ed note (Tony)…This sticker above, to be applied to a Chevy, Ford F-150, or Dodge Ram near you!!
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Beam me up! I can’t take this Muslim-bashing anymore. I couldn’t watch the whole video; I was afraid I’d puke. Everything that bitch said is a lie. She gets her talking points from her boss, Rupert Murdoch, and professional Islamophobes like Steven Emerson and his “no-go zones,” where non-Muslims, even the police, dare not set foot. More booga-booga to scare the lemmings.
Take a look. This is what they did to Germans/Japanese in two world wars. Before we where bribed into WW1,the US public was pro-German…but the Jews,changed all of that; The British Empire makin a deal with the Jew. They where to get the US into the war,on the British Empires side,and than the Jews get Palestine. (See BEN FREEDMAN WARNS AMERICA ABOUT THE JEWS 1961-You Tube)and suddenly Dachsunds where kicked on the strrets,Saur Kraut became “Liberty Cabbage:German Christmas Carol singing banned,and kids lined up to burn German books. “He vowed to dine at Delmonicos”. Kaiser Wilhelm was accused of saying … old people told me this as a boy. WW2 was even worse. The fools in this country,where ANGRY GRANPA,and FAT GUT Francis ,get MILLIONS OF VIEWS,and DONATIONS ,on You Tube,eat this stuff up ! Our society has NO Culture,and is a rootless ex Colony. It must have an enemy,to give it pupose,and some cohesion. As the old values,and demograhic change; the howling red necks,and narrow minded greedy ‘conservative’, types,find solice in this Muslim hate. It It is prejudice,approved by the TEEEVEE Jews,and that makes it OK ! The British Churches,who exhorted whole villages of young men to enter trench warfare,in WW1,to fight their fellow Christain Europeans ,by calling them “Pagans”,and “HUNS,todays ZIO- Churches chime in. They need a “satan ‘,to be relevant. This country,which cannot make a decent car,and lost all of its industry/electronics/traditions,and even soverenghty (US FED- SEE THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA-Real Jew News:YOU TUBE) is a failing experiment. The Jews did,this,and love it. They only keep it half alive,to skim from it. The Jews are the 1%. Remember that “Liberals”.
Glad Pirro no longer sits on the local bench despite her having broader influence across the US on Fox. Looks like the 99% giving the 1% a bad name applies to lawyers. Not sure what they’re teaching in law school these days. Drama? Certainly not ethics.
“If ever they refuse to fight, if ever they refuse to believe the propaganda and war lies of governments, if ever they decide that the actual faults of the “enemy” cannot be corrected on the battlefield, it will be because they understand the nature of the conflict. Armed with knowledge, they may not fight with guns. Those who preach the unthinkableness of war between the United States and Britain, those who pray for silence regarding the present Anglo-American economic conflict, have perceived a half-truth, but a most dangerous half-truth. They see that public opinion is the only hope. But they do not see that uninformed and unintelligent public opinion is the great menace. No militaristic government ever gets more insane, more destructive than a war-mad mob. Soon or late come the crises, soon or late come stupid or vicious governments ready to convert such crises into war. And if that time should come, British and American public opinion in its present state could not be trusted.—There is danger of eventual war. There is a fierce struggle for foreign markets, raw materials, financial supremacy. But that struggle in itself is not the gravest danger. The danger is in the people’s ignorance. They believe that international conflicts can be settled by armies and navies. They still believe that a war can be won.”~~~”America Conquers Britain- A Record Of Economic Strife”, by Ludwell Denny, pages 25,26. Published 1930(my copy).
Le Petit Journal on “no go zones” and visits these Fox News unsafe neighborhoods first hand!
See for yourself how dangerous these neighborhoods…..Fox News, rather.
Combating propaganda should be a unifying struggle.
Pirro is venting all her bitterness from her failed personal life on “imaginary terrorists”! … The real terrorists, who gave her these 15 min of fame/ livelihood, will Kill her first as soon as her utility is over! … She better write a personal will soon.
The church thinks that nothing will touch them and for that type of thinking they bring trouble to themselves.
“Ye that put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near.” Amos 6:3,4 (1-14).
They depend on the rapture and all the prosperity that they will receive.
They are blind…they are about to receive captivity where they are.