Translation of the cover page–‘The Jews have nothing to fear from the National Front’.
CRIF head Roger Cukierman said National Front chief can’t be ‘faulted personally’ for anti-Semitism
ed note–as we have pointed out here ad nauseum, right now one of the most irreplaceable and indispensable ‘neighborhoods’ within ‘the movement’ in terms of assisting organized Jewish interests in their drive to bring about this ‘clash of civilizations’ they have been planning now for over 1,000 years are the various ‘anti-immigration’ groups operating both in Europe and the US, one of whom includes Le Pen and her party. By having these groups focus on immigration from mostly Muslim nations that have been destroyed by the Judaized west either through war or economic exploitation, the focus is taken off of who is actually responsible for it all while at the same time feeding into the anger and frustration that inevitably fuels more military adventurism for Israel’s benefit.
As much as a no-brainer as all of it is however (as evidenced in part by the fact that you have an individual as influential as Cukierman running to Le Pen’s defense) nevertheless trying to reason with those making up the ‘angry white man’ brigade is as much a wasted venture as trying to teach a dog how to play Chopin on the piano. All that they see is an opportunity to get together with other angry, lonely, embittered whites and complain about how all the ‘darkies’ are taking their women and their jobs and don’t want to be bothered with any talk as to how their frustration is being used to perpetuate the very situation that is (presumably) the source of their anger in the first place.
Some prominent Jewish groups and individuals slammed Cukierman, president of the CRIF umbrella group of French Jewish communities, for the remarks he made Monday during an interview for Europe 1 Radio in reference to France’s pro-Nazi collaborationist government and its leader.
“I think that we are all aware in the Jewish world that behind Marine Le Pen, who cannot be faulted personally, there are all the Holocaust deniers, all the supporters of Vichy and [Philippe] Petain,” Cukierman said.
Serge Klarsfeld, a historian and hunter of Nazis, condemned Cukierman’s assertion about Le Pen, as did the left-leaning European Jewish J-Call group and CCLJ, a group representing dovish Belgian Jews.
Far right party National Front leader Marine Le Pen poses for photographers before addressing reporters at the party’s headquarters in Nanterre, west of Paris, Sunday May 25, 2014, following the victory of her party in the European elections.(Photo credit: AP/Remy de la Mauviniere)
Far right party National Front leader Marine Le Pen.(Photo credit: AP/Remy de la Mauviniere)
National Front’s honorary president is Le Pen’s father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has been convicted of Holocaust denial and inciting racial hatred against Jews. Marine Le Pen has rejected his anti-Semitic views and courted French Jews in a move that many observers said was designed to rehabilitate the party’s name.
Klarsfeld’s son, Arno, a prominent activist against racism, said Cukierman’s statements about Le Pen were “unacceptable.”
Cukierman later told French media that Marine Le Pen is “neither irreproachable nor acceptable as long as she does not distance herself from her father.”
In the same interview, which Cukierman gave ahead of Tuesday’s CRIF annual dinner – an event that was attended by French President Francois Hollande – he also said that Muslims were responsible for most anti-Semitic attacks in France today.
In response, the French Council of the Muslim Faith pulled out of the dinner.
But the National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism, or BNVCA, backed Cukierman.
“Some are much quicker to attack CRIF than to denounce the horrible crimes of terrorists committed in the name of Islam,” BNVCA wrote in a statement Tuesday.
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We should also not forget Israel itself is leaning to the far-right wing, and that the backlash to globalization under neo-liberal capitalism (Jewish right-wing ideology) has been carefully crafted by Zionists and neo-Cons to do exactly what you stated above, push Western politics to the far-right.
This is why Radical Left coalition of Syriza in Greece, although not perfect, (and I am no fan of Marxism) should be looked at as a possible model. If we are to read Syriza’s 40 original point Manifesto, it is an inspiring document. Note especially numbers 18, and 40.
Audit of the public debt and renegotiation of interest due and suspension of payments until the economy has revived and growth and employment return.
Demand the European Union to change the role of the European Central Bank so that it finances States and programs of public investment.
Raise income tax to 75% for all incomes over 500,000 euros.
Change the election laws to a proportional system.
Increase taxes on big companies to that of the European average.
Adoption of a tax on financial transactions and a special tax on luxury goods.
Prohibition of speculative financial derivatives.
Abolition of financial privileges for the Church and shipbuilding industry.
Combat the banks’ secret [measures] and the flight of capital abroad.
Cut drastically military expenditures.
Raise minimum salary to the pre-cut level, 750 euros per month.
Use buildings of the government, banks and the Church for the homeless.
Open dining rooms in public schools to offer free breakfast and lunch to children.
Free health benefits to the unemployed, homeless and those with low salaries.
Subvention up to 30% of mortgage payments for poor families who cannot meet payments.
Increase of subsidies for the unemployed. Increase social protection for one-parent families, the aged, disabled, and families with no income.
Fiscal reductions for goods of primary necessity.
Nationalization of banks.
Nationalization of ex-public (service & utilities) companies in strategic sectors for the growth of the country (railroads, airports, mail, water).
Preference for renewable energy and defence of the environment.
Equal salaries for men and women.
Limitation of precarious hiring and support for contracts for indeterminate time.
Extension of the protection of labor and salaries of part-time workers.
Recovery of collective (labor) contracts.
Increase inspections of labor and requirements for companies making bids for public contracts.
