Broadcaster watchdog reprimands Jean-Jacques Bourdin for asking ex-foreign minister about PM’s alleged bias
ed note–it goes without saying, but we’ll say it nonetheless. If it were ANY OTHER group of people surrounding him, and if he made decisions that in 11 out f 10 cases were favorable to this group, it would be PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE to ask whether so-and-so was ‘being influenced’ by this group.
When the ‘J’ word comes into play however, the rules mysteriously change for some reason…
Although no one really knows if Voltaire said it or not, nevertheless the truism is the same–
‘To determine who the true rulers of any society are, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?’
Obviously CSA members want to look like Charlies, but what happened to Je sui Charlie
We don’t have a Bourdin problem here! Just ask Rick Sanchez, which brings us back to the Geller/Stewart ‘feud’ posted 3/10.