Protester who chanted against Zionists during summer demonstration convicted of incitement against a minority; will appeal

Times of Israel

At the height of this summer’s Israel-Hamas conflict, Europe erupted with anti-Israel sentiment. From London to Paris, large-scale violent demonstrations were seen in most European capitals and throughout Germany

Speaking at a special meeting at the Knesset in the end of July, describing demonstrations at home in which they heard regular shouts of “Death to the Jews,” “Jews are pigs,” prominent German Jews said the atmosphere in the country felt like shades of 1933.

“Why aren’t the German police taking the details of these people shouting in an aggressive way ‘Death to the Jews’?” asked Nathan Norman Gelbart, the head of Germany’s Keren Hayesod (United Jewish Appeal).

The wheels of justice move slowly, but they are inching forward in Germany. In a unprecedented case heard half a year after these violent anti-Israel demonstrations, last week in Essen, German Judge Gauri Sastry convicted 24-year-old Taylan Can for incitement against an ethnic minority for events at a July 18, 2014, anti-Israel demonstration in the town.

Eyewitness accounts report hostile anti-Israel chants and stones thrown from the anti-Israel camp to the smaller group of Israel supporters. According to the Anti-Defamation League, a breakaway group headed toward a local synagogue, intending to attack it.

A YouTube video of the demonstration shows fields of Palestinian flags and Turkish flags, and a motley group of young men running and chanting “Adolf Hitler” and “Death to the Jews.” In the video, popular Essen Muslim rapper Sinan-G speaks to the camera explaining this is a counter-demonstration against the Jews. “The Jews insulted us, man, this is crazy stuff,” he said.

Despite the large police presence, the crowd was clearly out of control. According to Die Welt, police arrested 49 protesters. Forty-five cases were dismissed in December.

Born in Germany to a Turkish family, Can is well-known for his anti-Israel activism. According to Die Welt, Can was caught on tape at a Copenhagen protest shouting into a borrowed police megaphone, “Death to the Jews,” “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas chamber.”

At his Essen hearing this winter Can was prosecuted for his use of the term “Zionist” as incitement against a minority.

During the hearing, Can claimed he was not an anti-Semite and had nothing against the Jewish people but only against the Zionist state. In response, Judge Sastry is quoted by Die Welt saying, “‘Zionist’ is the language of anti-Semites, the code for ‘Jew.’”

Sastry’s judgment, which does not form a binding precedent in German law, essentially semantically equates anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.

Can was sentenced to three months’ probation and a fine of 200 euros. He has until Friday to appeal.

On his Facebook page this week, Can reiterated he that he is not against Jews and stated his intention of appealing to both the district and federal courts.

Reached Monday by The Times of Israel, Gelbart, who was recently part of a delegation of European leaders to Jerusalem for the funerals of those murdered in the Paris HyperCacher terrorist attack, is not optimistic the verdict will be upheld on appeal.

“It’s a very brave verdict… The court has said clearly what our political scientists have known for decades,” said Gelbart.

“It will cause a lot of attention, especially among those who claim they’re not against Jews, but only against Zionists,” he said. Gelbart, who is a lawyer, explained there are many politicians from across the political spectrum, including parties in the German parliament, who use the word “Zionist” to express hatred against Jews while avoiding prosecution.

He doubts the case will stand on appeal since the defendant can be acquitted if there is even a shadow of doubt that he did not intend to incite against the Jewish minority.

“We have an anti-Zionist industry across Europe who are living off this legitimacy to spread hatred through using the word ‘Zionist,’” said Gelbart.

0 thoughts on “German judge rules: Anti-Zionism is code for anti-Semitism”
  1. I shall play editor…

    “At the height of this summer’s Israel-Hamas conflict, the latest Jewish attack on the Gaza Death Camp Europe erupted with anti-Israel sentiment a cry of ‘Mercy for the victims’”

    “From London to Paris, large-scale violent demonstrations calls for peace and compassion were seen in most European capitals and throughout Germany.”

