Image result for saxons knife

ED-NOTE – This article fails to mention the most important thing of all: what does the word Ashkenaz actually mean? Because it does mean something and it is NOT Khazars.

We find the word ‘Ashkenaz’ all throughout Jewish Medieval literature and it means one thing and one thing only: Germany. The Ashenazi are Jews living in Germany and most specifically, the Jews living in what was known as Old Saxony. And Old Saxony is that part of Germany where the Saxons, who invaded Britain and ‘utterly destroyed’ the druidic Celtic culture, came from. 

The Saxons were (are?) the most brutal, savage and blood thirsty of all the Germanic barbarian tribes and the etymology of their name might perhaps shed some light on who they really are.

The WN/CI would like to believe that Saxons means the ‘son of Isaac’ but traditionally, it literally means”warrior with knives”or “dagger-men”.  As far as I know, there was only one other group of people known as dagger-men: the Sicarii. In other words, Saxons can be and perhaps should be translated as Sicarii. It is the exact same meaning after all.

We know that Judaism used to be a proselyting religion. Could it be that the Saxons-Sicarii had first adopted Judaism before they were brutally forced to convert to Christianity by the Frankish king Charlemagne after his 30 years war against them?

The Saxons-Sicarii-Ashkenazi triangle could explain many things among which:

1 – why the Kabbalah which was meant to subvert and destroy the Italian and French societies failed miserably while in Germany and especially in Old Saxony-Ashkenaz, its success exceeded expectations. 

2 – why the Reformation, triggered by the Saxon Martin Luther, could only have started in in Northern Germany-Ashkenaz, why it took by storm all the Northern Germanic countries, Britain included, while Latin and Slavic countries resisted it.

3 – why there are so many similarities in mindset between the Jews, the Germans and the Anglo-Saxons and why the Anglo-Saxons have been Judea’s favorite attack dog for centuries now.

I think the CI/WN crowds may have been right all along: when they tell us they are the true Israelites, what they are in fact telling us is that they are simply Jews, with all the horror this word conveys or, to use a Jewish medieval terminology, they are the real Ashkenazi, the Jews of the Old Saxony.  CONTINUE READING


11 thoughts on “Genetic study: Ashkenazi Jews are substantially of Western European origin”
  1. So the tall, fair haired descendants of the Scandinavians who made up the ancient German tribes where really JOOS. WOW. Never knew that at all. What a turn up for the books.
    Amazing really how you can redirect history into whatever shape you wish to fashion it isn’t it?
    Still don’t worry, it’s only the Jews who annihilate the truth. If the people on this site do it, it’s because they mean well?
    Dna evidence is one way to prove your point, wouldn’t that make sense?
    You don’t need to publish my post. Just made me think twice about ever reading this site again. And also explains why the posts on this site are becoming as rare as hen’s teeth.

    ed note–instead of getting your panties in a knot over the ed notes, why not instead demonstrate some of that superior intellectual prowess into debating/deconstructing the thesis as it appears in the scientific piece that is cited here? After all, the ‘DNA Evidence’ which you cited is THE central focus of the piece, but I guess you didn’t read it, for if you had, you would not be spouting off in the manner that you are.
    Posts here as scarce as ‘Hen’s teeth?’ This website is updated daily and has almost 6,000 subscribers, but I guess you didn’t notice that fact either.

