conflead6f-2-webTrump sounds the same as he did on this old Oprah clip 25 years ago. That indicates a foundation that has stood the test of time. What he said 25 years ago still holds true today and the stakes are so much higher.

2 thoughts on “For Those Who Say Trump Has No Consistency”
  1. Yes… consistency I see: it’s all about how to make deals…
    Everything he said in this interview with Oprah is bunkum. Every single thing. If his understanding of economy and foreign policy is what he revealed here, then he is sorely unprepared and unqualified. Not that such a fault has prevented others, even retards like Dubya (a sly retard but a retard nonetheless), from reaching the White House.
    Let’s hope he was (and still is) lying in this respect.

  2. You can complain all you want about him…the obvious facts are what alternative is there but he?
    Yes “Trump deals” and Jews DO NOT, when it comes to their agenda …they maneuver but do not compromise. They accept nothing but “unconditional surrender.”
    This, and his ego/independent resources unnerves them.
    It’s racial too … Trump is a Nordic, which the Jews viscerally detest.
    Great, let’s crush Trump for Zio-Christian Cruz, or an installed puppet at the GOP Sanhedrin.
    In the fall old lady Hilliary will do.

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