Constitutional reforms to guarantee separation of Church and State and protection of the right to education, health care and the environment.
Referendums on treaties and other accords with Europe.
Abolition of privileges for parliamentary deputies. Removal of special juridical protection for ministers and permission for the courts to proceed against members of the government.
Demilitarization of the Coast Guard and anti-insurrectional special troops. Prohibition for police to wear masks or use fire arms during demonstrations. Change training courses for police so as to underline social themes such as immigration, drugs and social factors.
Guarantee human rights in immigrant detention centers.
Facilitate the reunion of immigrant families.
Depenalization of consumption of drugs in favor of battle against drug traffic. Increase funding for drug rehab centers.
Regulate the right of conscientious objection in draft laws.
Increase funding for public health up to the average European level.(The European average is 6% of GDP; in Greece 3%.)
Elimination of payments by citizens for national health services.
Nationalization of private hospitals. Elimination of private participation in the national health system.
Withdrawal of Greek troops from Afghanistan and the Balkans. No Greek soldiers beyond our own borders.
Abolition of military cooperation with Israel. Support for creation of a Palestinian State within the 1967 borders.
Negotiation of a stable accord with Turkey.
Closure of all foreign bases in Greece and withdrawal from NATO.
…I forgot to mention points 37, and 38, also.
37. Withdrawal of Greek troops from Afghanistan and the Balkans. No Greek soldiers beyond our own borders.
38. Abolition of military cooperation with Israel. Support for creation of a Palestinian State within the 1967 borders.
she is a crypto jew
print it you crypto jew wankers
ps queer child raping wankers
Lots of nice promises. Which has SYRIZA kept?
I say that it is better to make no promises at all, than it is to make and break promises.
Other people feel it is only important to make promises. Whether or not you follow through them doesn’t matter.
@Konrad: Must be nice sitting on the side lines judging a party that has been in power for about a month, which has huge amounts of pressure being applied to it from outside sources?
Doug Henwood and James Galbraith blow such reactionary nonsense out of the water. Probably the best, and most realistic analysis, of Syriza I have yet heard.
@ CHRIS: SYRIZA was a fraud even before they took office. Indeed, that’s why the money powers installed them.
In less than a month those (profanity deleted) completely sold out to the creditors, and reneged on their promises. Less than a month! That’s disgraceful. But it was no surprise.
You gave a link to some audio show. The speaker whined about poor SYRIZA being under pressure because Greece is broke.
But why is Greece broke? Because of the EURO, which your beloved SYRIZA insists on clinging to.
Greece dumped the drachma and started using the euro on 1 Jan 2001. Because Greece has a trade deficit, and because Greece could no longer create its own money, Greece inevitably fell into severe debt, which opened the door to austerity, which opened the door to more debt, and more austerity, and more debt.
Solution: Mgo back to using the drachma, like before. But the money masters, and the clown your audio program, claim that this would be disastrous. Why? Because Germany and the vampire banksters would no longer be able to suck Greece’s blood. Better for Greece to keep the euro, and thereby continue to fall deeper into debt forever.
Here is a link that explains why your beloved SYRIZA is a pack of (profanity deleted)…
@KONRAD: I must say I find it highly suspicious that you do not call for the dissolving of the United State’s because of its banking system, but yet argue that the European Union should be dissolved because of its banking system?
By the way, most Greeks actually want to stay in the EU, as do my German relatives, some of whom were National Socialists who served the Third Reich. National Socialism is about unification though, and not division, (which you seem to favor), so it’s not hard to see why.
I also find it odd that you support Greece leaving the EU because of corrupt bankers, yet have little to say about Europe leaving NATO, which is the real big stinker on that continent?
“…Furthermore, 74.2% of Greeks answered “yes” or “probably yes” on whether Greece should stay in the Eurozone “at all costs.” This figure has increased significantly compared to the previous survey (May 2013) when it was moving at around 63.5%…”.
@ CHRIS Is that the best you can do?
The euro scam has nothing to do with banking systems. It’s a question of monetary sovereignty, which the euro-zone nations surrendered to the Troika.
Furthermore I said nothing about the 28 states of the European Union. I condemned the euro-zone structure, which consists of 19 states. Please learn the difference. (Never mind. With you, it’s useless.) Also I have constantly railed against the USA for its lies that the US government is “broke.”
“By the way, most Greeks actually want to stay in the EU, as do my German relatives, some of whom were National Socialists who served the Third Reich. National Socialism is about unification though, and not division, (which you seem to favor), so it’s not hard to see why.”
The euro scam is the opposite of National Socialism. The scam is designed to crush the middle and lower classes into the dirt, and to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.
“I also find it odd that you support Greece leaving the EU because of corrupt bankers, yet have little to say about Europe leaving NATO, which is the real big stinker on that continent?”
WTF has NATO got to do with this topic? You are really getting desperate.
“…Furthermore, 74.2% of Greeks answered “yes” or “probably yes” on whether Greece should stay in the Eurozone “at all costs.” This figure has increased significantly compared to the previous survey (May 2013) when it was moving at around 63.5%…”.
Precisely! That is why average Greeks will continue to have more poverty and austerity.
You are out of your depth on this issue, talking about things you have no grasp of.
Your beloved SYRIZA has done an about-face and betrayed its worshippers, exactly as I said they would. For me, it is a case of “I hate it when I’m right.”