
Students and university staff remove placards which decried a global Zionist conspiracy

LOS ANGELES — A series of fliers posted on the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara, accused Jews of being behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

The fliers, which appeared around campus during last weekend when students were moving in for the fall semester, declared that “9/11 Was an Outside Job,” with a large blue Star of David. The text urged readers to visit websites arguing that the attacks were the result of an international Zionist conspiracy and to Google terms such as “9/11 Was Mossad.”

Rabbi Evan Goodman, executive director of UC Santa Barbara’s Hillel, estimated that up to 10 fliers were posted around campus, the Los Angeles Jewish Journal reported. In a posting on the blog for the Santa Barbara Hillel, Goodman said that Hillel and university staff along with students had taken down the fliers, and that there was no indication that any students or student groups had put them up.

Goodman’s post noted that the first student to take down a flier and bring it to Hillel was a Muslim student leader. He also said that the “UCSB administration has been prompt and proactive in their response to these postings.”

Times Of Israel

SB Hillel and UCSB Respond to Anti-Jewish Flyers

Dear Students, Parents, and Community Members of Santa Barbara Hillel,

Over the course of UCSB move-in weekend on September 27-28, a handful of copies of an anti-Jewish flyer were found posted on the UCSB campus. The image includes a Jewish “star of David” alleging that Jews were behind the events of 9/11. Students, university staff and Hillel staff removed the offending posters as soon they were found. There is no indication that students or student groups were behind these postings.

UCSB administration has been prompt and proactive in their response to these postings. Chancellor Henry Yang personally called me to express his concern, and to assure our community that UCSB takes this extremely seriously. He has directed the leadership of the Office of Student Life (OSL) to ensure that students know their rights and responsibilities to create and maintain a welcoming and civil climate on campus.

Debbie Fleming is the Senior Associate Dean in the Office of Student Life. She writes: “OSL has taken down several other posters that were discovered on campus, and will continue to do so. We will also document the incident(s) in Ethics Point which is the system available for anyone to submit information about a hate incident or bias incident. I am attaching a copy of the letter [click here to see the letter] that we printed recently in the mail home edition of the Daily Nexus that went to all new UCSB students. We will also reprint the letter in the October 9 on-campus printed edition of the Daily Nexus and will send it directly to all students via email. In addition, Katya [Armistead, Associate Dean of Student Life and Activities] will include a statement in the next OSL communication to all students reinforcing the messages in the letter and our policies against harassment.”

Katya Armistead is the Associate Dean of Student Life and Activities. She writes: “Dear Rabbi, thank you for alerting us to these postings. I will ask my staff and students to keep an eye out for these. We’ll take them down right away and keep a look at to see if we see anyone put them up. These postings are not approved nor do they have a Registered Campus organization affiliation listed. I’ll also share this with UCPD and CSO so they too can be on alert.”

Friends, we know the people behind conspiracy theories like this are at best unstable and at worst dangerous. Therefore we cannot simply dismiss this as the action of a fringe group or individual given the current climate. Images like this around campus are threatening to Jewish students just as similar images would be if they were to single out any other minority religious or ethnic group of students for condemnation.

One of the students who originally found a poster on Saturday is himself a leader among Muslim students, and he and I have a very positive relationship. He was very kind to take one of these posters down and was the first person to bring it to me here at Hillel.

We appreciate that Chancellor Yang and UCSB are taking this seriously. As always, Hillel is here to foster a positive campus climate for all students during these challenging times. Please be in touch if there is any way that we at Hillel might be of assistance to our students and the community. You can reach me at [email protected] or 805-968-1280.

We are pleased to welcome the new school year as our community also ushers in the Jewish New Year. Thank you, and Shana Tova u’Metukah – a good and sweet year to all!

Rabbi Evan Goodman
Executive Director

Ed Note OCDG:  Real world exposure is far more effective.

0 thoughts on “Fliers posted at UC Santa Barbara blame Jews for 9/11”
  1. So there are some smart people in Santa Barbara – may have to visit there, and soon, just to find these brave and knowledgeable people and have a decent conversation. I’m sure the yidds of Hillel peed their pants at the truthful audacity displayed by the poster-hangers. Peter

  2. “Conspiracy theories are threatening”. Of course only when those ‘theories’,point out ones directed at Jewish power ! The conpiracies ,that Jews promote are just A-OK! “German death cults(vile Alex Jones-his Jew wife,and sponsors),Michael Savage,Glenn Beck,John Birch Society,Zio-Christianity,Communsm-all Jewish apologist ,power creations.

