3 thoughts on “Fake News "Pizzagate" Leads to Man Shooting Up Restaurant”
shouldn’t fake news be in quotations? that fact that it is not and the insane pic of alex jonestein suggests you are suggesting there is nothing to pizzagate
i would beg to differ ed note (Tony)…Not at all. This story points out that the gap-tooth knuckle draggers will believe anything peddled nowadays by whack-job sites like Infowars and Prisonplanet. See ‘SandyHookers’………..
would you consider reports of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq fake news? ed note (Tony)… The “WMD in Iraq” lie was used to start the wars for Israel that we currently see going on in the ME
but infowhores tried to sell the JMSM narrative that SH was a real shooting for months until they started loosing subscribers in droves, this is when they finally decided to change their tune
they tried to sell it as a real shooting at first and for a longtimeafter, it was only reluctantly that they changed their narrative to go along with others were talking about it being a total hoax for gun control which did not happen until months later
shouldn’t fake news be in quotations? that fact that it is not and the insane pic of alex jonestein suggests you are suggesting there is nothing to pizzagate
i would beg to differ
ed note (Tony)…Not at all. This story points out that the gap-tooth knuckle draggers will believe anything peddled nowadays by whack-job sites like Infowars and Prisonplanet. See ‘SandyHookers’………..
would you consider reports of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq fake news?
ed note (Tony)… The “WMD in Iraq” lie was used to start the wars for Israel that we currently see going on in the ME
but infowhores tried to sell the JMSM narrative that SH was a real shooting for months until they started loosing subscribers in droves, this is when they finally decided to change their tune
they tried to sell it as a real shooting at first and for a longtimeafter, it was only reluctantly that they changed their narrative to go along with others were talking about it being a total hoax for gun control which did not happen until months later