(Sabba) – Remember earlier this month, the Turkish PM vowed to make every effort necessary to join the EU (LINK)
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And how much of that money will be siphoned off into the Erdogan private and illegal concerns. Let’s see some strength to weaken his family’s hold on the illegal oil dealings with ISIS.
This Donmeh Jew, a Sabbataean Jew, has been playing the Islamic world duplicitously for years. His chastizing Perez on the world stage was only empty theatre to gull the Muslim and Western worlds. How these people snicker when they pull off these stunts. This also makes one think to review the deaths and the histories of some of those on the passenger log of the Mavi Marmara, the execution style assassination of some of the victims. Turkey was more involved than has come to light now that the true deeply interwoven ties to terrorism between Israel and Turkey become more obvious.
No wonder Obama lists Erdie as one of his five best buddies on the planet.
Turkish President’s daughter heads a covert medical corps to help ISIS injured members, reveals a disgruntled nurse