Ed-note (Sabba) – Boycotting israel is a crime, boycotting israeli product is anti-judaism: but how about boycotting Russia and Russian products: shouldn’t that be called for what it is, i.e. anti-christianism?


The highest court in France this week upheld the criminal conviction of 12 political activists for the crime of advocating sanctions and a boycott against Israel.

“BDS is illegal in France,” announced Pascal Markowicz, head attorney for CRIF, the umbrella organization for Jewish communities in France. Any actions to promote the movement, he added, “are completely illegal. If [BDS activists] say their freedom of expression has been violated, now the highest legal instance in France has ruled otherwise.”

The group was arrested for distributing anti-Israel material in a supermarket under the French law on Freedom of the Press.

Twelve activists wearing shirts that bore the words, “Long live Palestine, Boycott Israel” entered the store and began passing out flyers from the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement.

The flyers said: “buying Israeli products means legitimizing crimes in Gaza.”

The law imposes a prison term and/or fine of up to $50,000 for those who “provoke discrimination, hatred or violence toward a person or group of people on grounds of their origin, their belonging or their not belonging to an ethnic group, a nation, a race or a certain religion.”

The court ruled that BDS is inherently discriminatory and thus outlawed its promotion.

11 thoughts on “FRANCE BANS BDS (because it is “anti-semitic”)”
  1. Förbjudet att bojkotta Israel man får heller inte tala om den judiska statens terror mot palestinier. Det kallar jag EU demokrati.

  2. On all levels they are abusing anyone that is not Jewish and they have been doing this for decades at a minimum. In the late 1980’s they brought a case against Ernst Zundel in Canada trying to shut him up for publishing books and videos exposing the lies behind the phony holocaust. They ultimately firebombed his house in an attempt to kill him. In the 1980’s they also bombed the warehouse of IHR, a leading historical research institute in Los Angeles whose publications they did not like. Now they want to fine or jail Arthur Topham in Canada because they don’t like what he publishes. They have had many historians, lawyers and others jailed or fined for “Holocaust Denial” throughout Europe. David Irving and many others have been jailed merely for pointing out the lies that uphold their “victimhood” which gives them their power. Right now lawyer Sylvia Stolz is in jail, for the second time for a speech she gave on the holocaust. Some estimates say thousands of people in Germany are in jail right now for “thought crimes,” “holocaust denial” being the primary charge.

    In France they have fined comedian Dieudionne huge sums of money repeatedly for saying things Jews don’t like, while Jews led the Charlie Hebdo magazine insulting Muslims.. In France they have beaten up historian Robert Faurisson repeatedly, nearly killing him once. They have also attacked others, including David Irving. They had Helen Thomas fired from her leading position as a reporter in the US after she said Jews didn’t belong in Palestine. She is an Arab. They were the leaders in torturing and then convicting the NAZIS based on their confessions under torture and they led Germany under censorship rule immediately after the war all the way until Germans passed their own laws in support of the Jews.

    In Argentina they recently forced Adolf Eiochmann’s daughter in law to step down from seeking office after saying Eichmann was a decent man and the Jews have used their power to lie about WW II.

    They run the entire west, and more. There is no country which they don’t either control or exert power on to force their way on They determine what can be said and what can’t be said and anything that makes them look bad they have outlawed, while they spread hatred of others thru lies to uphold their power.

    “Anti-Semitism” is at its highest in decades they say. The reason is the internet has awakened people to the criminal behavior of the Jews throughout the world.

  3. France, I believe, prides itself on it supposed freedoms,… isn’t that part of the so-called French Revolution “Freedom, Egalitere, Fraternitie” _pardon my spelling. What hypocrites; they’ve no freedom of speech wahtsoever

  4. When will BDS go after the high technology civilian and military contracts that allow Israel to control the planet? Why are they still ranting about soda stream makers and fruit?

    The high technology sector is worth tens of billions – it is also the way Israeli controls countries. Encrypted VOIP for government and military. Military databases. Banking databases. Phone records. Data intercept equipment. Why is this issue of their MASSIVE high technology sector NEVER spoken about in political dissident forums like this?

    American high tech is being shipped to Israel. Is TUT going to talk about it? They call it SILICON WADI. No longer Silicon Valley.

    The most advanced Intel chip fabrication factory outside the US is in Israel. Anyone going to talk about it? How do you think they control people and government? HE WHO CONTROLS THE FLOW OF INFORMATION…CONTROLS.

    No one talks about it. Why?

  5. Why dont people protest along the lines of “National Security”?

    Israel is a PROVEN manufacturer of surveillence equipment containing back doors – FOX NEWS 2001, DEA complaint.

    They opeate a technical university called THE TECHNION that is a world class leader in producing graduates that are world dominating start up companies that dominate EVERYTHING. Banking databases, surveiellence, encrypted VOIP for government and private corporations, military databases, private security contractors for Homeland Security – AND NONE OF YOU ARE PUSHING IT. You ignore it – just another dead kid photo with “jews are bad” next to it.

    The Technion was started up under OPERATION TALPIOT via Israeli Military Intelligence. Look up ZOHAR ZISPEL – considered the grand daddy of it all with RAD GROUP.

    Why wont you mention the largest and most advanced Intel chip fabrication factory outside the USA is in Israel? It was opened in 2006. Why are you not putting in story after story on the MASSIVE shipment of American jobs and technical know how to Israel where they are now called a “TECHNOLOGY JUGGERNAUGHT”. Silicon Valley is disappearing – it is being shipped to “Silicon Wadi”. This is vital and important news to the American people – have I missed your story on it?

    How do you think Israel controls everything? Everyone? “HE WHO CONTROLS THE INFORMATION CONTROLS THE WORLD”.

    Christopher Bollyn wrote ONE article on this vital subject in 2007 then never mentioned it again. He instead spent all day re-hashing 9-11 “investigations” and does so to this day.

    Original websites that pushed this subject disappeared long ago – where is TUT on this subject?

    They are HAMMERING dissidents who speak on this subject – why? Because it is THE SECRET that will destroy the Israeli State, send it broke and make it hated by Intelligence Personel the world over.

    BDS can get past all this B.S legislation by coming forward in a moderate manner with flyers and protests demanding government cease ALL high technology contracts with the Israeli State – especially sensitive military and private corporate contracts.

    Israel and Jewish Power may “rule” large swathes of the political spectrum, but when an American compnay in Texas finds out it has VERINT and AMDOCS call centre equipment in its corporate head quaters – and encrypted VOIP used between company bases and hardwear routers and firewalls designed and built i Israel with hard wear backdoor’s installed – they will drop Israel in a second. Nothing talks like money and Israel’s well known habit as the greatest thief of technology is well known in the corporate world.

    So there you go TUT – I await the myriad of stories that you will link too.

  6. Boycotts are internationally recognized as acts of war – except when Jews call for them, as they did against Germany in 1933 and 1939.

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