Aviya Morris, who spat on Arab MK in 2012, says she was taunted, insulted nonstop before Thursday’s incident
ed note–just a little reminder as to just WHO is the primary instigator of all the anti-Islamic poison that is now engulfing the world in war and misery, as well as the fact that despite all their moralizing and lecturing others on the virtues of ‘tolerance’ and ‘respect for others’ that at the end of the day, Jews as a group hate anything that is ‘goyische’ in its disposition, whether it Mohammed, Jesus, etc.
Imagine anyone of any stripe engaging in the same kind of rhetoric with regards to the ‘sacred cows’ held in high esteem by the Jews, be it Herzl, Anne Frank, Sarah Silverman, etc.
As always, it is important to remember one of the many protocols collectively making up the ‘Golden Rule’ as pertains these particular creatures, which is that there is one standard for them and another one entirely different for the rest of us.
Oh, there will be apologies sui generis, you can rest assured of this. The other arm of the octopus who calls these goons “far right” (when in fact they are mainstream judeozionists) will make smarmy “tsk, tsk, tsk!” noise over this. But they are arms of the same octopus. Far more than an apology is needed.
knowing the propensity of these filthy racist israelis to lie. I highly doubt that this vile woman’s reason is true. she and her kind precipitates swiftly the downfall of the demonic rothschild entity
Blame it only on so-called free press & media in the US…