AMAZON has come under fire for offering books on Holocaust denial to the public and could be in breach of the Racial Discrimination Act.

The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) has slammed Amazon for offering titles such as Did Six Million Really Die?, The Six Million: Fact or Fiction?, The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews and The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry.

All these titles are available from the online provider through a simple Google search that takes readers to the Amazon site.

ADC chair Dr Dvir Abramovich told The AJN this week that Amazon Australia could be in breach of Section 18C of the federal Racial Discrimination Act, which prohibits material likely to “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate” on the basis race or ethnicity.

He said Amazon Australia “should not be a hothouse and a cesspool of racism, xenophobia and bigotry and should not act as a gateway for young people to enter a world of hatred”.

“It is inexcusable for Amazon Australia to serve as a vehicle and a platform for bigots to disseminate and propagate their toxic and harmful invective. Literature that promotes and incites hatred against the Jewish people by demonising and defaming them, that denies and trivialises the Holocaust, and which foments racial violence, should not be normalised and mainstreamed,” he stated.

“I am sure that neo-Nazis, racists and radical groups, who cannot offer their heinous materials to traditional publishers, are delighted that this vile content, which glorifies Nazis and white supremacists, and which dehumanises Jews, is available in hard copy and ebook format for mass consumption.

“At a time of a dramatic rise in anti-Semitism, hate speech, and violence against Jews, to have such revolting, poisonous tracts, easily accessible for download, only helps to blow on the embers of prejudice and extremism.”

Abramovich added, “Companies have a moral responsibility and should review and evaluate their practices and guidelines. We urge Amazon Australia to do the right thing, and to withdraw these titles from its virtual shelves immediately.”

Amazon’s head office in the United States had not responded to The AJN at the time of going to press.

0 thoughts on “Fury over Amazon denial books”
  1. What happened to all the talk about freedom of speech? Only anti-Muslim speech is free?

  2. If it could be proven that 6,000,000 Jews didn’t die, wouldn’t that be a good thing? Not from the Jews’ twisted point of view. That 6,000,000 figure is sacrosanct. Without it, Jews would lose their perpetual victim status. Holocaustianity is a religion complete with its own houses of worship.

  3. I have originals or copies of,
    “The Hoax of the Twentieth Century”,
    by A. R. Butz,
    “The Giant With Feet of Clay”
    by Jurgen Graf,
    “The Revisionist, Journal for Critical Historical Inquiry”
    by Robert Faurisson,
    “The Leuchter Report”
    by Fred Leuchter,
    “The Great Holocaust Trial”
    by Michael Hoffman.

    If I had enough shekels, I would buy a copy of each for every citizen of
    Judaic Australia and also the Jewnited States of Jewmerica.

    Imagine that, truth and freedom to speak and think is now suppose to be the enemy.

  4. By the way,
    I found and bought all these books on amazon.

    Alibris books has been another good source for me.

    But, these particular books and many others on this subject I bought
    from amazon.

  5. Like a dog kicking dust over its shit these devils dont want anyone getting wise to their crimes & lies

  6. Hmmm

    You know the great thing about “freedom” like we enjoy here in America is that you get to have a choice. If you want to read, watch or hear something you can. If you don’t want to read, watch or hear something, you don’t have to. What the Pro Israel crowd doesn’t seem to get is that the first amendment was specifically written to prevent people like the Pro Israeli crowd from deciding for everyone else what they can and can’t read, watch or hear. So to the Pro Israeli crowd that keeps running around screaming that they have a right to decide for everyone else I can only say: If you can’t abide by the in alienable rights and freedoms enjoyed by EVERYONE in American- GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Because after a while you constant attempts to subvert the Constitution and rule of law, goes beyond tiresome and heads on down toward treason. I realize that Amazon is a corporation-but it is not PRIVATE- it is a publicly traded company.

