupidity to say they are protecting their own children from ‘terrorists’. They are completely void of any trait that qualifies them to live on this planet.

  3. The settlers have killed a Palestinian infant. To call the Israelis Jews, Zionists or not, rats, ii’s an insults to the rats. They call Christians goym, that is, cattles. I am Christians and I am deeply offended. HOW DARE THEY?? Given the fact that these murderous rats can call us cattles openly without any problems at all, we should start a massive campaign to call them RATS openly because that’s what they are. In fact judging them by their crimes against the Palestinians, they are sub-animals not sub-humans.

  4. ““The cold-blooded killing of Palestinian toddler Ali Dawabsha, presumably by extremist settlers … highlights the urgent need for a political solution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” it added.
    The word “presumably” gets my blood boiling.
    I understand that phosphorus bombs were dropped on Palestinians presumably by Israeli Jews. I also understand that most of the Palestinian land has been stolen presumably by Israeli Jews. The list of presumptions is very long but it is all presumptions.
    And another thing:
    how does one tell apart the settlers who squat on the stolen Palestinian land and choke them with checkpoints so they can have Jews Only roads, who attack the Palestinians trying to graze their animals or tend to their olive orchards from the…. settlers who squat on the stolen Palestinian land and choke them with checkpoints so they can have Jews Only roads, who attack the Palestinians trying to graze their animals or tend to their olive orchards? Which of the wto are the “extremist” settlers?

  5. When the Jewish anti-Christ comes to power, he’ll have the same mercy on all non-Jews.

  6. Time for another Israeli False Flag, to divert the world’s attention from Zionist butchery. Like the one last year when they diverted the world’s attention from those four Palestinian kids playing on a Gaza beach that were blown to bits by Israeli Navy gunboats.
    Just another day in Palestine, but this one was witnessed by journalists staying at a nearby hotel, who started writing about the deadly carnage.
    When the story was getting traction, the Israelis kidnapped three of their own, and killed them to regain their permanent victim status.
    Who will rid the world of this pestilence?

  7. Imhotep: I can’t find any high definition large photos of that mural. It is so tiring for my old eyes that my head wants to drop from the strain. Do you want to explain your interpretation?
    Can I take it that you understand that Jewish power has been achieved and is sustained by means of MONEY? So long as the institution of money continues, so will their power continue and relentlessly increase. Already the UNREAL economy dwarfs the REAL economy. The parasite dwarfs the host! That is madness! It seems that most people cannot bear the thought of life without money – as if money was concrete like the weather and the fundamentals of the cosmos. Money is a man-made institution. The unit of account is an abstraction – just numbers. There is no real value in numbers. A society’s wealth can only be stored in concrete things – like infrastructure and food reserves. Try to explain these realities to most people, and the reactions are (1) indifference, or (2) mockery, or (3) only a madman could make such an argument. I think it’s very similar to the faith people had in the flat earth geocentric view of the cosmos. They believed the earth was flat because they directly experienced it as flat. They believe that money can store value because they have money in the bank, and it does appear to store value – they can withdraw it and spend it. All our lives we experience that, and this idiot is trying to tell us that ain’t real. What a moron/loony.
    That’s almost enough to drive one round the twist.

  8. Having a ‘money instrument’ would be ok when used for convenience, but the interest and all the other ways it is used is a controlling thievery and artful deception. I agree with ya.
    Go to your favorite search engine and type, ” United Nations Security Council chambers art mural”. A few images should pop up on your screen. Click on any one of those images. It is ‘esoteric’. Not that I believe esoteric is bad, evil, etc. Such things are neutral. It is the intent that the user chooses on how to use _______ that makes it either good or evil. (exoteric is literal). Esoteric speaks in a different way. Esoteric speaks from a deeper perspective.
    In this case with the UNSC, it shows an agenda, and a history too. Not good.

  9. Sorry. I understand now. You already did that and are having trouble seeing the images well.
    I have about 30 minutes before I need to leave, but I will get back with you today.
    (My morning coffee has not kicked in yet. Some days it never does).

  10. Thanks imhotep. I look forward to your description and interpretation. Take your time.

  11. To me, the UN is corrupt. The IMF & World Bank are United Nations agencies. Too much to write on this subject alone but I will say that the United States Treasury Secretary is paid by ‘the fund’. This is a result of the United States of America having been officially declared bankrupt in 1933, (1861 also). I do believe that since that time, the US has been under a War / Emergency Powers Act since that time.
    Regarding the U.N. mural, do you a specific question about that? The symbolism is extensive
    ,but a general interpretation of it is…that a World be remade in their image. They do have this endgame goal of no more wars, etc, but….it is a highly managed construct designed to their specifications. So, of course with such a tightly managed and controlled World where such people rule supremely, anybody not going with the program or considered to be needed, will be non existed. Parallel to a Noahide world view.

  12. * correction: anybody considered to be NOT needed….
    Also, in that mural at the bottom, there is a dead dragon. There is a sword thru it that symbolizes death. Around this dragon are the dead & lost souls and they are rising. For me, what I find most interesting is in the upper right corner. There is a telescope and a microscope. This represents the macro World and the Micro World. As above / So below. We are in the cosmos / heavens and the heavens / cosmos are in us. Notice the Sun’s light coming in thru the open windows in the mural.
    Recall when George H.W. Bush gave his speech where he said that when we get a ‘credible United Nations’ that we then can ‘see a new world coming into view’…where the ‘law of the jungle’ will be defeated?

  13. What a lovely world of law and order ruled by Yhwh’s chosen. Then at last universal peace and good will. Well it would be if it wasn’t for those (expletive deleted) Gentiles. Why did Yhwh get it so wrong? Why didn’t Yhwh create them to be more obedient?
    It seems to me, we Gentiles are far too obedient.

  14. Also, there is a white horse to the right. A white horse can symbolize death / the beginning of a new phase or life / major change because the old way has served its purpose. Notice the Sun light coming thru the window.
    Directly under this white horse image, there is a man in a suit. He is leaving the ‘underworld; and he has in his hand a shovel. Over his left shoulder he has a pick ax.
    Many transformations are coming our way. In this material World, as well as our Spiritual connections. All these souls are heading to the ‘stars’ after they pass by the ‘thunderbird’ that had just recently shed it’s outer self.
    * We are mind, body, spirit. They seek to control all of it. I believe that they are afraid of our potential. Some know of it, and some do not. There is more to us humans than meets the eye.

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