[Ariadna: Fear of facts seems to affect the entire Western world and no part of it more than the American people. This fact phobia is triggered by the inculcated fear of committing the crime (punishable by prison in many countries) of “hate speech.”
“Hate speech,” not precisely defined legally so that it can be an elastic term, is speech enunciating FACTS likely to “offend.”
It is curious that the American government, “offending” millions killed and maimed by their military, and unwilling to protect its own citizens’ basic human and civic rights enshrined in their Constitution, above all free speech, should be so preoccupied to prevent a non-existent right: the “right” to not be offended by free speech, and should so strenuously work to prohibit offending “protected minorities.” [No, the Welsh are not a protected minority, it’s another group — a rather protean clan, now a race, now a nation, now a religion. Guess who?
This excellent video analyzes this fear of facts, and discusses who leads the fear mongering and what the motivation might be.
No, it is not a Scottish clan that developed the “hate speech” concept and turned it into a weapon to muzzle, deceive and intimidate. Guess again. Better, watch!]
Funny. I watched this vid just the other day. It is amazing how people’s ideologies seem to dominate over contradicting facts and common sense.Re the protestant camp, the chosenite doctrine,IMO, seems to be a pillar in their belief system.
Funny. I watched this vid just the other day. It is amazing how people’s ideologies seem to dominate over contradicting facts and common sense.Re the protestant camp, the chosenite doctrine,IMO, seems to be a pillar in their belief system.