0 thoughts on “Fascinating Article: Pseudo Christian Promotes Judaism”
Nice & yeasty with that Pharisical leaven.
Unbelievable garbage spewed in the name of religion by fossilized fundamentalists.
Civil wars start internally. Need to get your men inside in order to get’er done.
II Corninthians 11:
12 And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about.
13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.
14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
I fear he is just a fore runner of what is to come. I found myself in the Times of Israel commentaries earlier today and this guy is just … well there are lots of him out there, most living in the U.S.
And indeed the usual Judaic twist ~ once again ~ to an old story. Oh, I forget, did he mention the Holocaust?
He must be slipping….
Still stuck in the Bronze Age tar pit. Will it never end? The OT ought to be ripped out of every Bible so that people could focus on the teachings of Jesus instead of all that Yahwist tribal bullshit.
At the very beginning of the book of Esther we first see 127 representatives gathered under Ahasuerus. This is the same number that John Hagee started with. Since then he has grown. The bible is a repeat for us today. Nothing good came of this group.
Nearly all the time she was in the kings court she was under Hatach, her chamberlain, being observed for any jealously or suspicious conduct. The Lord too observes us and looks on our hearts the same way. Proverbs 21:1.
Esther is seen going into the inner court (Revelation 11:2). She stood but the king sat. The king is all ready in the inner court. On one layer of understanding we see the bad that happened in the book of Esther. On a deeper meaning we keep in mind she had ‘seven maidens.’ Think seven church’s in Revelation chapter’s 2 and 3 and she went into the inner court on the third day…Esther 5;1. Esther is also a repeat of what today’s Christians need…to get into that inner court of knowledge. The outer court is about to get tread under.
It was during the book of Esther that a letter was sent out. Repeat, repeat, repeat of what we just saw happening with the letter sent to Iran today.
Jews are so full of psychodrama. Must be a large part of the issue with everything Jewish. Not only are they psychopaths but jews are paranoid schizophrenics as well. It’s all very dangerous especially because it’s not real. But if you try and tell a jew their fear is unfounded in reality they will call you an anti Semite or worse and that’s not even real. The world is dealing with deranged lunatics in Judaism and Judeochristians Zionist who are just as psychotic with this end time fantasy unless they make it happen, even then it will not go down like the fantasy in their heads.
@#6, pardon my Goyish slowness but why all the numerology blathering? Why should Christians, or indeed any sane person of any faith spend time analyzing and seeking portends in the vile teachings of a stone-age, hate-filled screed?
Monica is Esther. All these ignorant right wing Christians ignore Bibi’s serial adultery.
Bibi has cheated on all his many wives and lovers.
Looki it up !
These stupid Christians preached against Bill Clinton but Bibi is much more corrupt than Clinton.
Bibi is a racist whoremonger but the brainwashed Christians love him anyway because he is a Jew.
Nice & yeasty with that Pharisical leaven.
Unbelievable garbage spewed in the name of religion by fossilized fundamentalists.
Civil wars start internally. Need to get your men inside in order to get’er done.
II Corninthians 11:
12 And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about.
13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.
14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
I fear he is just a fore runner of what is to come. I found myself in the Times of Israel commentaries earlier today and this guy is just … well there are lots of him out there, most living in the U.S.
And indeed the usual Judaic twist ~ once again ~ to an old story. Oh, I forget, did he mention the Holocaust?
He must be slipping….
Still stuck in the Bronze Age tar pit. Will it never end? The OT ought to be ripped out of every Bible so that people could focus on the teachings of Jesus instead of all that Yahwist tribal bullshit.
At the very beginning of the book of Esther we first see 127 representatives gathered under Ahasuerus. This is the same number that John Hagee started with. Since then he has grown. The bible is a repeat for us today. Nothing good came of this group.
Nearly all the time she was in the kings court she was under Hatach, her chamberlain, being observed for any jealously or suspicious conduct. The Lord too observes us and looks on our hearts the same way. Proverbs 21:1.
Esther is seen going into the inner court (Revelation 11:2). She stood but the king sat. The king is all ready in the inner court. On one layer of understanding we see the bad that happened in the book of Esther. On a deeper meaning we keep in mind she had ‘seven maidens.’ Think seven church’s in Revelation chapter’s 2 and 3 and she went into the inner court on the third day…Esther 5;1. Esther is also a repeat of what today’s Christians need…to get into that inner court of knowledge. The outer court is about to get tread under.
It was during the book of Esther that a letter was sent out. Repeat, repeat, repeat of what we just saw happening with the letter sent to Iran today.
Jews are so full of psychodrama. Must be a large part of the issue with everything Jewish. Not only are they psychopaths but jews are paranoid schizophrenics as well. It’s all very dangerous especially because it’s not real. But if you try and tell a jew their fear is unfounded in reality they will call you an anti Semite or worse and that’s not even real. The world is dealing with deranged lunatics in Judaism and Judeochristians Zionist who are just as psychotic with this end time fantasy unless they make it happen, even then it will not go down like the fantasy in their heads.
@#6, pardon my Goyish slowness but why all the numerology blathering? Why should Christians, or indeed any sane person of any faith spend time analyzing and seeking portends in the vile teachings of a stone-age, hate-filled screed?
Monica is Esther. All these ignorant right wing Christians ignore Bibi’s serial adultery.
Bibi has cheated on all his many wives and lovers.
Looki it up !
These stupid Christians preached against Bill Clinton but Bibi is much more corrupt than Clinton.
Bibi is a racist whoremonger but the brainwashed Christians love him anyway because he is a Jew.