  7. Me thinks Abramovich doth protest too much…it’s obvious the agenda is censorship, not TRUTH. If the myth of the Holocaust was actually true, no laws would be needed to criminalize the questioning or denial of ANY historical event. Why is it perfectly fine for anyone to question/deny the existance of God and all historical events but the Holocaust is off limits and needs laws to quiet all dissention? If you want to know who controls you, look at whom you are not allowed to question. The Holocaust is a MYTH and has been scientifically debunked as well as proven as a lie by the official records of the International Red Cross! Why should anyone be suprized? They also have lied about being Semite so as to steal land, homes and lives from the true Semites, the Palestinians! To HELL with liars, murderers, pedophiles and pschopaths no matter their creed, religion, race or deviant sexual preference.

  8. Jews angry about revisionist material hitting mainstream. How unusual.

    How much longer can they keep a million fingers in six million holes?

    The louder they scream the closer we are to the end of it all….

    Truth really does make them screech.

  9. It’s very easy to see the hypocrisy at work. But for a long time the hypocrisies have been pointed out but what becomes of it? Nothing really.

    Sure, more people can get onboard or be ‘woken up’, but then what? What comes next? Haven’t these people worn out their welcome a long time ago on this planet? They are not guests. Who the hell invited them to live amongst people and to murder, lie, rape, and steal? Who said it was ok to let self proclaimed ‘chosen ones’ rule this planet and make laws that serve them?

    They need to go the way of the sabre toothed cats, and the dodo bird. The planet, the cosmos, and life itself is in constant change. ‘Evolutions’ of sorts take place at the chromosome / genetic levels in species, but the internal spark of the ‘elite’ “jew” remains in a time lock of barbaric butchery and lies.

    They are not ignorant. They are stupid…… and mentally deranged. They are the number 1 threat to societies on this planet. They arrest growth and freedom, and create fish tank societies. At every opportunity they force their reins and blinders on peoples, and force others down a path of their own creation. They are creating, molding, and sculpting a planet in line with their own guidelines.

    They want a world war? Well, give them a world war but direct it Right At Them.

  10. That was expected from the crying babies, the kosher, the circumcised, the soulless monsters who want to keep their crimes hidden from the public. They can steal, lie, kill, do false flags, demonize real good people if they do not go along with their crimes, etc… All these crimes they have committed have been hidden from public view because they control the global mass media.

  11. If it is okay to hock anti-christian and islamophobic books, then the same should go for jews. on the other hand Satan’s chosen mother fuckers live by the golden rule of “do unto goy what we would never have done unto ourselves”

  12. Seems Amazon have buckled. These items are now either priced outlandishly or unavailable.
    The truth is still out there on the internet though.

  13. Couldn’t the Racial Discrimination Act be used to ban movies like “Schindler’s list” from Australia? It offends, insults, and humiliates Germans and all whites who are proud of their identity. In fact the whole Holocaust industry should be outlawed for that very reason.

  14. Well there are certainly very intellectual people commenting on the wailing peoples. They will stop it just like they stop anything that interferes with their fake Holohoax. I just hope that for once they do not get their way. It is bad enough that in Christian schools when you walk in there are photos of dead people hanging on the walls. They could be anyone. Not necessarily jews that they want you to believe. The Holocaust taught in the Christian schools. But that is ok with them as long as you are siding with them and not asking questions. Give them Detroit but place a rock solid wall around them making it impossible for them to do what they love best, steal, murder, false flags, etc., Enough of these vultures telling us what we should and should not read. If these books are available in Canada I most certainly will purchase them. They should be given out free of charge so everyone knows the truth.

  15. I like all comments. I think, we all have revisionists books, of many authors of several nationalities and in diferent european languages. Why not digitalize them and share it with all of we. I’m thinking in translate to english some original works from spanish, latinamericans, french and portuguese authors. We need to broadcast the truth. The goyim (we) deserve and need to know the truth about these evil vampires, damn Satan’s chosenites. God bless you all folks.

  16. #8, I tweeted Abramovich . .@DvirAbramovich, about H Deniers, there were more of you worldwide in 47 than in 39. Don’t LIE to ME !

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