  3. With over 45 years in Commercial/residential construction the moment I saw those THREE buildings collapse after TWO were struck I knew it was the whores in D.C. and their AIPAC masters setting us up. Believing that an airplane can make three buildings collapse at FREE FALL SPEED is as ridiculous as believing the Hallow’dcaust really – really happened… Which 6 million and which TIME?

  4. handsome poster ~ but what dif does it make who found the first one ~ is the UCSB trying to make it look like Muslims are pals with the Jews?

  5. Ethics Point is a system to submit a ‘bias incident’.
    “Goodman said that Hillel and university staff along with students had taken down the fliers”. In other words, UC Santa Barbara used their entire army to take down ten flyers as well as Architects & Enginners for Truth have no relevance on American college campuses. Must be one of dem librul arts collegs.

  6. google “dancing Israelis and 9-11”, yes, “dancing Israelis”…you will be surprised at what you find…

  7. organizedcrimedotgov & Darwin26,
    Didn’t want to be reported for not reporting a ‘bias incident’, hence the mention of the ‘Ethics Point system’.

  8. It is finally coming out. 9/11 was an inside job mostly carried out by israel. This is quit clear.

  9. All Hands on Deck! All Hands on Deck!
    Folks, it’s time to do more publicly. The time is ripe and small efforts such as these will bear fruit. I’ve had a thumbs up from a cop going by in his car, a veteran say “ya mean I did two tours for the wrong reason…ya, I’ll check the site out,” and a housewife roll down her window and after asking a few newbie-type questions say, “I think a LOT of people don’t believe the official story.”
    People have a few dots or half dots and it’s up to us to give them a bit more with that essential Kosher ingredient. Stickers, leaflets, signs, tee-shirts, dvds, solo or with friends. I promise you’ll feel better. A little pounding on the stake in the vampire always feels good.

  10. Now that’s what I’m talking about, aj.
    Wear a tshirt, give out free bumper stickers, hand out cards with TUT’s URL, etc etc.
    The masses are unknowledgeable NOT stupid. Once they have the facts, they will know exactly how to deal with these problems.

  11. Love on earth!! These usurpers are the Ebola viruses, capable of butchering, torturing, starving millions of people very silently ‘ These usurpers are the viruses on earth!!!

  12. Many of you possibly don’t know history at all. You see, during the reign of the Ottoman Empire Europe enjoyed a cultural and economical boom, centralizing in Buda (Hungary) in the 17th Century. The Turks have never destroyed or burnt down national heritage sites, neither churches but indeed, they have firmly defended them, re-building those lost or destroyed during sieges and battles and bringing regional development to the land by building churches(!), mosques, schools, bakeries, communal kitchens and Turkish baths, advocating science and progress. Finally, when they were to defeat themselves against the Army Of The Holy Roman Empire -, they’ve done it alongside the Jews and the deprived, fighting hand in hand against the evil of the “Holy War”. Still, “Not even the babies in their mother’s womb were spared. Jews and Muslims were sent to their deaths, regardless of sex and age. No such barbarism were ever present in Europe until the battle/recapture of Buda in 1686. The river Danube was painted red by the blood of the Turks and Jews and whilst members of the Army Of The Holy Roman Empire were burying their lost ones, they have disrespectfully dumped the bodies of the Muslims and Jewish victims in the river but that was not enough. The Christians wanted every Jew and Muslim dead in the country and that has never ever changed during our history.

  13. This was so ‘obviously’ “hate speech”! 🙄 But I’m sure that if the posters had said that 9/11 was an ‘outside job’ done by Muslims (19 Muslim terrorists, mostly Arabs) it would have been A-OK. That’s an APPROVED “conspiracy theory”, which doesn’t originate with unbalanced and dangerous people! 😆 Any Muslims on campus should just accept the ‘truth’ and repudiate (in sackcloth and ashes) those ‘Muslim terrorists’. But of course to point out that in fact “the Jews” did 9/11 (in collaboration with ‘Gentile’ “sabbath-goy”) is ‘anti-Semitism’, even if it’s the truth (which it surely is).

  14. Around 2000 Jews did not go to work at the twin towers on 9/11. It was reported the next day on Sept 12th 2001 by a news paper in Beirut Lebanon. Is this a conspiracy theory?. The real conspiracy theory is what the government of that reptile Bush told the American people. It’s been scientifically proven that the towers were brought down by a controlled demolition, there was no plane at the Pentagon, no fuselage, no bodies, no parts of any plane and the same thing with the other plane in Pennsylvania that was supposedly crashed by the Arab hijackers. But many “Patriotic” fellow Americans swallowed those lies. BBC reported building #7 collapse 40 minutes before that actually happened and hundreds of other things Bush lied about. And they got away with it.

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