ed note–and, as our good friend Mike Piper used to say, ‘bringing this thing full circle…’
Please take a good look at the pic above. It is the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers taking place on the morning of 9/11, done as the necessary precursor to ‘conditioning’ the American mind in such a way so as to make it more cooperative with the big plans which Judea, Inc had in store for everyone. In the aftermath of that event, due not only to the seriousness of what took place on that morning, but as well, what followed afterwards with the ‘war on terror’ that has now set fire to nearly the entirety of the Middle East, a ‘movement’ sprang up that sought to ‘uncondition’ the American mind and to correct the false narratives established by Judea, Inc vis a vis that day’s events.
And as part of Judea, Inc’s plan of thwarting that ‘movement’, a whole host of ‘remedies’ were introduced, some successful, some not, and all aimed at shooing away otherwise curious eyes, ears, and minds from what this movement was saying.
Finally, as recommended by none other than Obama’s Jewish ‘Information Czar’ Cass Sunstein, a new strategy was employed mimicking what took place on the morning of 9/11 by utilizing a real event and then adding some ‘drama’ and ‘spice’ to the mix, which resulted in the same effect as what took place on 9/11–the controlled demolition of the 9/11 ‘Truth Movement’.
In this case, the ‘real event’ was the shooting at the Sandy Hook elementary, and the carefully placed ‘explosive charges’ that were used in bringing it all down from within was the ‘Sandy Hook Hoax’ propagated by various unstable individuals who have now made a giant laughing stock of every individual and group who dares to offer an alternative narrative to those tectonic political events taking place today vs what is spoonfed to the masses of asses by the JMSM.
And now comes the final stage of this controlled demolition–the bankrupting lawsuits that are coming at a rate of about one per week and which now are numbering in the million$.
With American Free Press’ Dave Gahary now facing the same kind of legal action which threatens to bring down the ‘big cahuna’ himself–Alex Jones–Mike Piper’s prescient (and some might even say prophetic) warnings beginning 6 years ago have come ‘full circle’ as he used to say. Mike made it clear (and which resulted in him losing his 34 year employment with AFP) that those who were propagating this nonsense were putting their heads in a noose and that eventually, the chair upon which they were standing would be kicked away leaving those who had more of an appetite for sensationalism rather than for facts twisting in the wind.
And for those who say that none of this matters, that it is all ‘in the past’ and has no bearing on current events, you’re not just wrong, you’re dead wrong, because–just like the weekly shootings that are now a mainstay of Americana, likewise the lawsuits will be with us to stay, and, just as it is with the Holocaust narrative that is dug in like a tic and never seems to run out of traction, likewise, the lawsuits are now going to become a staple in terms of the daily news cycle and in the end, it is not Judea, Inc that is to blame for all of this, but rather the 911 Truth Movement itself that–when it had the chance of yanking this noxious weed from the fertile soil of the garden of truth that the ‘truth movement’ was trying to cultivate, instead, allowed these weeds to not only take root but to flourish under the banner of ‘freedom of speech’.
Israeli lawfare.
ed note–made possible only due to the insipid idiocy of certain unstable elements operating within the ‘911 truth movement’
We fight the powers of darkness.
That these trolls for jewry placed more emphasis on Sandy Hook than 9-11 just proves that was indeed the work of jewry that made SH front & center 24/7 over 9-11. Sandy Hookers should be rounded up & shot in the head! They are traitors.