Israeli President Shimon Peres (R) poses with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the company's headquarters in Menlo Park, California, in this handout photo released to Reuters by the Office of the President March 6, 2012. REUTERS/Moshe Milner/Office of President Peres/Handout

Ed note (Trevor)~Facebook has been blocking and harassing all 5 of my accounts and removing about ten or 15 of my posts on average per day. Often these posts have gotten 100 or 200 “likes” and have dozens of comments where people all over the world are agreeing that Judaism is a problem, that Israel was behind 9/11, the holocaust is a big lie, Israel killed JFK, etc. To date, I have been blocked for 30 days maybe 60 times, and they have made several hundred of my posts vanish.

It doesn’t matter at all that these fact-based posts find their way to hundreds of people who agree with what is written, all it takes is one Israeli hasbara agent to report it for “violating community standards,” and it is gone. I didn’t know it was a “community standard” that gentiles must remain completely oblivious to the fact that the Jewish international mob runs their governments, controls every word their “media” says, and controls the lobbies that send our nations to war based on whatever transparent, discredited lies they happen to peddle to the sleepwalking masses. Yes, they have the power to shape “public opinion” to whatever they want it to be. 

Editor Sabba asked me to post to TUT what is being deleted. This batch is just what they have removed today alone. Sabba says the posts are a “combat kit” for teaching others how to neutralize the fallacious arguments we are all faced with each day. These are the kinds of things they don’t want people to know how to do. But knowing these facts and strategies are being suppressed will just make people all the more interested, won’t it?

Sabba also reminds me that the truth is like water. It can be contained only until the tiniest pinhole is made in the container, then it all leaks out everywhere.

Thanks, as always to il Maestro Mark Glenn and to TUT readers and editors, and to all else who contribute to the cause, for all you do in the name of truth and justice for humanity. And in the words of advice written to me by author Chuck Maultsby, “Keep punching. Their armor is cracking.”

Attn: Goyim! Do not read!

8 thoughts on “Facebook murders free speech daily in desperate attempt to stop “anti-Semitism””
  1. I am not a member of any of those “social media ” websites I saw through them long ago as an artificial means of allowing the 99 % to “let off steam ” when the whole of Western society is ruled by the harsh Jewish regime . But as the above article shows “letting off steam ” only applies if you conform to the rules of the Jew World Order (JWO) step out of line and big boss Jew puts you back in your place so the whole image of a “free” society to say what you think is one big lie but as a LIE=a JEW well we shouldnt have been taken in . I hope people Worldwide read the above for it shows who really run us not those you voted in but Israel the fight for a free (non-Kosher ) society has only just begun.

  2. I make critical, or as the Jews call them “anti-Semitic” remarks about Jews and Israel constantly on yahoo, where you can post an opinion on an article. I still have comments removed occasionally, but I think I used to have more comments removed. I was also threatened by them with an e-mail about 1 or 2 years ago, saying they would close my account (email) if I didn’t stop. I didn’t stop because I couldn’t. I was concerned about losing my e-mail but I couldn’t help myself. I have not received any threats from them since that one time. These places (yahoo, facebook, all such websites) I think are an excellent way of seeing how public opinion has changed. Yahoo is still full of morons that will attack any criticism of the Jew, but there has been a huge change in the last 2 years with an enormous number of people supporting comments critical of Jews, when only a few years ago you couldn’t say anything without being attacked by an army of Jew supporters. I think they haven’t threatened me again because there are now many like minded people on yahoo and they can’t afford to lose that many people.

    With the Jew calling any criticism of them “anti-semitic” I would like to see others recognize this and the implication that being “anti-semitic” is not wrong or bigoted. I hope to see a political party of intelligent, calm (unlike me) people that call their party “The Party for Anti-Semitism and Freedom” or something like that.

  3. I have the same trouble. Every time I post something that tells the truth, either or is deleted or there is always some idiot ( By the name of Tom) who calls me “A Jew Hater” No matter what the article is all about. Not only that, every time my comments are posted immediately have a 10 or 20 thumbs down. It is always suspicious because if you say something about Israel and the Palestinian people, the paid shills, start giving you thumbs down.

  4. #3 Peter
    “These places (yahoo, facebook, all such websites) I think are an excellent way of seeing how public opinion has changed.”

    Yes, seeing the changes and immediately preparing the best antidote… being injected into the public opinion by hasbara, shills, sabbath goyim, etc.

    Me think that the “social media” have much more sinister/deceptive task to do:
    long time ago policemen had had big cardboards, covered by names/nicks of suspects connected by lines/arrows – this slow process usually ended up in jailing the REAL CRIMINALS.

    Today the Police, NGOs, Intelligence, etc. have facebook, twitter, cameras allowing the facial recognition in public places, systems collecting ALL electronically send information and controlling non stop the exact location of mobile phones, etc., for creating “TEAM of PATSIES”, not knowing each other, but in some ways mutually similar, so they can die unknowing who orchestrated the London Tube bombing.

    What can say families and friends confronting the news from “jewish”/Khazars TV ?
    May be: No, nooo! This is impossible…he was so good, quiet boy, we never suspected… – how he hide everything so well???

  5. Isaac-Dont EVER ! give up keep posting the truth because the truth hurts and it hurts most the lying Jew . You are part of an army and a army fighting for the Real Freedom and Democracy not the supposed ones put out by the lying Jewish governments of the US/UK . I get plenty of thumbs down on another site not related to politics because I criticize Big Business for what it is anti- 99 % without even mentioning the word Jew even though they own it. But I just throw it back in their faces but it upsets some because they feel they have been insulted I say I am only telling the truth but as you found out the whole Western Society is run on lies day in day out just look at the propaganda war of total lies against Putin but more and more reasonable Americans and some Europeans are seeing the lies for what they are the Total domination not only of our minds and bodies but of our Spirit dont ,dont ! stop what you are doing you are a soldier in a GREAT Cause fighting the Jewish World Domination you deserve a medal not condemnation.

  6. I personally reported a zionist troll to facebook for posting horrific images of child porn and they did nothing about it. The images where so horrific that I had no choice but to follow my conscience and notify the police about them who agreed that they where some of the worst images they had ever seen. The police opened a full investigation into it. A few months later the police contacted me to give me an update and they told me that facebook had covered his tracks and would not cooperate with them at all in the matter even though they had on the images in their records. So this should give you an indication of what facebook is really like.

  7. About a year ago I was arguing with a particularly nasty and threatening Zionist troll he started posting horrific images of child porn of children being abused in one of the debate groups I reported this to Facebook and they did nothing about it. They where so bad I had no choice but to contact the police about it when they viewed the images they agreed they where some of the worst images they had ever come across and they would be opening a full investigation into it. A few months later they contacted me to give me an update on the case when they told me that they had spoken to Facebook who refused to cooperate with them in the case which meant the guy got off with it unpunished and his profile is still around to this day. Every image or comment you post to Facebook is recorded and kept even if you delete them which means that Facebook had the evidence of this child porn and decided to cover for the paedophile. Yet I recently got a 30 day ban for calling a Zionist troll stupid for posting racist images, this should tell you the real colours of Facebook.

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