ed note {Tony}…They were not Arab, they were Brazilin

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4 thoughts on “Gap-Toothed, Redneck Hillbilly goes on Anti-'Mooooz-Lum' tirade”
  1. Wow that’s really jacked up!
    But one of the biggest problems as far as Muslims go, is that they mostly, 90-95% (at least amongst the Sunnis) for whatever the reason, do not believe that there are actually “false flags” and/or “psyops” being carried out (even though 99.9% of course don’t agree with these various alleged “terrorist acts” carried out supposedly by “Muslims”). And this drives me crazy! They believe every damn thing the Jewish MSM says, no matter how bad, evil, or despicable it makes Muslims/Islam look! For instance, on a somewhat related note, the vast majority of Muslims think that the Jewish/Zionist led crusade to attack and destroy Iraq was mainly about “oil.” LOL, yeah it’s that bad.
    And another thing is that unfortunately, a lot of Muslims, at in the US, buy into the whole Judeo “Cultural Marxist” BS (i.e. the Frankfort Yeshiva ideology that wants to pit various races against one another, and leave you know who on top), and after viewing the posted video would maybe say that this reinforces the fact there’s obviously a problem of Islamophobia (I agree), but that it’s mostly allegedly a “white” thing (now the guys might not be Muslim, and the women could be Hispanic or non-European of course, and she kind of looks Hispanic).
    But IMO, just as many non-Whites are rabidly anti-Muslim, if not a lot more (a lot of times non-whites are more open and honest about it, like the lady in the video was, regardless of her race), of course getting the same info from ZOG and the Zionist controlled media as everyone else. And that’s really unfair to whites because they make up the vast majority of the researchers and scholars in the 911 Truth/Truth (including the anti-Zionist) movement, and ironically pretty much in the Zionist controlled media, it’s only “PC” to talk bad about Muslims/Islam and whites/Europeans. Then again, a lot of brainwashed white Christian and/or secular Americans buy a lot into the whole Zionist funded, backed, and financed, Jewish supremacist, Hasbarat pushed, Islamophobia and so-called “clash of civilizations” movement and are ready to go die for the criminal Zionist Entity and/or Greater Israhell. Then again, I don’t want to generalize because IMO, non-Muslims of all races/ethnicities buy into this BS.

  2. Okay, I just noticed that Tony said that the guys were Brazilian (although they could technically be Muslim, but probably aren’t). I thought they were maybe Pakistani/Indian because they said they were not middle eastern, but assumed they were Muslim because they never contradicted the lady who implied that they were “terrorist” Muslims. Of course most Muslims don’t have tattoos, but I guess this has changed in the last several years.
    ed note {Tony}…”I just noticed that Tony said that the guys were Brazilian”
    According to RawStory

  3. This women ,her bloated body filled with fast food,and booze ….her head with FOX ,CNN, and Jerry Springer , is a ” real American “.
    Years ago she would be hunting ,” krauts , Nips ,and Japs”.
    Today its ” Arrrrrraaaabs “.

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