Ed-note (Sabba) – “French” prime minister Manuel Valls was born in Barcelona of a Spanish father and a Swiss mother; Manuel Valls became ‘french’ in 1982; his family on his mother’s side made their fortune in Africa; he is married to a jewess and declared on a jewish radio program that thru his wife, he is eternally linked to the jews and israel. He is the man who has openly declared war on Dieudonne and Alain Soral making it his most important ‘political battle’ (sic). He fights the muslims wherever they are while wearing his kippah whenever he can. He is doing all he needs to do to get the top job in the next (s)election and many believe that he is being groomed for that. There is nothing too low, too degrading, that he is not willing to do for the greater good of the chosenites. We, the people, do not need him to be attached to israel but only to France and would have been quite happy if he had only worked for the greatness and prosperity of the country which made him a citizen, which made something out of him. That’s all.
Jews,Jews,Jews,the eternal people,who are always in the news. Everyone subject to their demands. It never will end until Gentiles unite,and say absolutely no to them….France was subjected to Jewish media disdain,from the time Miierand ,who went fro. Vichy,to Conservative,to Socialist confounded the Jews by Nationalizing the banks,and Rothschild’s was out for 20 years,with France opposing Iraq War 2,and Israel….well guess what since Jew Conservative Sarkozy they are back big time,and today’s French Administration,is just the “Left”,of the Jew Left/Right Matrix….so pervasive is Jew power in the country,even the Nationalist ,Ms LePen has the Kosher Seal….her target are Muslims,and not her countries real enemies,and captures since the fall of Petain….and before him,Bonnepart (he opposed Rothschild’s England);The International Jews.
He made an ass of himself claiming that through his (Jewish) wife he is eternally tied to Israel. France is not exactly a country where anyone considers any marriage eternal. Will his ties remain if he gets a divorce?
But that was comedy. It was an outrage when he declared that if 100,000 Jews (roughly 1/6 of the French Jews) left, France will no longer be France. In a way he might be right: if the top Jews who hold the finances, politics, education and media in their clutches left, France will not longer be what it is today: an abject vassal of Jewish Power.
Valls, hoever, cannot claim the merit of judeaizing France all to himself. He is standing on the shoulders of two Jewish PMs who made great inroads into the project: Fabius and Sarkozy:
France,wake up,a d throw off the International ! You could lead Europe to freedom,as the Germans are to under Zionist occupation. Say no England’s /USA,s power over you, before it is too late…see PERFEDIUS ALBION,by VK Clark, Versa Icona Publications.com/You Tube.
There are some fearless Germans left
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPa_QeV9KDM&w=560&h=315%5D
These rituals of recognition for services rendered, er, Jewish awards for butt-kissing, must be conducted in private ceremonies. The people would storm the Bastille if they could at this point.
Any enemy of Dieudonne is an enemy of mine.
Amazing, and we thought the last French PM was an Israeli sycophant. At some point, the French will have had enough but, alas, they are already so managed, they won’t know when they are being managed again….
How true. If only there were real men left to stand up like her for the truth.
Serious questions have been asked about Dieudonné and Kemi Seba in relation to their connection(s) to Farrakhan and Scientology, since Farrakhan and Kemi Seba have both said openly they have found inspiration in Scientology. For French viewers:
Arnaque, population en danger. Les gouvernements sont des larbins du Grand Lobby des Vaccins… On nous manipule tellement.