ed note–allow us, if we may, ladies and Gentile-men, to translate for you what really has Clappers gut in a grind.
The over-the-top campaign on the part of that Deep State neighborhood within the US intelligence community (that has been Israel’s plaything since before the days of the JFK assassination) in trying to effect a coup d’etat by removing an elected president whose plans for Israel are viewed as ‘existentially dangerous’ as Kennedy’s insistence upon a nuclear-free Middle East as well as forcing the American Zionist Council–forerunner to today’s AIPAC–to register as a foreign lobby according to the legal requirements of FARA, is now so patently obvious that the veneer of legitimacy and altruism which this Deep State utilizes in cloaking what is for all intents and purposes treason on behalf of a foreign power is now becoming impossible to hide, and this alone explains Clapper’s angst over Brennan’s very loud and bold behavior in maneuvering against Trump.
clapper’s turn to have clearance revoked
and flapping tongue secured
lotta ex cia mouthers
in need of mouth surgery
Oh the irony!
Fox news is over the top pro-Israel.
Yet they attack the deep state, which is embedded with Mossad agents and Israeli-firsters.
When will Fox reveal who he deep state REALLY works for??
Oh the irony……….
The Shabos Goy are circling the wagons to protect their jew benefactors and keep the witch hunt alive. Wouldn’t Brennan’s allegations be Slander, since it’s all cheap talk and obviously can’t be proven?