It started with the Hello, Hitler t-shirt.
Just after arriving for a month in Caracas, I saw a teenage girl on the subway wearing a snug red tee whose logo warped the familiar “Hello, Kitty” character into a cute parody of… Der Fuhrer. A giant swastika dominated the shirt, whose tagline was an obvious take on “Heil, Hitler.”
A few days later, by coincidence, I spotted the t-shirt in A Uno, a Venezuelan fashion magazine. The monthly ran an effusive spread on “super-cool” designs of Fuera de la Caja, the company behind the tee. A Uno drew no distinction between the Hello, Hitler shirt and the company’s other hip designs (Fuera de la Caja didn’t respond to e-mailed requests for comment).
The shirt unnerved me. While Caracas is hardly welcoming to Jews — we’re still seen as somewhat alien here, despite a long-standing and established Jewish presence — I haven’t experienced overt anti-Semitism on any of my visits here. Even the anti-Jewish rhetoric that colored Venezuela’s 2013 presidential elections seemed far removed from the bustling streets of the capital.
But something feels different on this trip; I’m sensing casual anti-Semitism and seeing overt anti-Israel sentiment. And for the first time, I’ve felt uneasy as a Jew.
At a government-run bookstore downtown, the week after seeing the t-shirt, I spied “Los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sion” — a Spanish translation of the notorious literary hoax “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” — next to the cash register.
When my Venezuelan partner asked about it, the clerk insisted the book was his own copy and not for sale in the store.
My partner — a lapsed Catholic — told the clerk we were both Jewish, just to see the reaction. The clerk, an unassuming 40-something guy in a baseball cap, started ranting about how Jews control the media and Hollywood, how the six-million-dead Holocaust figure was an exaggeration, and how he was actually opposed to Zionism, not Jews. He continued railing about “finding the truth through dialogue” as we inched out the door.
Another book stopped me in my tracks a few days later. In the Bellas Artes neighborhood, where dreadlocked street vendors sell everything from 19th-century dog-training manuals to vinyl copies of the “Xanadu” soundtrack, I spotted a blood-red cover with the title “Mi Lucha” — Spanish for “Mein Kampf” — and an almost childish cartoon rendering of “Adolfo Hitler,” to whom the book was credited. That the book was displayed next to “The Fault in Our Stars” and Paulo Coelho’s “Adultery” made it even more unnerving. You got the feeling the street vendor had no clue about the book’s dark historic significance.
The same day, on our way to a national textile festival inside a beautiful, modern arts complex, we emerged from the subway to see a massive “Viva Palestina Libre” mural with a keffiyeh-wearing face on one side and Hugo Chavez’s smiling visage on the other. The colors of the Palestinian flag formed the background; Chavez’s presence on the wall meant that the mural may have been sanctioned by the government of president Nicolas Maduro.
Taken alone, each of these episodes may not have bothered me as much. That they all happened within the same month-long visit shook me. I started getting chills, thinking about how anti-Semitism can start as a seed, and progress insidiously through a passive population until it becomes overt. I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen here next.
2 ZIONAZI “PARTNERS” On a HasbaRAT covert op? typical of the Satanic scum
The Jew writes,
“Something feels different on this trip; I’m sensing casual anti-Semitism and seeing overt anti-Israel sentiment. And for the first time, I’ve felt uneasy as a Jew.”
Relations between the Venezuelan government and Israel soured in 2006 when the Jews bombarded Lebanon, and then invaded (only to get stomped by Hezbollah).
Relations were broken completely when the Jews bombarded Gaza in “Operation Cast Lead” (27 Dec 2008 – 18 Jan 2009).
Of course, rich Venezuelans still adore Jews. They loathe Venezuela’s populist government, but they love Jews.
Meanwhile neighboring Colombia crawls with Israelis. Hugo Chavez once called the Colombian government “the Israel of Latin America.”
Cuban expatriates in Florida also love Jews. Indeed, their lobby is the ADL.
The Jew continues…
“Another book stopped me in my tracks. In the Bellas Artes neighborhood, I saw a copy of Mein Kampf. You got the feeling the street vendor had no clue about the book’s dark historic significance.”
TRANSLATION: Evidently we Jews have not yet managed to brainwash everyone in Latin America (population 588 million). This street vendor knew nothing about the holo-hoax. He just blithely sold whatever books he could. How DARE he?
The Jew continues…
“I started getting chills, thinking about how anti-Semitism can start as a seed, and progress insidiously through a passive population until it becomes overt”
TRANSLATION: I started getting chills, realizing that no matter how much we brainwash the filthy Goyim, they always remain on the verge of snapping out of their trance, and seeing we Jews as we really are.
By the way, in Shiite houses in Lebanon, it is common to see portraits of Hezbollah leader Nasrallah, along with Hugo Chavez.
Some readers may remember the global brouhaha back in February 2009 when the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue in Caracas was “brutally attacked and desecrated by government-sponsored terrorists.”