  2. Are the Ashkenazi mongrelised Middle Eastern/ European people from Northern Turkey converted to Judaism around 700 or 800 AD who made their way towards the Caucasus mountains? They were very prevalent in Ukraine which is the place many jews today think of as their homeland.
    The Saxons were the ones who had their ancient pagan religion destroyed by the advent of Charlemagne, an early Jewish infiltrator of the Christian establishment.
    They were tribal people who worshipped the Earth and the nature around them and in no way deserve this sort of disparagement from anyone coming from a modern context.
    The jews themselves would love to see this diatribe against the very people they have abused and trampled underfoot for such a long period.
    Just want to add I don’t get your animosity towards Luther either. He was taken in by the Jews until he learned the truth about them from their own religious books and ever after he was steadfastly fighting against them.
    It all seems like so much has been an accident of history. The Jews have connived until they got their way, but they were never omnipotent. They are just a mafia organisation at the end of the day.
    I don’t think i ever claimed to have any intellectual prowess, I’m just an ordinary person thinking my own individual thoughts.
    I wouldn’t take any facts as verbatim from the gutter media myself but I can use my own God given eyes and can distinguish the different between a person of Scandinavian or Germanic extraction and a Jewish/ Ashkenazi/ oriental type without a DNA kit in tow. It’s what I’ve learned living in Europe for my entire life now. You kinda pick up on these things
    I thought i would get nasty response from you and by God I was right wasn’t I?
    It just annoys me that in the course of persuing your agenda you seem to be happy to print out misleading articles which no doubt originate from a deceitful Jewish source.
    Good day sir.
    ed note–as one great Anglo Saxon Lawyer, John Adams, said in defending the British soldiers on trial for murder after what became known as the Boston Massacre, ‘Facts are stubborn things, and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.’
    You may not like the implications of what the DNA evidence suggests, i.e. that a substantial portion of world Jewry is of European and Germanic stock, but that does not change the facts. All one need do is look at pics such as this–
    Image result for ashkenazi jews
    or this–
    Image result for fair skinned jews
    –in seeing for yourself that there is no ‘semitic’ or ‘middle eastern’ component to their DNA.
    Even the lunatic fringe Christian Identity types claim that they are the descendants of the biblical hebrews and use this as the foundation upon which they claim superior DNA and ‘chosenness’.
    Yes, a group of Germanic people could have converted to Judaism in centuries or even in millenia past, developed the insular, isolated, Ghetto lifestyle that Judaism ALWAYS produces, engaged in incest and inbreeding and–VOILA–you have the ‘Ashkenazi Jew’ we see today, with his/her blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, Germanic surnames, etc. Why else would they remain part of Germanic and European culture unless it was more inline with the deep, inner rumblings of their DNA rather than returning to their roots in the Middle East or Turkey?
    And there is no doubting/debating that Europeans have been abused by the Jews. Every one of the 15,000+ articles appearing on this website over the many years we have been operating here attest to this fact, so why would you even need to mention it?
    And as far as my ‘nasty’ response, it was no more so than your original comment. Why is it that folks such as you feel it is somehow acceptable for you to toss around accusations, assertions, innuendo and intimations but that it is not okay for me/us to respond in kind? Is this really what has happened to the rules of the game, that one side is free to call into question the credibility and integrity of those who put their real names, real faces, real identities on the line in a very public manner by operating on the battlefield and yet when the tables are turned, somehow it is a violation of some sacred and sanctified equilibrium that has no place in a ‘fair’ fight?
    I’ll choose to end this with an often-used phrase here in the US–
    ‘If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen…’
    A good day to you as well sir, madame, madamoiselle, or whatever you happen to be, given that we don’t know who you really are.

  3. David Duke is extraordinarily hostile to anyone who disputes the idea that today’s Ashkenazi are related to the original Israelites. A few weeks ago, on his radio show he tore into his guest that day, the British author of ‘The Synagogue of Satan’ (whose name escapes me), for daring to even mention the Khazars. I’m agnostic on the ‘Khazar theory’ myself, but Duke’s habit of citing Jewish Zionist sources when attempting to debunk this strikes me as rather contradictory of everything else he says. According to him Jewish Zionists are pathological liars, but apparently they must be trusted unreservedly when they make claims about their own racial lineage – even though these claims are absolutely central for their justification for the state of Israel and for modern Jewish exceptionalism.
    As for “Anglo-Saxons”, the evidence that most of the English are Anglo-Saxons is fairly tenuous to put it mildly. The most comprehensive study of English DNA ever conducted (by Oxford University in 2015) found that 40 per cent of the English population shared genes with the French (non Norman French at that) compared with only thirty per cent with folk from ANY part of Germany. Needless to say that doesn’t necessarily refute your theory about the Anglo-Saxons – they don’t need to have been a majority to run the show in England.
    There is absolutely no doubt of the longstanding alliance between ‘Anglo-Saxon’ Masonic Protestantism and the Tribe. The leader of the anti-Catholic Know Nothings in the US, Charles Levinson, was Jewish, and the leader of the anti-Catholic Gordon riots in 18th century London converted to orthodox Judaism. Unlike some white nats, Duke is not notably anti-Catholic, but he does frequently claim that Jewish supremacists have a special vendetta against WASPs. Oh really? When was the last time Hollywood made a film attacking Protestant churches – in the manner of ‘Spotlight’, ‘Philomena’, ‘The Magdalen Laundries’, ‘Angela’s Ashes’, ‘Sing Street’, and on and on. No such films exist, whereas Hollywood spews forth Oscar garlanded (or nominated) anti-Catholic blockbusters on average once every two or three years.
    And when was the last time the New York Times, the Boston Globe or the Guardian reported on sexual abuse in Protestant denominations or in Protestand schools and institutions? It simply doesn’t happen – even though many famous Protestants, from C.S Lewis to the author and journalist A.N. Wilson, have admitted that such abuse was endemic in British public schools.
    I’m not saying Zios love Protestants – but their number one target is always and everywhere the Catholic Church and ethnic Catholic nations.

