Ed-note (Sabba) This article dates back to 2013 but is definitely worth reading.
HAARETZ – In his book “Ziffer and his Kind,” author and Haaretz correspondent Benny Ziffer quoted a letter he found among his records. In this letter he wrote to the Tel Aviv Municipality and suggested that the name of Independence Park, a seafront hot spot for gay pickups, be renamed for Jewish-German sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935), a leader in the struggle for gay and lesbian rights in pre-Nazi Germany.
Jews are at the forefront of all sexual perversion.
Yet as part it their Left/Right/Secular/Religious system,they will charge their enemies, with this
The Jews love Weimar Germany. It as all theirs. The culture,economy, politics.
It was hell,but the stupid Gentile thinks it was a place of freedom, destroyed by ,’evil Hitler.’
No all of this trash was eliminated by Adolf Hitler,and the NSDAP.
‘Germany awake,’
We need that slogan today, for the whole world !
See this part if Weimar History within epic film. The Greatest Story Never Told.TV.
The clearest link between these two
most notorious sets of culprits is,
no doubt, compulsive mendacity.
And, of course, in the case of the
Jews, it’s a trillion-dollar industry –
paid for mainly with their dollars
by the Americans, mainly with
their land and blood by the
Palestinians, and, last century,
paid with well over a hundred
million dead by the Russians,
Germans, Poles and many others.