Plantu-cartoon settler     “Hey you, can’t you bugger off a bit faster? I am in a hurry to move in.”

THE ALGEMEINER –  Two Jewish groups on Friday blasted French cartoonist Plantu after he published a drawing on Facebook which they said may incite further violence against the French Jewish community.

Dr. Shimon Samuels, the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Director for International Relations, and Sammy Ghozlan, director of the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Antisemitism (BNVCA) in France, criticized “the continual provocations” of the artist, “whose notorious attacks on Orthodox Jews and Israelis have crossed a new threshold.” 

Ghozlan said that Plantu “abuses the French constitutional right to freedom of expression” and that “what he calls anti-Zionism has an inevitable stimulus on French antisemitic jihadists to renew violent attacks on French Jews.”

Plantu, a political cartoonist for the French publication Le Monde, posted the image on Sunday. It depicts an Israeli soldier shooting at Palestinian civilians while a bearded stereotypical religious Jew stands behind him saying, “Look! Shoot faster! I am in a rush to move in.” The Jewish figure is holding a suitcase tagged “New Colonies.” Plantu captioned the image, “Israeli settlements.”

Samuels also called on Le Monde‘s Director Jérôme Fenoglio to reconsider the publication’s relationship with the artist and insist he make a public apology for his “offence to the Jewish People.” Failing to do so may result in Le Monde being viewed as co-responsible for any attacks against Jews that are inspired by Plantu’s “provocations,” Samuels continued.

After the infamous massacre in January at the headquarters of satirical magazine Charlie Hedbo in Paris, Plantu was given a three-man security detail for protection. Samuels argued that the measures were unnecessary, saying, “In light of his constant support of Palestinian delegitimization of Israel, he has bought himself a lifetime insurance against any jihadist attack. ”

The French cartoonist was invited last February to Israel as a speaker at the Holon International Caricaturist Exhibition. Samuels said he was shocked by the invitation in light of Plantu’s “ideological hostility to Israel,” and urged exhibition organizers to blacklist him from future events.

Antisemitic attacks have been a growing trend in France, and Europe as a whole. Following the Charlie Hebdo attack in January, an Islamist gunman seized a Kosher supermarket in Paris and killed four Jewish hostages. Just a few weeks later, a security guard was killed in Copenhagen when a lone gunman opened fire in front of the city’s Great Synagogue.

  1. Hmmm
    Many people in the Jewish community have been trying to sell this illogical notion that that telling the truth is discriminatory when the subject is in any way related to Israel, Jews in general or the Jewish faith in particular.This is NOT an “anti-Semitic” cartoon because it honestly and accurately illustrates the reality in Palestine today. Telling the truth whether it cast Israel or Jews in a bad light it is NOT “anti-Semitic!

  2. You hypocrite, conniving serpents!
    Guaranteed and Absolute Freedom of Expression HEBDO Style for the Jew, is Antisemitism when against the Jew?
    Conniving snakes!

  3. They must lead pathetic, miserable lives. Their whole day is spent looking for anti semitic remarks and what could be coined as anti semitic. I think the photo was a true depiction of the jew. If they weren’t so darn evil, conniving murderous savages they could put all this behind them and do something useful like “picking up garbage from the streets” make them feel as if they have accomplished something useful in life instead of ruining lives, ruining countries, murdering innocents, stealing from the poor, dealing in body parts, selling ectasy. I must have left out a couple of hundred other ruinations by the jews but it will give them something worthwhile to work on. Like an honest day’s work for a change.

    — Listen, couldn’t you shoot a bit faster?
    I’m in a hurry to move in!
    You’ve been handed on a Jewish translation.

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