  4. Wasn’t arguing that Jews do not exist in Europe, we all know they do.
    Just can’t believe that someone suggesting that the Saxons were Jewish before Charlemagne.
    Have never heard that before and seems to me to be a great offence to the Saxons who were nothing but a tribe of European origin, much more like Native Americans than Jews before Charlemagne came to destroy their world.
    Jews also existed in Africa, China, Russia and the Middle East etc and they look African, Chinese , Russian and Middle Eastern etc.too. This doesn’t mean that the non Jewish inhabitants won’t be able to tell them apart because they will even if we as outsiders of that country can’t.
    So does this not tell us conclusively that the Jews are not a race but a group of co religionists?
    They are human beings underneath and it’s their actions as a group that is at fault not necessarily them as individuals. He that is without sin eh?
    I re read the article because I thought I was being unfair, and I do admit I was angry like I always feel when I believe that people are trying to re write history to suit any particular narrative.
    The article quite clearly states that most Jews back in the day where living around Italy and Southern Europe which I would expect to find having been to these places. The great jewish historian Flavius Josephus’s himself stated this.
    Remember that Northern Europe was covered in mighty forests where tribes of people often lived in isolation and free from foreign influence in many cases unlike the drier and more arid south of Europe which has naturally been more conducive to a more cosmopolitan society where ideas and philosophies would have been traded as frequently as goods.
    And Jews go where the money is and not where the wildlife and the nice scenery is in general.
    Facts really are stubborn things.

  5. What nonsense this alleged scientific comment is all about. We just need to recall what German philosopher Martin Heidegger stated in his 2014 published Black Book comment that points to a cultural origin of Judaism:
    The Jews, with their marked gift for calculating, live, already for the longest time, according to the principle of race, which is why they are resisting its consistent application with utmost violence.
    Then read what Jews themselves have formulated as their own moral and intellectual guide in the Jerusalem-Palestinian Talmud and Babylonian Talmud, which clearly sets the dialectic of them-us in a life-death battle for survival.
    The physical centre of this impulse is Jerusalem, from which a Middle Eastern focused mindset emerges. Hence. for example,to this day once a month all Freemasons around the world seek to assist in rebuilding King Solomon’s Temple!
    Then in an attempt to make out the Saxons were over- aggressive and bloodthirsty, studies have revealed they, including other Germans, have had far fewer wars:
    Thus it is false to state that THE GERMAN NATION IS AN AGGRESSIVE NATION because the facts prove otherwise. A Study of War by Prof. Quincy Wright, shows that in the period from 1480 to 1940 there were 278 wars involving European countries whose percentage participation was as follows:
    ENGLAND 28%
    FRANCE 26%
    SPAIN 23%
    RUSSIA 22%
    AUSTRIA 19%
    TURKEY 15%
    POLAND 11%
    SWEDEN 9%
    ITALY 9%
    DENMARK 7%
    Likewise, Pitirim Sorokin, Vol.111, Part.11, Social and Cultural Dynamics, shows that from the 12th Century to 1925 the percentage of years in which leading European powers have been at war is as follows. (p.352).
    SPAIN 67%
    POLAND 58%
    ENGLAND 56%
    FRANCE 50%
    RUSSIA 46%
    HOLLAND 44%
    ITALY 36%
    GERMANY 28%
    Sorokin concludes therefore, “that Germany has had the smallest and Spain the largest percent of years at war.” Of leading modern European states, England, France and Russia show clearly twice the aggressive tendencies of Germany.
    From the years 1815 to 1907 the record stands as follows:
    BRITAIN 10 wars
    RUSSIA 7 wars
    FRANCE 5 wars
    AUSTRIA 3 wars
    “I believe now that Hitler and the German people did not want war. But we declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of balance of power, and we were encouraged by the ‘Americans’ around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler’s pleadings not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right.” – Attorney General, Sir Hartley Shawcross, March,16th, 1984
    “The last thing Hitler wanted was to produce another great war.” – Sir Basil Liddell Hart.
    “I see no reason why this war must go on. I am grieved to think of the sacrifices which it will claim. I would like to avert them.” – Adolf Hitler, July, 1940.
    Winston Churchill agrees: “We entered the war of our own free will, without ourselves being directly assaulted.” – Guild Hall Speech, July 1943.

  6. The DNA evidence does its job: proves they are not who they claim to be. They are descended from someone called Ashkenaz who’s lineage is traced to a man called Japheth, in the Biblical record. JAPHETH. And the table of nations concur: Shem; Khemet; and Japheth. Ashkenaz came from JAPHETH. So at most, they are converts to a RELIGION. They are not of Shemitic (“semitic”) stock.

  7. As a half-German European, I completely agree with the analysis and conclusions stated in the ED-NOTE text.
    The findings listed in the ed-note are very enlightening indeed and even more relevant than the article itself.
    Thank you.

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