2 thoughts on “German Politician: "Putin must Pay for Syria"”
  1. The article was great until the usual Russian silly reference to ” Nazi henchmen ” etc…I have news for Russia ,and the smart ones know this. The same people who assailed Germany in WW 2 are doing do to Russia today
    Of course tge German politician is ” controlled “.
    Most of them are ,as Germany is Zionist Occupied Territory .
    At one time W Germany wholly industrial and staffed at the highest echelons by former NS and traditionalist Patriots maneuvered around some of Judaic insanity .
    With passing time ,the Jews power of finance and the grave changed this small but powerful light .
    Take note …this idiot politician is from the ” Christian Democrat Party “… The ” Conservative ” party ,like Polish washwomen Merkel .
    She a forner ranking Communist in E Germany …this is typical as his comments are so ” Leftist ” yet rapped in the Right Wing party talking points .
    See how the Jews play the Matrix ?
    Trotskyites run the ,” Right ” mainstream in Germany too.
    Bottom line …JEW .

  2. This psychopath Norbert Roettgen claims that what the Zio-monsters who have destroyed 5 countries and murdered more than 10 million innocent people in the last 13 years are the Angels from Heaven and the Russians who stopped their dream of keep killing more people are the real devils.You have to have a Jewish sick twisted mentality to think like that.

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