Amid reports the administration won’t fill role despite congressional mandate, two who held the position lament ‘tragic consequences’ of move
ed note–given the players involved, and of course, what we mean by that specifically is Judea, Inc–the question that needs to be asked is whether the term ‘tragic consequences’ is just Jews doing what they do best, which is complaining and theatrics, or whether it is a veiled threat of what’s to come if they don’t get their way.
“Since January, nearly 150 bomb threats have hit JCCs, Jewish day schools and other institutions, causing the evacuation of dozens of Jewish community centers and prompting some parents to remove their children from JCC programs.”
Too many bullshit items to list here, but the above statement is the worst. These shit heads at the Times of Israel, once again, IGNORE the fact that a JEW was arrested in Israel for those criminal threats!
The jews can’t speak unless they’re lying! It makes you want to punch them in the face!! Or bust their knees with a baseball bat! Bury them up to their necks at the beach at low tide! On a full moon!
Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Lying scum of the earth!
Let the world default on the Rothschild debts!! Simple. Then prosecute them and seize their $500 Trillion and distribute it throughout the victim nations. Voila! No more war for the jew devils! And not another red cent to Israel!! And if Israel doesn’t like it and starts with the false flags or attacks anyone, WASTE ‘EM!! Turn Tel Aviv into a smoldering crater.
A world without the powerful jews would be fantastic! All that would be left are a bunch of whining jews, without a lick of power, even if they had money. And outlaw AIPAC or any dual citizen jew from holding any office. If the CIA wasn’t infiltrated by jews, it would be able to do its job, like whacking & disappearing NeoCon leaders. Send them to Siberian Gulags, like the jew Bolsheviks did to Gentiles.
Today, the USA is the new Weimar Germany.
Maybe a special envoy is needed to look into why all these antisemitic attacks seem to be perpetrated by jews.
“Rosenthal went on to say she thought there would be a “profound” response from Congress if and when it became official that the office would not be filled.”
All that will do is show how congress has sold its soul to the jews.