
JTA – Fliers accusing Jews of creating anti-Semitic hoaxes were left in neighborhoods of Scottsdale, Arizona. The fliers dropped throughout this week near the Valley of the Sun Jewish Community Center in Scottsdale reference the fact that a teen in Israel, believed to be Jewish, was arrested in connection with the threats made to nearly 150 Jewish community centers and Jewish institutions in the U.S., according to the Arizona Republic.

“Why do Jews feel the need to create fake anti-Semitism hoaxes?” the flier reads, and directs people to the website of the neo-Nazi and white supremacist Daily Stormer website.

Scottsdale police are investigating, though they told local media that the fliers do not violate any criminal statutes and do not contain a specific threat.

The flier also features a cartoon of a man with a very large and slightly hooked nose wearing a hat and trench coat spray-painting a swastika on the side of a building with the caption “Hey Rabbi. Watcha’ Doing?”

The Anti-Defamation League in Arizona tweeted a photo of one of the fliers and said it was “disgusted” by them. The group said it was reaching out to law enforcement.

3 thoughts on “Fliers accusing Jews of anti-Semitic hoaxes dropped near Arizona JCC”
  1. The teen is “believed to be” Jewish?! OMG! Either he IS or he ISN’T! (He is.)

  2. LOL! This was probably a counter stroke to defend themselves from the jew False Flag fact. I’ll bet jews were behind this too. How funny if this too was exposed as a jew F-F!

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