
Former ambassador to US says Israel must focus on rehabilitating relations with US, White House should abstain from boycotting AIPAC.


Former ambassador to the US Michael Oren addressed on Saturday media reports that the White House may boycott the upcoming AIPAC conference in an attempt to undermine Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Congress address, calling AIPAC a “strategic asset” to the State of Israel whose status “must not be harmed.”

“Should the American government choose to boycott AIPAC,” Oren said, “it will essentially choose to boycott its strategic alliance with Israel.”

Since it is already a given that the premier will travel to the US and address Congress, Israel must accept the responsibility of rehabilitating its strategic alliance with the US, the former ambassador said.
The only way to do this, according to Oren, is to present the US with a clear long-term outline of Israel’s plans.

Oren criticized the handling of Israel-US relations, saying that Israel must abide by long-term planning as opposed to act on short-term impulses.

“We must stop being fearful,” he said, “and make the world adopt a new way of looking at us.”

0 thoughts on “Ex-envoy to US: White House boycott of AIPAC tantamount to boycott of alliance with Israel”
  1. Don’t panic…..Don’t panic.

    Gradually, even Joe BigMac wakes up to the fact that jews dominate all aspects of American Society and dictate where his tax dollars are siphoned off to.

    It will take time but the mantra “There will NEVER be peace whilst israel exists” will always apply.

  2. “….make the world adopt a new way of looking at us.” the arrogance is amazing.
    If you want the world to look at you differently, try behaving differently. Stop killing children for a start.


  4. Aipac is an agent of a foreign govt, conducting espionage, collection of funds and lobbying the US govt on behalf of israel. It should have been labeled as such years ago.

  5. A few days ago, news touted the White House’s summit on countering violent extremism (without Israeli representation/ participants) as “a slap in the face to Israel.” http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2015/02/19/398354/WH-summit-is-slap-in-face-to-Israel . And now, Washington is boycotting AIPAC.

    Can any of this be really trusted to be genuine and not further layers of deceive, inveigle obfuscate? Could it be that the Antichrist is now giving full/ direct authority to the US over some mass-murdering, humanity-destroying aspects of the End Game before WW3, without having to go through Israel, that’s all?

  6. Oren all but admits there’s nothing “American” about the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee. It IS Israel. It IS a foreign agency.

  7. long term plans for Israhell should be ~ every fn’g Israeli walks into the sea or goes back where they came from ~ end of story.

  8. Me think it’s good time now to have another hard look at that little obscure Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), Mr. President? You’ll be amazed at just how setting something as little as that in motion can in the end have a devastating impact. Sadly, the last people who really understood that were the Kennedy brothers, I think.

  9. “Jews are news”,as Michael Collins Piper says. Thats all we talk about! Its esoteric. They have managed through rule of money, media,and religion,to have the entire planet on constant alert about Israel ,and the Jews ‘welfare,and safety’. They are wholly subjective. All of this is ,in fact slavery to them. ” You shall have no other Gods ,but Yahweh “. 2nd Noahide Law,which is law of the USA ,since 1990! YAHWEH ,GOD OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER & Synagogue Of Saturn ,You Tube.

  10. Make AIPAC register as a foreign agent and I’ll take this spat more seriously.

    Looks like bread and circuses with a side order of jew from here.

  11. Re; Oren’s statement, …”strategic alliance with Israel.” Name just ONE thing Israel has ever done FOR the benefit of the US! I can name many evil things Israel has done TO the US and Americans but I cannot think of even one benefit Americans derive from the genocidal TERROR state of Israel. NOT ONE!

  12. … as Right as MCP is, we have no way of Not objectifying this gargantuan universal deadly problem… however, possibly, if we only talked about Free Palestine and not a single word for Israhell, as if that entity doesn’t exist…speak only that Israhell in the process of being de-legitimized (purged from the universe) Perhaps putting the focus where we want it ~ thou it’ll still be about ‘them’, its the nature of the beast.
    We’d have to do some networking ~

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