For a week or two, mankind wept for this shameful act of “anti-Semitism.” TV channels showed movies about the holo-hoax. Jews everywhere chanted “Never again!” and vowed revenge on Venezuela. Evangelical Christians marched in support of the Jews that despise them. European governments threatened to invade Venezuela militarily. The whole planet grieved for its beloved Jews.
Of course, the “attack” on the synagogue turned out to be a robbery by Jews themselves. One of the burglars was the synagogue rabbi’s bodyguard, who staged the robbery because he was angry that the rabbi would not lend him money.
It reminds me of this famous image…
You reap what you sow. When 2-legged swine connive, betray and “use” countries, when 2-legged swine slaughter unarmed men, women and children, (Russia, Ukraine, Germany Eastern Europe en toto), You may fool some of the (Goim) some of the time, but not all of the (Goim) all of the time. Your arrogance, treachery and evil will (hopefully) soon be returned to you 100 fold and will include every stinking “statesmen” who worked with you to corrupt our nation’s religious, educational economic, government, military, law enforcement structures. Even the “golems” of the west eventually realize they’ve been “had” and when they see their fealty hasn’t bought them a “stairway to heaven” those dogs will be out in front to get their pound of flesh! Truly I say unto you… Karma is, in fact, a bitch.
This article is based on an integral condition of the Jew’s psyche – arrogance and self pity. No matter how patently obscene and hostile the Jews’ manifest crimes are, they will always justify themselves as the victims.And, paradoxically,, the revulsion and sensitivity of others to their racism and callous indifference is “Anti-Semitic”, casting themselves as the victims as usual. This is programmed and drilled into them from birth and reinforced by the Holocaust(tm) narrative which is a subset of their special “Chosen Ones” meme. They are fixated on thinking of themselves as persecuted. That’s the lynchpin of their entire culture.It enhances their sense of entitlement, superiority over others and, ultimately, their collective justification for oppressing and dominating everybody else. This Jew, in reality, is not offended and puzzled by the signs all around him. Amidst the hand wringing and finger pointing, he actually feels empowered by the way it feeds into his entitlement complex. This is why they see “anti-Semites” under their beds and in their closets. Not because they’re really there, but because the Jews create them. The more Gentiles that loathe and despise Jews, the more it tacitly lets them know they’re doing something right from their perspective.
The proof that Jews are “Chosen” is that they are “victimized.”
Jews are “victimized” because they are “Chosen.”
Not content to say, “They hate us for our freedoms,” Jews claim that “they hate us for our superiority.”
Of course, it is Jews who are the supreme haters.
If you point this out, you are guilty of “hate speech.”
By the way, this Jew mentions Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.”
In that book, Hitler explains that he never met a Jew until he arrived in Vienna, and after he did, he constantly defended Jews. Hitler hung around Jews almost exclusively, and he was disgusted by anti-Jewish pamphlets. However he eventually learned the truth. Other than that, “Mein Kampf” has little to say about Jews, and not many of Hitler’s later speeches referred to Jews.
The direct anti-Jewish rhetoric came from people like Joseph Goebbels and Julius Streicher. In fact, Streicher was so anti-Jewish that in 1940 the Nazis stripped him of membership, office, and everything else. But none of this matters to Jews, since they have their holo-hoax.
The only genocide worshipped by the entire world is the only genocide that never happened.
Konrad very well said. The Holocaust makes us beholden to the jews and they have brainwashed themselves into thinking they are the chosen ones!!!
The Jews are simply the most subjective people on earth ! Everything must be suburdinate to them. I am very pleased by this development in Venezuala The beautiful people there are catching on fast. The T-Shirt is great-and knowing MEIN KAMPF is out there i the open. It would seem that people of color,and Latins are not as closed minded,brainwashed,or cowed as the European,or gullible American. (BLACK NAZIS ,Veronica Clark-Veri Icona Publications-and YOU TUBE-THE EPIC STORY OF THE WAFFEN SS- Leon Degrelle You Tube,THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD-You Tube,HITLER TRIBUTES,and HITLERS WAR-What Historians fail To Mention-You Tube,should find a wide audiance there…when one LEARNS the truth about WW2;the awful war,that the Jews DEMANDED,and fought to THEIR TACTICS-“Unconditional Surrender”,Firebombings of AXIS Civilians ,boycotts,embargos,trials of the defeated-than total financial control-after victory,than one learns ALL about the Jews. HITLERS WAR-David Irving Action Watch the Jews step up their assualts on Venezuala more. They want the oil,gold,and markets..they resent the beauty of thepeople-the Latin/Germanic mix. I think the Uglky Truth to seel those shirts !
The Jews feel they are always right no matter how many crimes they commit against people, they will always feel that they are persecuted, kicked out of cities, discriminated against etc… But these psychopaths never see how evil they are. that means they do not have a soul or a heart for any one. They are always the victims.
There is no other race on this planet to be more diabolical than the Jewish race.