ed note–Let us understand a few things here right away–

Trump and his people–including the thousands of professionals working at the US State Department, many of whom hold PhDs and other advanced degrees not only in the general subject of international relations, but as well, the PARTICULAR subjects dealing with the Islamic world–KNEW what the results would be vis a vis his ‘declaration’ on Jerusalem. They knew that the immediate result would be the fracturing of the nascent ‘alliance’ that was just beginning to coalesce between Israel and the Arab Sunni states, and–more importantly as pertains this situation–that IRAN would immediately take the lead in calling for the Islamic world to unite around Jerusalem, as the liberation of that city has been CENTRAL to Iran’s official foreign policy ever since 1979.

So, anyone entertaining for a microsecond the inane notion that Trump, Inc did not know that his ‘declaration’ was going to result in Israel’s plans for her long planned Sunni/Shia war being scuttled is delusional. Furthermore, anyone entertaining for a microsecond the notion that Trump, Inc did not know that his ‘declaration’ was going to result in Iran grabbing the gold on this issue and using it to solidify her position in the region as the defender of Jerusalem is equally delusional.

SO, the logical question we have for all of you ‘Trump did this jes’ to pleez duh jooz’ types is as follows–Why would he do such a thing knowing that the immediate outcome of it would be to unite almost 2 billion Muslims around the world against Israel and make Iran the tip of the spear in this unification?

Go ahead, take your time answering…we’ll patiently wait.

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