BY RICHARD SILVERSTEIN – A trauma doctor treating the 750 severely injured Gazans in the Great March of Return massacre (17 were murdered and their suffering has ended, though their families will continue to suffer), offers evidence that the IDF used exploding bullets to maximize the damage done. The injuries are horrific. There’s a reason dum-dum bullets are illegal under international law. I usually make a point of refusing to display such images because they tend to be so incendiary and overwhelm the rational senses. But there are times when there images should and must be seen. This, I’m afraid is one of those times. CONTINUE READING

4 thoughts on “Gaza Doctor Accuses Israel of Using Exploding Bullets, Israeli Ambassador Calls Norwegians ‘Nazis’ for Denouncing Gaza Massacre”
  1. In the, “Do you see the difference?”, picture, I see that supremacists, of Jehovah, do not like to be challenged. Nor can they accept when they are wrong. Hello, 7 billion fellow indentured servants, it’s time to wake up and make some changes.

  2. Although dum-dum bullets are illegal for the purpose of international warfare between nations, such munitions are not actually illegal for domestic use by any state against their own citizens.
    The US itself has huge stockpiles of such munitions, much of it even suitable for use with sniper rifles, for use on the American people themselves at some future date.
    The immense size of the stocks of the American DSS of munitions held for the possibility of use against Americans themselves is absolutely staggering.

  3. Linking to Richard Silverstein may not be the wisest of choices. He derisively uses the term “deniers” for those people who don’t think the Hollerco$t happened quite the way the Jews have propagated.

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