    “Speaking at a special meeting at the Knesset in the end of July, describing demonstrations at home in which they heard regular shouts of “Death to the Jews,” and “Jews are pigs,” “Stop the bombing!” and “Have mercy for the children!” prominent German Jews said the atmosphere in the country felt like shades of 1933.”

    (As though the Jews were alive in 1933.)

    “Why aren’t the German police taking the details of these people shouting in an aggressive pleading way ‘Death to the Jews’? ‘Stop the slaughter!’ asked Nathan Norman Gelbart, the head of Germany’s Keren Hayesod (United Jewish Appeal).



    Each Jewish rampage splits people around the world into [1] worshippers of Jewish atrocities and [2] questioners of Jewish atrocities.

    Each Jewish atrocity-binge ends friendships, and even ends relations between spouses and family members, as people choose to align with evil (i.e. with Jews), or with goodness.

    While the Jewish rampage is happening, Jews lose some of their control over foreign governments. The Goy masses escape from their cages. Average people become free to question Jewish atrocities without being imprisoned as “anti-Semites.”

    After the rampage ends and the dust settles, and the blood dries, Jews take their revenge, starting with the weakest members of society. For example, Germans hate Turkish immigrants. Thus, German Judge Gauri Sastry convicted 24-year-old Taylan Can (a Turk) for questioning Jewish atrocities. Average Germans go along with this Jewish revenge.

    In this way, Germans submit to Jewish supremacy.

    “Can was caught on tape at a Copenhagen protest shouting into a borrowed police megaphone, ‘Death to the Jews,’ ‘Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas chamber’.”

    If Mr. Can had been a Jew shouting “Death to the Goyim!” then the Danish government would have given him a medal, plus a lifelong stipend.

  2. Really these brethren are wasting their time trying to change things in places like thought controlled Germany…….
    Amazing how humiliated these courts of Germany have become…..
    Those Demons on two legs kill and you cannot give a peep, not even words …….emasculated people deserve emasculated countries…..
    Defeated folk……..
    Thankfully around the Muslim world everyone knows who is responsible and what a thorn on our backside their so called country is and where their putrid ideas come from in their subverted religion.
    We will win because we know that this is a promise from Allah, despite all their media, laws and military campaigns.
    These people are protecting a nation that promotes vice, and war this disgusting!

    The previous generations would be embarrassed to call us their progeny!

  3. Listen to Konrads deep insight ! I hope to add my own. In this ruling the “All Jews are not Zionists”,argument is properly destroyed. FACT: Judaism is Zionism”. That religion is not based on spiritulaity,but materialism. Some,in this “Movement’,still cling to this,because of the ‘Bible’. Look at reality; It promises the Jews a physical land,from which,their “diety”,called Yahweh ,will eventualty come,and rule the world from. Some look to a tiny sect of Jews,who are opposed to Isreal. A waist of ;they just reverse the process,wanting Messiah to come and give it to them himself . This conviction in Zionist Occupied Germany, This ruling also demonstrates the abilty of the ‘world’,to create Jew Worship. Codifying their power in law,as well,as religion. A personal point;long ago I wrote some posts on THE EXPERIANCE PROJECT ,website. It is about ,”Recovering from Catholicism.” As I had awful experiances in Catholic School,which overhang in my life today. Of course I completely detest them now ,for their Opis Dei ,Vatican 2 Jew Worship,as well. The Pope himself,tells me “I am not welcome”,as a critic of Israel. Even I was stunned by the Catholic Sophistry is ‘intellectual’ jujitsu,of one posters ‘deeply ‘educated Jew Worship .(I am getting responses from my long ago post!) They even lament the destruction of the Tempple,and wax on,about the ‘;evils’,of Rome,including its first Christian Emperor Constintine ! All because of their number 1 priority is PROTECTING JEWS. The hell with everyone else. All is subjective to them. Get this clearly into your mind,and heart. You are either against Jews,or for them. NO COMPROMISE,with them,or those who worship them. We arein slvery to them,unless this is broken.

  4. Well….why not consider the Torah and the Talmud as hate speech. They are racist, gender biased, and threatening in many ways

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