RT – Israeli officials were apparently uncomfortable with the international community paying unwanted attention to developments in Gaza. Dozens of Palestinian protesters were killed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) during mass protests in the Gaza Strip – but Erdan says the global community has been looking in the wrong direction.

“The shocking attack shows the incredible international hypocrisy of the international community focusing on Israel confronting the terrorist organization Hamas that is sending civilians to our [border] fence, when dozens are being killed in Syria every day,” he said. CONTINUE READING

3 thoughts on “Forget about Gaza, bomb Assad! Israeli hawks urge US to strike Syria over Douma ‘chem attack’”
  1. typical jew skullduggery on 2 fronts:
    • kill palestinians, children, journalists with impunity, in cold blood with cameras rolling, say israel has right to self-defense and don’t forget to mention holocaust, keep incrementing the numbers in orer to anesthetize goy brains to the next set of outrages, more and more until they are no longer even aware of the scale, so that when one time instead of 471 children killed, it is only 468, everyone loves jews for their kindness and mercy,
    • murder a bunch of syrians using isis proxies, blame assad, attack assad and kill some more syrians in order to avenge the syrians previously killed by jews – claiming all the time that they love, just love syrians because jews are such global humanitarians, philanthropists, look at all the field clinics set up instantly in all the areas hit by calamities, bernard koushner and hillary and podestas are there to save the children, avaaz, soros, tikkun olam, repairing the world one kidney at a time, they all love children, whether in dismembered chunks or whole, yes, jews love arab children and anyone reminding the world of what they are doing at that very moment in palestine is branded a vicious antisemite, “tob shebbe goyim harog” doesn’t mean “tob shebbe goyim harog”, because jews and only jews have the right of reinterpretation whenever it suits them.
    goyim nodding, crosseyed, drooling, uncomprehending, did you say save the whales, mr soros?
    okay, save the whales and i’ll buy an extra tube of dead sea mud, clears up the skin and thought processes.

  2. Totally agreed, the way that Jews twist things around with their manipulative words is highly sinister.
    Pavlov would be totally sickened by how the Jews condition the minds of people today.

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